changeset 530 ad51640dd2cd
parent 487 ab3aa66009de
child 534 cb1c3e2988b9
     1.1 --- a/gmyth-stream/client/src/gmyth-stream-client.c	Tue Apr 03 19:42:17 2007 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/gmyth-stream/client/src/gmyth-stream-client.c	Thu Apr 12 14:58:13 2007 +0100
     1.3 @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
     1.4  #include <glib/gprintf.h>
     1.5  #include <string.h>
     1.7 +
     1.8  #include "gmyth-stream-client.h"
    1.11 @@ -23,8 +24,10 @@
    1.12  struct _GMythStreamClientPrivate
    1.13  {
    1.14  	GList *streams;
    1.15 +	struct hostent *host;
    1.16  	gint sock;
    1.17  	gboolean connected;
    1.18 +   	struct sockaddr_in addr;
    1.19  };
    1.21  typedef struct _StreamData StreamData;
    1.22 @@ -33,24 +36,26 @@
    1.23  {
    1.24  	guint id;
    1.25  	guint port;
    1.26 +    gint s;
    1.27  };
    1.29 -static void gmyth_stream_client_class_init  (GMythStreamClientClass *klass);
    1.30 -static void gmyth_stream_client_init        (GMythStreamClient *object);
    1.31 -static void gmyth_stream_client_dispose  	(GObject *object);
    1.32 -static void gmyth_stream_client_finalize 	(GObject *object);
    1.33 +static void gmyth_stream_client_class_init				(GMythStreamClientClass *klass);
    1.34 +static void gmyth_stream_client_init					(GMythStreamClient *object);
    1.35 +static void gmyth_stream_client_dispose  				(GObject *object);
    1.36 +static void gmyth_stream_client_finalize 				(GObject *object);
    1.37 +static StreamData* gmtyh_stream_client_get_streamdata 	(GMythStreamClient *self,
    1.38 +														 guint stream_id);
    1.39 +
    1.41  G_DEFINE_TYPE(GMythStreamClient, gmyth_stream_client, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
    1.43  static void
    1.44  gmyth_stream_client_class_init (GMythStreamClientClass *klass)
    1.45 -{   
    1.46 +{
    1.47  	GObjectClass *gobject_class;
    1.48 -
    1.49  	gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
    1.51  	g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (GMythStreamClientPrivate));
    1.52 -        
    1.53  	gobject_class->dispose  = gmyth_stream_client_dispose;
    1.54  	gobject_class->finalize = gmyth_stream_client_finalize;
    1.55  }
    1.56 @@ -60,20 +65,20 @@
    1.57  {
    1.58  }
    1.60 -static void 
    1.61 +static void
    1.62  gmyth_stream_client_dispose (GObject *object)
    1.63  {
    1.64      gmyth_stream_client_disconnect (GMYTH_STREAM_CLIENT (object));
    1.65  }
    1.68 -static void 
    1.69 +static void
    1.70  gmyth_stream_client_finalize (GObject *object)
    1.71  {
    1.72  }
    1.74 -GMythStreamClient*    	
    1.75 -gmyth_stream_client_new ()                         
    1.76 +GMythStreamClient*
    1.77 +gmyth_stream_client_new ()
    1.78  {
    1.79  	return GMYTH_STREAM_CLIENT (g_object_new (GMYTH_TYPE_STREAM_CLIENT, NULL));
    1.80  }
    1.81 @@ -81,26 +86,22 @@
    1.82  gboolean
    1.83  gmyth_stream_client_connect (GMythStreamClient *self, const gchar *server, guint port)
    1.84  {
    1.85 -    	struct sockaddr_in addr;
    1.86 -     	struct hostent *hp;
    1.87 -
    1.88  	GMythStreamClientPrivate *priv = GMYTH_STREAM_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self);
    1.89 -	
    1.90  	g_return_val_if_fail (priv->connected == FALSE, TRUE);
    1.92  	priv->sock = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    1.93 -	if (priv->sock == -1) {	    
    1.94 +	if (priv->sock == -1) {
