 * GMyth Library
 * @file gmyth/gmyth_upnp.c
 * @brief <p> GMythUPnP allows that a MythTV frontend discovers a 
 * MythTV backend, using the UPnP architecture.
 * Copyright (C) 2006 INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia.
 * @author Rosfran Lins Borges <rosfran.borges@indt.org.br>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include "config.h"

#include "gmyth_upnp.h"
#include "gmyth_upnp_marshal.h"

#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <gmyth/gmyth_backendinfo.h>
#include <gmyth/gmyth_socket.h>
#include <gmyth/gmyth_uri.h>
#include <gmyth/gmyth_debug.h>

/* Maximum number of searches in the synchronized search */


struct _GMythUPnPPrivate {
	GHashTable *mythtv_servers;
	GMythUPnPDeviceStatus last_status;
	gboolean upnp_dev_found;
	gchar *udn;
	GMutex *mutex;

static void gmyth_upnp_class_init          (GMythUPnPClass *klass);
static void gmyth_upnp_init                (GMythUPnP *object);

static void gmyth_upnp_dispose  (GObject *object);
static void gmyth_upnp_finalize (GObject *object);

static void _mythtv_device_found ( GMythUPnP *gmyth_upnp, GMythUPnPDeviceStatus status, gchar *dev );
static void _clinkc_mythtv_device_found ( gchar *udn, GMythUPnPDeviceStatus status );

static gboolean gmyth_upnp_initialize ( GMythUPnP *gmyth_upnp, GMythBackendInfo *gmyth_backend_info,
		GMythUPnPDeviceListener listener);

static gboolean gmyth_upnp_got_mythtv_service( CgUpnpControlPoint* controlPt, gchar **udn, 
						GHashTable **mythtv_servers_lst );


static GMythUPnP *gmyth_upnp_static = NULL;

static void
gmyth_upnp_class_init (GMythUPnPClass *klass)
	GObjectClass *gobject_class;
	GMythUPnPClass *gupnp_class;

	gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
	gupnp_class = (GMythUPnPClass*) gobject_class;

	gobject_class->dispose  = gmyth_upnp_dispose;
	gobject_class->finalize = gmyth_upnp_finalize;
	g_type_class_add_private( gobject_class, sizeof( GMythUPnPPrivate ) );

	gupnp_class->device_found_handler = _mythtv_device_found;

	gupnp_class->device_found_handler_signal_id =
		g_signal_new ("device-found",
				G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gupnp_class),
				gmyth_upnp_marshal_VOID__INT_STRING, G_TYPE_NONE, 2,


static void
gmyth_upnp_init ( GMythUPnP *gmyth_upnp )

	gmyth_upnp->backend_info = NULL;

	gmyth_upnp->control_point = NULL;

	gmyth_upnp->priv = GMYTH_UPNP_GET_PRIVATE(gmyth_upnp);
	gmyth_upnp->priv->mutex = g_mutex_new ();
	gmyth_upnp->priv->upnp_dev_found = FALSE;

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gmyth_upnp), "device-found",
			(GCallback) (GMYTH_UPNP_GET_CLASS (gmyth_upnp)->
				device_found_handler), NULL);

	gmyth_upnp_static = gmyth_upnp;


/** Creates a new instance of GMythUPnP.
 * @return a new instance of GMythUPnP. 
GMythUPnP *
gmyth_upnp_new ( GMythBackendInfo *gmyth_backend_info, GMythUPnPDeviceListener handler ) 
    GMythUPnP *gmyth_upnp = GMYTH_UPNP (g_object_new (GMYTH_UPNP_TYPE, NULL));
    g_object_ref( gmyth_backend_info );

    gmyth_upnp->backend_info = gmyth_backend_info;

    if ( !gmyth_upnp_initialize ( gmyth_upnp, gmyth_backend_info, handler ) )
    	gmyth_debug( "Error initializing the GMythUPnP!!!" );
    return gmyth_upnp;

static void
gmyth_upnp_dispose  (GObject *object)
	GMythUPnP *gmyth_upnp = GMYTH_UPNP(object);

	if ( gmyth_upnp->control_point != NULL ) {
		cg_upnp_controlpoint_stop( gmyth_upnp->control_point );
		cg_upnp_controlpoint_delete( gmyth_upnp->control_point );
		gmyth_upnp->control_point = NULL;
	if ( gmyth_upnp->priv->mythtv_servers != NULL )	{
		g_hash_table_destroy( gmyth_upnp->priv->mythtv_servers );
		gmyth_upnp->priv->mythtv_servers = NULL;

	if ( gmyth_upnp->backend_info != NULL )	{
		g_object_unref( gmyth_upnp->backend_info );
		gmyth_upnp->backend_info = NULL;

