ali@30: **************** INPUT **************** ali@30: Certain words shouldn't be followed by commas and so we check for them. ali@30: ali@30: "Hurrah! that's, the way to do it!" ali@30: ali@30: "Give him a, swift one, Frank! Don't let, him hit it!" cried Sam Rover, ali@30: merrily. ali@30: ali@30: "Come now, it's, time we tied the, score." ali@30: ali@30: The regular season for baseball was at an, end, and the youths had fixed ali@30: up their, nines to suit themselves. ali@30: ali@30: But before the youngest Rover could reach the sphere down it ali@30: came--straight on the fancy straw hat of a dudish youth, crushing the ali@30: article over its, wearer's head. ali@30: ali@30: "I knocked the ball--but I didn't aim for your, hat," answered Tom. ali@30: ali@30: To my, old readers the lads who have thus far taken a part in this story ali@30: will need no special introduction. ali@30: ali@30: "It is a fine place, located in one of our, middle-western states." ali@30: ali@30: They also had with them their former school chum, William Philander ali@30: Tubbs, a student whose, entire spare time was spent in buying things to ali@30: wear of the latest fashions, and in seeking the society of his young ali@30: lady friends. ali@30: ali@30: Several days passed and during, that time the lads amused themselves ali@30: hugely, hunting, fishing, swimming and knocking around generally. ali@30: ali@30: From among, the trees three large Roman candles were sending their balls ali@30: of various colors high into the air. ali@30: ali@30: Another gasolene launch was coming up, dragging behind it nearly every, ali@30: rowboat Brill possessed. ali@30: ali@30: Specimens taken in February show yellow feathers coming in on the head, ali@30: and progressive changes toward, maturity continue all through the spring ali@30: months until, by summer, the yellow head is fully acquired. ali@30: ali@30: He was only 3 ft, from the stone. The observer was absent from 12 noon to ali@30: 2:33 pm. and from 3:30 pm, to 3:45 pm. ali@30: ali@30: It weighed 2.4 lbs. the first morning, 1.9 lbs. the second, and only 1.4 ali@30: lbs, on the third. Correspondingly, the following morning, he had lost one ali@30: lb, in weight. ali@30: ali@30: There are six replies to Coues' query printed in The Nidologist (vol. 4, ali@30: pp, 80, 81), cf, The Osprey (vol. 2, p. 122). ali@30: ali@30: I asked Mr. Smith jr, to meet me, and yet I found Mr. Smith sr, waiting ali@30: for me. ali@30: ali@30: 1892. Oyster vs, kingfisher. Ornithologist and Oologist, vol. 17, p. 109. ali@30: ali@30: I hold Acme ltd, responsible for everything that happened. ali@30: ali@30: **************** EXPECTED **************** ali@30: ali@30: "Hurrah! that's, the way to do it!" ali@30: Line 3 column 16 - Query punctuation after that's? ali@30: ali@30: "Give him a, swift one, Frank! Don't let, him hit it!" cried Sam Rover, ali@30: Line 5 column 12 - Query punctuation after a? ali@30: ali@30: "Give him a, swift one, Frank! Don't let, him hit it!" cried Sam Rover, ali@30: Line 5 column 41 - Query punctuation after let? ali@30: ali@30: "Come now, it's, time we tied the, score." ali@30: Line 8 column 16 - Query punctuation after it's? ali@30: ali@30: "Come now, it's, time we tied the, score." ali@30: Line 8 column 34 - Query punctuation after the? ali@30: ali@30: The regular season for baseball was at an, end, and the youths had fixed ali@30: Line 10 column 42 - Query punctuation after an? ali@30: ali@30: up their, nines to suit themselves. ali@30: Line 11 column 9 - Query punctuation after their? ali@30: ali@30: article over its, wearer's head. ali@30: Line 15 column 17 - Query punctuation after its? ali@30: ali@30: "I knocked the ball--but I didn't aim for your, hat," answered Tom. ali@30: Line 17 column 47 - Query punctuation after your? ali@30: ali@30: To my, old readers the lads who have thus far taken a part in this story ali@30: Line 19 column 6 - Query punctuation after my? ali@30: ali@30: "It is a fine place, located in one of our, middle-western states." ali@30: Line 22 column 43 - Query punctuation after our? ali@30: ali@30: Tubbs, a student whose, entire spare time was spent in buying things to ali@30: Line 25 column 23 - Query punctuation after whose? ali@30: ali@30: Several days passed and during, that time the lads amused themselves ali@30: Line 29 column 31 - Query punctuation after during? ali@30: ali@30: From among, the trees three large Roman candles were sending their balls ali@30: Line 32 column 11 - Query punctuation after among? ali@30: ali@30: Another gasolene launch was coming up, dragging behind it nearly every, ali@30: Line 35 column 71 - Query punctuation after every? ali@30: ali@30: and progressive changes toward, maturity continue all through the spring ali@30: Line 39 column 31 - Query punctuation after toward? ali@30: ali@30: He was only 3 ft, from the stone. The observer was absent from 12 noon to ali@30: Line 42 column 17 - Query punctuation after ft? ali@30: ali@30: 2:33 pm. and from 3:30 pm, to 3:45 pm. ali@30: Line 43 column 26 - Query punctuation after pm? ali@30: ali@30: lbs, on the third. Correspondingly, the following morning, he had lost one ali@30: Line 46 column 4 - Query punctuation after lbs? ali@30: ali@30: lb, in weight. ali@30: Line 47 column 3 - Query punctuation after lb? ali@30: ali@30: pp, 80, 81), cf, The Osprey (vol. 2, p. 122). ali@30: Line 50 column 3 - Query punctuation after pp? ali@30: ali@30: pp, 80, 81), cf, The Osprey (vol. 2, p. 122). ali@30: Line 50 column 16 - Query punctuation after cf? ali@30: ali@30: I asked Mr. Smith jr, to meet me, and yet I found Mr. Smith sr, waiting ali@30: Line 52 column 21 - Query punctuation after jr? ali@30: ali@30: I asked Mr. Smith jr, to meet me, and yet I found Mr. Smith sr, waiting ali@30: Line 52 column 63 - Query punctuation after sr? ali@30: ali@30: 1892. Oyster vs, kingfisher. Ornithologist and Oologist, vol. 17, p. 109. ali@30: Line 55 column 16 - Query punctuation after vs? ali@30: ali@30: I hold Acme ltd, responsible for everything that happened. ali@30: Line 57 column 16 - Query punctuation after ltd?