ali@0: RELEASE NOTES FOR GUTCHECK 0.99 20051105 ali@0: ---------------------------------------- ali@0: ali@0: This is the README file for Gutcheck. ali@0: ali@0: Gutcheck is a command-line tool for finding problems in ali@0: files for submission to Project Gutenberg. ali@0: ali@0: You should have received the following files: ali@0: ali@0: GUTCHECK.EXE MS-DOS Executable ali@0: gutcheck.txt Documentation ali@0: gutcheck.c Source code ali@0: gutcheck.typ A sample typo file ali@0: README This file ali@0: COPYING A copy of the GNU GPL licence ali@0: ali@0: This program is free software, without warranty of any kind, ali@0: licensed under the GNU GPL. A copy of the GNU GPL, entitled ali@0: 'COPYING' should be present. If not, you can find one at ali@0: ali@0: ali@0: Gutcheck was written by Jim Tinsley, who can be reached at ali@0:, or via