bookloupe ========= General installation instructions can be found in INSTALL. The following aim to give a quick overview and some help for specific systems. Documentation for bookloupe itself can be found in doc/bookloupe.txt and for the test framework in doc/loupe-test.txt. Linux ----- You should be able to use the standard: % ./configure % make % sudo make install If you get an error about no package 'glib-2.0' found, then you need to install the development package for glib2. Under Fedora, RHEL and friends that would be: % sudo yum install gcc pkgconfig glib2-devel Under Debian, Ubuntu and friends that would be: % sudo apt-get install gcc pkgconfig glib2-devel If you get really stuck, you can use the --without-glib option to configure, but this may well not be supported in a future version so this is probably best avoided. Microsoft Windows ----------------- It should be possible to use MSYS ( to build on a Windows machine. You'll need a copy of the development package for glib and its dependencies from It's much easier to build using a cross-compiler from Linux, if you have access to such a system. Under Fedora, RHEL and friends you can do this with: % sudo yum install mingw32-gcc pkgconfig mingw32-glib2-static \ mingw32-gettext-static mingw32-iconv-static % ./configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32 --disable-shared \ --bindir=/bookloupe --datadir=/ % make % mkdir build % make install DESTDIR=`pwd`/build The contents of the build/bookloupe directory can then be copied to a Microsoft Windows machine. Depending on the version of mingw32-gcc you use, you may need to specify a different host type. If you're not sure look and see what the cross-compiler is called (eg., i686-pc-mingw32-gcc) and use the prefix as the host type. Mac --- I think this should be quite similar to Linux, doing something like this: % sudo port install gcc pkgconfig glib2-devel % ./configure % make % sudo make install It may also be possible to use fink instead of macports.