	G_OBJECT_CLASS (gmyth_upnp_parent_class)->dispose (object);

static void
gmyth_upnp_finalize (GObject *object)
	g_signal_handlers_destroy (object);

	G_OBJECT_CLASS (gmyth_upnp_parent_class)->finalize (object);

gchar *
gmyth_upnp_device_status_to_string( GMythUPnPDeviceStatus status )
	if ( status == CgUpnpDeviceStatusAdded )
		return "Added";
	else if ( status == CgUpnpDeviceStatusUpdated )
		return "Updated";
	else if ( status == CgUpnpDeviceStatusInvalid )
		return "Invalid";
	else if ( status == CgUpnpDeviceStatusRemoved )
		return "Removed";
	return "";

 * GObject's signal handler
static void
_mythtv_device_found( GMythUPnP *gmyth_upnp, GMythUPnPDeviceStatus status, gchar* udn )
	g_debug( "Device: [status = %s, UDN = %s]\n", 
		gmyth_upnp_device_status_to_string( status ), udn );

 * GObject's signal handler
static void 
_clinkc_mythtv_device_found ( gchar *udn, GMythUPnPDeviceStatus status )
	if ( gmyth_upnp_static != NULL && udn != NULL )
		g_signal_emit ( gmyth_upnp_static, 
			GMYTH_UPNP_GET_CLASS (gmyth_upnp_static)->device_found_handler_signal_id, 0, /* details */
			status, udn );

 * Create a control point and start it.
static gboolean
gmyth_upnp_initialize ( GMythUPnP *gmyth_upnp, GMythBackendInfo *gmyth_backend_info, 
	GMythUPnPDeviceListener device_found_handler )
	gboolean ret = TRUE;

	g_return_val_if_fail( gmyth_backend_info != NULL, FALSE );

	/* Create the cybergarage control point */
	gmyth_upnp->control_point = cg_upnp_controlpoint_new();

	if ( device_found_handler != NULL )
		GMYTH_UPNP_GET_CLASS(gmyth_upnp)->device_found_handler = device_found_handler; 

		cg_upnp_controlpoint_setdevicelistener( gmyth_upnp->control_point, _clinkc_mythtv_device_found );

	/* Start the control point */
	if ( cg_upnp_controlpoint_start( gmyth_upnp->control_point ) == FALSE)
		gmyth_debug( "Unable to start UPnP control point!!!" );
		ret = FALSE;
		goto done;
		gmyth_debug( "Control point started." );


	return ret;

static void
_gmyth_foreach_key_value( gchar *udn, gchar *dev, GList *upnp_servers_list )
	GMythUPnPDevice *gmyth_upnp = g_malloc0( sizeof( GMythUPnPDevice ) );

	GMythURI* uri = NULL;
	gmyth_upnp->uri = (gchar*) (dev);
	uri = gmyth_uri_new_with_value( gmyth_upnp->uri );

	gmyth_upnp->host = gmyth_uri_get_host( uri );
	gmyth_upnp->port = gmyth_uri_get_port( uri );
	gmyth_upnp->protocol = gmyth_uri_get_protocol( uri );

	gmyth_debug("MythTV UPnP service [ %s, %d ].", gmyth_upnp->host, gmyth_upnp->port);

	upnp_servers_list = g_list_append( upnp_servers_list, gmyth_upnp );

	if ( uri != NULL )
		g_object_unref( uri );
		uri = NULL;


GList *
gmyth_upnp_do_search_sync( GMythUPnP* gmyth_upnp )
	GList *upnp_servers_list = NULL;
	guint iter_count = GMYTH_UPNP_MAX_SEARCHS;
	/* gmyth_upnp->priv = GMYTH_UPNP_GET_PRIVATE( gmyth_upnp ); */

	while ( gmyth_upnp->priv->upnp_dev_found == FALSE && ( --iter_count > 0 ) ) {

		gmyth_debug( "UPnP MythTV Client control point is searching MythTV AV Device server...\n" );

		if ( gmyth_upnp->control_point != NULL )
			cg_upnp_controlpoint_search ( gmyth_upnp->control_point, 
					"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1" );

