author ali <ali@juiblex.co.uk>
Mon Jan 30 23:32:57 2012 +0000 (2012-01-30)
changeset 12 84459e0f099b
parent 9 6a13fe0fc19e
child 17 2c88fd553e5d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added tag 1.51 for changeset 4a80c6053a66
     1 #include <stdlib.h>
     2 #include <stdio.h>
     3 #include <string.h>
     4 #include <errno.h>
     5 #include <glib.h>
     6 #include <glib/gstdio.h>
     7 #include <bl/bl.h>
     8 #include "testcase.h"
     9 #include "testcaseinput.h"
    11 GQuark testcase_error_quark(void)
    12 {
    13     return g_quark_from_static_string("testcase-error-quark");
    14 }
    16 /*
    17  * Return the length (in bytes) of any common prefix between s1 and s2.
    18  * The returned length will always represent an exact number of characters.
    19  */
    20 size_t common_prefix_length(const char *s1,const char *s2)
    21 {
    22     gunichar c1,c2;
    23     const char *s=s1;
    24     while(*s1 && *s2)
    25     {
    26 	c1=g_utf8_get_char(s1);
    27 	c2=g_utf8_get_char(s2);
    28 	if (c1!=c2)
    29 	    break;
    30 	s1=g_utf8_next_char(s1);
    31 	s2=g_utf8_next_char(s2);
    32     }
    33     return s1-s;
    34 }
    36 void print_unexpected(const char *unexpected,gsize differs_at)
    37 {
    38     int col;
    39     gunichar c;
    40     const char *endp,*bol,*s;
    41     GString *string;
    42     endp=strchr(unexpected+differs_at,'\n');
    43     if (!endp)
    44 	endp=unexpected+strlen(unexpected);
    45     string=g_string_new_len(unexpected,endp-unexpected);
    46     bol=strrchr(string->str,'\n');
    47     if (bol)
    48 	bol++;
    49     else
    50 	bol=string->str;
    51     col=0;
    52     s=bol;
    53     endp=string->str+differs_at;
    54     while(s<endp)
    55     {
    56 	c=g_utf8_get_char(s);
    57 	s=g_utf8_next_char(s);
    58 	if (c=='\t')
    59 	    col=(col&~7)+8;
    60 	else if (g_unichar_iswide(c))
    61 	    col+=2;
    62 	else if (!g_unichar_iszerowidth(c))
    63 	    col++;
    64     }
    65     g_print("%s\n%*s^\n",string->str,col,"");
    66     g_string_free(string,TRUE);
    67 }
    69 /*
    70  * Create all the input files needed by a testcase and, if required,
    71  * a temporary directory in which to store them.
    72  */
    73 gboolean testcase_create_input_files(Testcase *testcase,GError **error)
    74 {
    75     GSList *link,*link2;
    76     if (testcase->flags&TESTCASE_TMP_DIR)
    77     {
    78 	testcase->tmpdir=g_strdup("TEST-XXXXXX");
    79 	if (!g_mkdtemp(testcase->tmpdir))
    80 	{
    81 	    g_set_error(error,G_FILE_ERROR,g_file_error_from_errno(errno),
    82 	      "Failed to create temporary directory: %s",g_strerror(errno));
    83 	    g_free(testcase->tmpdir);
    84 	    testcase->tmpdir=NULL;
    85 	    return FALSE;
    86 	}
    87     }
    88     for(link=testcase->inputs;link;link=link->next)
    89 	if (!testcase_input_create(testcase,link->data,error))
    90 	{
    91 	    for(link2=testcase->inputs;link2!=link;link2=link2->next)
    92 		(void)testcase_input_remove(testcase,link2->data,NULL);
    93 	    if (testcase->tmpdir)
    94 	    {
    95 		(void)g_rmdir(testcase->tmpdir);
    96 		g_free(testcase->tmpdir);
    97 		testcase->tmpdir=NULL;
    98 	    }
    99 	    return FALSE;
   100 	}
   101     return TRUE;
   102 }
   104 /*
   105  * Remove all the input files used by a testcase and, if created,
   106  * the temporary directory in which they are stored.