    1.95  	    g_debug ("Fail to create sock");
    1.96  	    return FALSE;
    1.97  	}
    1.99 -	memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
   1.100 -	hp = gethostbyname(server);
   1.101 -	memcpy(&addr, *(hp->h_addr_list),sizeof(struct in_addr));
   1.102 -	addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
   1.103 -	addr.sin_port = htons (port);
   1.104 +	memset(&(priv->addr), 0, sizeof(priv->addr));
   1.105 +	priv->host = gethostbyname(server);
   1.106 +	memcpy(&(priv->addr), *(priv->host->h_addr_list), sizeof(struct in_addr));
   1.107 +	priv->addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
   1.108 +	priv->addr.sin_port = htons (port);
   1.110 -	if (connect (priv->sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr)) == -1) {
   1.111 +	if (connect (priv->sock, (struct sockaddr *) &(priv->addr), sizeof (priv->addr)) == -1) {
   1.112              g_debug ("Fail to connect with server");
   1.113  	    shutdown (priv->sock,  SHUT_RDWR);
   1.114  	    priv->sock = -1;
   1.115 @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
   1.116  gmyth_stream_client_disconnect (GMythStreamClient *self)
   1.117  {
   1.118      GMythStreamClientPrivate *priv = GMYTH_STREAM_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self);
   1.119 -    
   1.120 +
   1.121  	g_return_if_fail (priv->connected == FALSE);
   1.123  	GList *lst = priv->streams;
   1.124 @@ -125,10 +126,10 @@
   1.125  		gmyth_stream_client_close_stream (self, data->id);
   1.126  	}
   1.128 -	close (priv->sock);	
   1.129 +	close (priv->sock);
   1.130  	shutdown (priv->sock, SHUT_RDWR);
   1.131      priv->sock = -1;
   1.132 -    priv->connected = FALSE;	
   1.133 +    priv->connected = FALSE;
   1.134  }
   1.136  guint
   1.137 @@ -144,61 +145,90 @@
   1.138  				guint port,
   1.139  				const gchar* opt)
   1.140  {
   1.141 -	gint stream_id = 0;
   1.142  	gchar *cmd;
   1.143  	StreamData *data = NULL;
   1.144  	GMythStreamClientPrivate *priv = GMYTH_STREAM_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self);
   1.145 -	
   1.146 +
   1.147  	g_return_val_if_fail (priv->connected == TRUE, FALSE);
   1.148 -	
   1.149 -	if (send (priv->sock, "SETUP", 5, MSG_CONFIRM) == -1)
   1.150 - 	    return -1;
   1.151 +	g_return_val_if_fail (file_name != NULL, FALSE);
   1.153 -	cmd = g_strdup_printf ("%s %s %s %d %f %s %d %d %d %d %s",
   1.154 -	                file_name, mux, vcodec, vbitrate, fps,
   1.155 -	                acodec, abitrate, width, height, port, opt);
   1.156 -	
   1.157 -	
   1.158 +	cmd = g_strdup_printf ("SETUP %s %s %s %d %f %s %d %d %d %d %s\n",
   1.159 +					file_name,
   1.160 +					(mux == NULL? "X" : mux),
   1.161 +					(vcodec == NULL ? "X" : vcodec),
   1.162 +					vbitrate,
   1.163 +					fps,
   1.164 +					(acodec == NULL ? "X" : acodec),
   1.165 +					abitrate,
   1.166 +					width, height, port,
   1.167 +					(opt == NULL ? "X" : opt));
   1.168 +
   1.169  	if (send (priv->sock, cmd, strlen (cmd), MSG_CONFIRM) == -1) {
   1.170 -	    g_free (cmd);
   1.171 -	    return -1;
   1.172 +		g_free (cmd);
   1.173 +		return -1;
   1.174  	}
   1.175  	g_free (cmd);
   1.177 -	
   1.178 +
   1.179  	data = g_new0 (StreamData, 1);
   1.180 -	data->id = stream_id;
   1.181 -    	data->port = port;
   1.182 +	data->port = port;
   1.183 +	data->id = data->s = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
   1.184 +
   1.186  	priv->streams = g_list_append (priv->streams, data);
   1.187 -	return stream_id;
   1.188 +	return data->id;