		/* just to avoid clinkc pthread concurrency faults */
		cg_wait( 1000 );

		/* discover if it was found */
		gmyth_upnp->priv->upnp_dev_found = gmyth_upnp_got_mythtv_service( gmyth_upnp->control_point, &gmyth_upnp->priv->udn,
				&gmyth_upnp->priv->mythtv_servers );

	} /* while */

	if ( gmyth_upnp->priv->upnp_dev_found ) {

		gmyth_debug( "Found UPnP MythTV AV Device...\n" );

		g_hash_table_foreach( gmyth_upnp->priv->mythtv_servers, (GHFunc)_gmyth_foreach_key_value, upnp_servers_list );

	} /* if - found UPnP device  */

	return upnp_servers_list;

 * Checks if got the MythTV service in the Control Point's device list.
static gboolean
gmyth_upnp_got_mythtv_service( CgUpnpControlPoint* controlPt, gchar **udn, 
	GHashTable **mythtv_servers_lst )
	g_return_val_if_fail( mythtv_servers_lst != NULL, FALSE );	
	g_return_val_if_fail( controlPt != NULL, FALSE );

	*mythtv_servers_lst = g_hash_table_new( g_str_hash, g_str_equal );
	const gchar* mythtvFriendlyName = "Myth";
	/* begin assertion about the size of discovered devices */
	gint numDevices = cg_upnp_controlpoint_getndevices(controlPt);
	gint cntDevs = 0;	
	CgUpnpDevice *childDev;
	gchar *devName = NULL, *dev_url = NULL;
	gboolean upnp_dev_found = FALSE;
	gmyth_debug( "UPnP MythTV AV Device list size = %d\n", numDevices );
	for ( childDev = cg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevices(controlPt); childDev != NULL; 
			childDev = cg_upnp_device_next(childDev) ) {
		devName = cg_upnp_device_getfriendlyname(childDev);
		dev_url = cg_upnp_device_getlocationfromssdppacket( childDev );
		gmyth_debug( "Device's friendly name = %s, and  device's URL = %s\n", devName, dev_url );
		if ( ( g_strstr_len( devName, strlen( devName ), mythtvFriendlyName ) != NULL ) == TRUE ) 
			upnp_dev_found = TRUE;
			/* stores the last UDN number ID */
			*udn = cg_upnp_device_getudn( childDev );
			/* *mythtv_servers_lst = g_list_append( *mythtv_servers_lst, dev_url );  */
			g_hash_table_insert( *mythtv_servers_lst, (gpointer)*udn, (gpointer)dev_url );
	if ( upnp_dev_found == TRUE ) {
		gmyth_debug( "MythTV AV Device found, from a total of %d devices.\n", cntDevs );
	} else if ( numDevices == cntDevs ) {
		gmyth_debug( "MythTV AV Device not found, from a total of %d devices.\n", cntDevs );
	} else {
		gmyth_debug( "Control Point's MythTV AV Device count is wrong: iterated over %d devices, but there are %d registered devices.\n", cntDevs, numDevices );
	return upnp_dev_found;


/** Gets the UPnP AV devices server's list associated to this upnp.
 * @return The GHashTable* containing all the URI values for each recognized UPnP device,
 * 			or NULL if it couldn't recognize any MythTV AV device.
gmyth_upnp_get_servers ( GMythUPnP *gmyth_upnp )
	if ( NULL == gmyth_upnp || NULL == gmyth_upnp->priv->mythtv_servers ) 
		gmyth_debug ("[%s] GMythUPnP has no MythTV servers recognized.\n", __FUNCTION__);
		return NULL;

	return gmyth_upnp->priv->mythtv_servers;

/** Gets the GMythBackendInfo object associated to this upnp.
 * @return The GMythBackendInfo object currently valid or NULL if the settings
 * were not opened.
gmyth_upnp_get_backend_info ( GMythUPnP *gmyth_upnp )
	if ( NULL == gmyth_upnp || NULL == gmyth_upnp->backend_info ) 
		gmyth_debug ("[%s] GMythUPnP not initialized\n", __FUNCTION__);
		return NULL;

	return gmyth_upnp->backend_info;