   107  */
   108 gboolean testcase_remove_input_files(Testcase *testcase,GError **error)
   109 {
   110     GSList *link;
   111     GError *tmp_err=NULL;
   112     gboolean retval=TRUE;
   113     for(link=testcase->inputs;link;link=link->next)
   114 	if (!testcase_input_remove(testcase,link->data,&tmp_err))
   115 	{
   116 	    if (error && !*error)
   117 		g_propagate_error(error,tmp_err);
   118 	    else
   119 		g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
   120 	    retval=FALSE;
   121 	}
   122     if (testcase->tmpdir)
   123     {
   124 	if (g_rmdir(testcase->tmpdir))
   125 	{
   126 	    if (error && !*error)
   127 		g_set_error(error,G_FILE_ERROR,g_file_error_from_errno(errno),
   128 		  "Failed to remove temporary directory: %s",g_strerror(errno));
   129 	    retval=FALSE;
   130 	}
   131 	g_free(testcase->tmpdir);
   132 	testcase->tmpdir=NULL;
   133     }
   134     return retval;
   135 }
   137 /*
   138  * Replace every occurance of an input file name in <str> with the
   139  * filename which holds that input. For input files with fixed names,
   140  * this is a noop. For input files which use the "XXXXXX" sequence
   141  * to create a unique filename, the XXXXXX will be replaced with the
   142  * 6 characters that were chosen to be unique.
   143  */
   144 char *testcase_resolve_input_files(Testcase *testcase,const char *str)
   145 {
   146     GSList *link;
   147     gsize offset,pos;
   148     char *s;
   149     TestcaseInput *input;
   150     GString *filename=g_string_new(str);
   151     for(link=testcase->inputs;link;link=link->next)
   152     {
   153 	input=link->data;
   154 	if (!input->name_used)
   155 	{
   156 	    g_warning("%s: Input file uninstantiated",input->name);
   157 	    continue;
   158 	}
   159 	offset=0;
   160 	do
   161 	{
   162 	    s=strstr(filename->str+offset,input->name);
   163 	    if (s)
   164 	    {
   165 		pos=s-filename->str;
   166 		g_string_overwrite(filename,pos,input->name_used);
   167 		offset=pos+strlen(input->name);
   168 	    }
   169 	} while(s);
   170     }
   171     return g_string_free(filename,FALSE);
   172 }
   174 gboolean testcase_spawn_bookloupe(Testcase *testcase,char **standard_output,
   175   GError **error)
   176 {
   177     gboolean r;
   178     int i,exit_status;
   179     char **argv;
   180     char *output,*s;
   181     GError *tmp_err=NULL;
   182     if (testcase->options)
   183 	argv=g_new(char *,g_strv_length(testcase->options)+3);
   184     else
   185 	argv=g_new(char *,3);
   186     s=getenv("BOOKLOUPE");
   187     if (!s)
   188 	s="bookloupe";
   189     argv[0]=path_to_absolute(s);
   190     for(i=0;testcase->options && testcase->options[i];i++)
   191 	argv[i+1]=testcase_resolve_input_files(testcase,testcase->options[i]);
   192     argv[i+1]=testcase_resolve_input_files(testcase,"TEST-XXXXXX");
   193     argv[i+2]=NULL;
   194     if (standard_output)
   195     {
   196 	r=spawn_sync(testcase->tmpdir,argv,&s,&exit_status,error);
   197 	if (r)
   198 	{
   199 	    if (testcase->encoding)
   200 	    {
   201 		output=g_convert(s,-1,"UTF-8",testcase->encoding,NULL,NULL,
   202 		  &tmp_err);
   203 		g_free(s);
   204 		if (!output)
   205 		{
   206 		    g_propagate_prefixed_error(error,tmp_err,
   207 		      "Conversion from %s failed: ",testcase->encoding);
   208 		    r=FALSE;
   209 		}
   210 	    }
   211 	    else
   212 	    {
   213 		output=s;
   214 		if (!g_utf8_validate(s,-1,NULL))
   215 		{
   216 		    g_set_error_literal(error,TESTCASE_ERROR,
   218 		      "bookloupe output is not valid UTF-8");
   219 		    r=FALSE;
   220 		}
   221 	    }
   222 	}
   223     }
   224     else
   225     {
   226 	r=spawn_sync(testcase->tmpdir,argv,NULL,&exit_status,error);
   227 	output=NULL;
   228     }
   229     g_strfreev(argv);
   230     if (r && exit_status)
   231     {
   233 	  "bookloupe exited with code %d",exit_status);
   234 	r=FALSE;
   235     }
   236     if (r && standard_output)
   237 	*standard_output=output;
   238     return r;
   239 }
   241 /*
   242  * Run a testcase, returning FALSE on fail or error and
   243  * TRUE on pass or expected-fail.
