2006-11-30 [svn r149] test file
2006-11-29 [svn r136] Rearrange some dependency libraries (using the mktime and time_t).
2006-11-29 [svn r135] Added some dependencies issues, regarding gmyth_debug function calls.
2006-11-28 [svn r132] implemented debug function
2006-11-23 [svn r105] Changed the function that gets the net interface names, added some recoreder functions.
2006-10-21 [svn r37] Added gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10 dependence to (gst interfaces). Fixed debian package removing maemo dependencies and renamed package to gmyth instead of mmyth
2006-09-28 [svn r19] - splited libgmyth;
2006-09-20 [svn r2] imported to sf repository