   1.189 +}
   1.190 +
   1.191 +static gchar**
   1.192 +_parse_return (int fd)
   1.193 +{
   1.194 +
   1.195  }
   1.197  gboolean
   1.198  gmyth_stream_client_play_stream (GMythStreamClient *self,
   1.199 -				                 guint stream_id)
   1.200 +								guint stream_id)
   1.201  {
   1.202  	GMythStreamClientPrivate *priv = GMYTH_STREAM_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self);
   1.203 -	
   1.204 +	StreamData *data;
   1.205 +	struct sockaddr_in addr;
   1.206 +	gchar **retval;
   1.207 +
   1.208  	g_return_val_if_fail (priv->connected == TRUE, FALSE);
   1.209 -    
   1.210 -    	if (send (priv->sock, "PLAY", 4, MSG_MORE) == -1) {
   1.211 -	        return FALSE;
   1.212 -    	}	
   1.213 +
   1.214 +	data = gmtyh_stream_client_get_streamdata (self, stream_id);
   1.215 +	g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
   1.216 +
   1.217 +	if (send (priv->sock, "PLAY\n", 5, MSG_MORE) == -1) {
   1.218 +		return FALSE;
   1.219 +	}
   1.220 +
   1.221 +	retval = _read_message (priv->sock);
   1.222 +
   1.223 +	g_usleep (10 * G_USEC_PER_SEC);
   1.224 +
   1.225 +	memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
   1.226 +	memcpy(&addr, *(priv->host->h_addr_list), sizeof(struct in_addr));
   1.227 +	addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
   1.228 +	addr.sin_port = htons (data->port);
   1.229 +	g_debug ("request connection on port %d", data->port);
   1.230 +	if (connect(data->s,(struct sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof(addr)) == -1)
   1.231 +		g_warning ("Fail to connect to server");
   1.232 +
   1.233  	return TRUE;
   1.234 -}	
   1.235 +}
   1.237  void
   1.238  gmyth_stream_client_pause_stream (GMythStreamClient *self,
   1.239 -				                  guint stream_id)
   1.240 +									guint stream_id)
   1.241  {
   1.242  	GMythStreamClientPrivate *priv = GMYTH_STREAM_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self);
   1.243 -	
   1.244 +
   1.245  	g_return_if_fail (priv->connected == TRUE);
   1.246 -    
   1.247 -    if (send (priv->sock, "PAUSE", 5, MSG_MORE) == -1) {
   1.248 -        return;
   1.249 -    }	
   1.250 +
   1.251 +	if (send (priv->sock, "PAUSE\n", 6, MSG_MORE) == -1) {
   1.252 +		return;
   1.253 +	}
   1.254  }
   1.256  void
   1.257 @@ -206,13 +236,27 @@
   1.258                      			  guint stream_id)
   1.259  {
   1.260  	GMythStreamClientPrivate *priv = GMYTH_STREAM_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self);
   1.261 -	
   1.262 +
   1.263  	g_return_if_fail (priv->connected == TRUE);
   1.264 -    
   1.265 -    if (send (priv->sock, "STOP", 4, MSG_MORE) == -1) {
   1.266 -        return;
   1.267 -    }
   1.268 -    
   1.269 -    //TODO: remove from streams list
   1.270 -        	
   1.271 +	if (send (priv->sock, "STOP\n", 5, MSG_MORE) == -1) {
   1.272 +		return;
   1.273 +	}
   1.274 +	//TODO: remove from streams list
   1.275  }
   1.276 +
   1.277 +static StreamData*
   1.278 +gmtyh_stream_client_get_streamdata (GMythStreamClient *self,
   1.279 +									guint stream_id)
   1.280 +{
   1.281 +	GMythStreamClientPrivate *priv = GMYTH_STREAM_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self);
   1.282 +	GList *lst;
   1.283 +
   1.284 +	lst = priv->streams;
   1.285 +	for (; lst != NULL; lst = lst->next) {
   1.286 +		StreamData *data = (StreamData *) lst->data;
   1.287 +		if (data->id == stream_id) {
   1.288 +			return data;
   1.289 +		}
   1.290 +	}
   1.291 +	return NULL;
   1.292 +}