   244  * Suitable message(s) will be printed in all cases.
   245  */
   246 gboolean testcase_run(Testcase *testcase)
   247 {
   248     gboolean r;
   249     size_t pos,offset;
   250     GString *header,*expected;
   251     char *output,*filename,*s;
   252     GError *error=NULL;
   253     if (!testcase_create_input_files(testcase,&error))
   254     {
   255 	g_print("%s: FAIL\n",testcase->basename);
   256 	g_print("%s\n",error->message);
   257 	g_error_free(error);
   258 	return FALSE;
   259     }
   260     if (testcase->expected)
   261 	r=testcase_spawn_bookloupe(testcase,&output,&error);
   262     else
   263     {
   264 	r=testcase_spawn_bookloupe(testcase,NULL,&error);
   265         output=NULL;
   266     }
   267     if (!r)
   268     {
   269 	g_print("%s: FAIL\n",testcase->basename);
   270 	g_print("%s\n",error->message);
   271 	g_error_free(error);
   272 	(void)testcase_remove_input_files(testcase,NULL);
   273 	return FALSE;
   274     }
   275     filename=testcase_resolve_input_files(testcase,"TEST-XXXXXX");
   276     if (!testcase_remove_input_files(testcase,&error))
   277     {
   278 	g_print("%s: FAIL\n",testcase->basename);
   279 	g_print("%s\n",error->message);
   280 	g_error_free(error);
   281 	return FALSE;
   282     }
   283     if (testcase->expected)
   284     {
   285 	header=g_string_new("\n\nFile: ");
   286 	g_string_append(header,filename);
   287 	g_string_append(header,"\n");
   288 	expected=g_string_new(testcase->expected);
   289 	if (!g_str_has_prefix(output,header->str))
   290 	{
   291 	    g_print("%s: FAIL\n",testcase->basename);
   292 	    offset=common_prefix_length(output,header->str);
   293 	    g_print("Unexpected header from bookloupe:\n");
   294 	    print_unexpected(output,offset);
   295 	    r=FALSE;
   296 	}
   297 	pos=header->len;
   298 	if (r)
   299 	{
   300 	    /* Skip the summary */
   301 	    s=strstr(output+pos,"\n\n");
   302 	    if (s)
   303 		pos=s-output+2;
   304 	    else
   305 	    {
   306 		g_print("%s: FAIL\n",testcase->basename);
   307 		offset=common_prefix_length(output,header->str);
   308 		g_print("Unterminated summary from bookloupe:\n%s\n",
   309 		  output+pos);
   310 		r=FALSE;
   311 	    }
   312 	}
   313 	if (r && strcmp(output+pos,expected->str))
   314 	{
   315 	    g_print("%s: FAIL\n",testcase->basename);
   316 	    offset=common_prefix_length(output+pos,expected->str);
   317 	    if (!offset && !output[pos+offset])
   318 		g_print("Unexpected zero warnings from bookloupe.\n");
   319 	    else
   320 	    {
   321 		g_print("Unexpected output from bookloupe:\n");
   322 		print_unexpected(output+pos,offset);
   323 	    }
   324 	    r=FALSE;
   325 	}
   326 	g_string_free(header,TRUE);
   327 	g_string_free(expected,TRUE);
   328     }
   329     g_free(filename);
   330     g_free(output);
   331     if (r)
   332 	g_print("%s: PASS\n",testcase->basename);
   333     return r;
   334 }
   336 /*
   337  * Free a testcase.
   338  */
   339 void testcase_free(Testcase *testcase)
   340 {
   341     g_free(testcase->basename);
   342     g_slist_foreach(testcase->inputs,(GFunc)testcase_input_free,NULL);
   343     g_slist_free(testcase->inputs);
   344     g_free(testcase->expected);
   345     g_free(testcase->encoding);
   346     g_strfreev(testcase->options);
   347     g_free(testcase);
   348 }