[svn r226] Some fixes on the g_malloc'ing/g_free'ing usage on the code. trunk
Tue Dec 19 16:25:25 2006 +0000 (2006-12-19)
changeset 225332f87ba4017
parent 224 b3cb9c7ec1a9
child 226 1c6e5a5dc5d2
[svn r226] Some fixes on the g_malloc'ing/g_free'ing usage on the code.
     1.1 --- a/gmyth/src/gmyth_livetv.c	Mon Dec 18 22:19:58 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/gmyth/src/gmyth_livetv.c	Tue Dec 19 16:25:25 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -324,6 +324,12 @@
     1.4  		gmyth_debug ("GMythLiveTV: All requests to backend to start TV were OK. [%s]\n", livetv->proginfo->pathname->str );
     1.5  	}
     1.7 +	if ( !gmyth_livetv_monitor_handler_start( livetv ) )
     1.8 +	{
     1.9 +		res = FALSE;
    1.10 +		goto error;		
    1.11 +	}
    1.12 +	
    1.13  	livetv->setup_done = TRUE;
    1.15  	return res;
    1.16 @@ -463,9 +469,6 @@
    1.17  		goto done;
    1.18  	}
    1.20 -	if ( !gmyth_livetv_monitor_handler_start( livetv ) )
    1.21 -		goto done;
    1.22 -
    1.23  done:
    1.24  	if ( uri != NULL )
    1.25  	{
     2.1 --- a/gmyth/src/gmyth_monitor_handler.c	Mon Dec 18 22:19:58 2006 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/gmyth/src/gmyth_monitor_handler.c	Tue Dec 19 16:25:25 2006 +0000
     2.3 @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
     2.4    gmyth_debug ("Monitor event socket --- hostname: %s, port %d\n", monitor->hostname, monitor->port);
     2.6    /* configure the event socket */
     2.7 -  if (monitor->event_sock == NULL) { 
     2.8 +  if ( NULL == monitor->event_sock ) { 
     2.9      if (!gmyth_connect_to_backend_monitor (monitor)) {
    2.10        g_printerr( "Connection to backend failed (Event Socket).\n" );
    2.11        ret = FALSE;
     3.1 --- a/gmyth/src/gmyth_socket.c	Mon Dec 18 22:19:58 2006 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/gmyth/src/gmyth_socket.c	Tue Dec 19 16:25:25 2006 +0000
     3.3 @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
     3.4  #include <arpa/inet.h>
     3.5  #include <sys/types.h>
     3.6  #include <sys/socket.h>
     3.7 +#include <sys/param.h>
     3.8  #include <netdb.h>
     3.9  #include <net/if.h>
    3.10  #include <errno.h>
    3.11 @@ -114,7 +115,8 @@
    3.12      struct addrinfo *hints;
    3.13      gchar *portStr = NULL;
    3.14      gint errorn = EADDRNOTAVAIL;
    3.15 -
    3.16 + 
    3.17 +    g_return_val_if_fail (addr != NULL, -1);
    3.19      hints = g_new0 (struct addrinfo, 1);
    3.20      hints->ai_family = AF_INET;
    3.21 @@ -307,13 +309,18 @@
    3.22      if ( local_hostname != NULL )
    3.23      	return g_string_new( local_hostname );
    3.25 -    gchar localhostname[1024];
    3.26      gchar *localaddr = NULL; 
    3.27      gboolean found_addr = FALSE;
    3.28      struct addrinfo* addr_info_data = NULL, *addr_info0 = NULL;
    3.29      struct sockaddr_in* sa = NULL;
    3.30 +    gchar localhostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
    3.32 -    gethostname (localhostname, 1024);
    3.33 +    if (gethostname (localhostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) != 0 ) {
    3.34 +    	g_warning ("Error on gethostname");
    3.35 +    }
    3.36 +    localhostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN-1] = 0;
    3.37 +
    3.38 +
    3.39      gint err = gmyth_socket_toaddrinfo (localhostname, -1,  &addr_info_data );
    3.41      if ( err == EADDRNOTAVAIL )
    3.42 @@ -333,8 +340,15 @@
    3.43  	    if ( localaddr != NULL && ( g_strrstr( localaddr, "127" ) == NULL ) ) {
    3.44  	        str = g_string_new (localaddr);
    3.45  	        found_addr = TRUE;
    3.46 +		g_free (localaddr);
    3.47  	        break;
    3.48  	    }
    3.49 +
    3.50 +	    if (localaddr != NULL) {
    3.51 +		g_free (localaddr);
    3.52 +		localaddr = NULL;
    3.53 +	    }
    3.54 +
    3.55  	    addr_info0 = addr_info0->ai_next;
    3.56      };
    3.57      freeaddrinfo (addr_info_data);
    3.58 @@ -343,7 +357,7 @@
    3.59          gchar *prim_addr = gmyth_socket_get_primary_addr();
    3.61      	if ( prim_addr != NULL ) {
    3.62 -		    g_warning("[%s] Could not determine the local alphanumerical hostname. Setting to %s\n",
    3.63 +		g_warning("[%s] Could not determine the local alphanumerical hostname. Setting to %s\n",
    3.64      	        __FUNCTION__, prim_addr );
    3.66  	        str = g_string_new (prim_addr);
    3.67 @@ -357,7 +371,7 @@
    3.69      if ( str != NULL && str->str != NULL )
    3.70      	local_hostname = g_strdup( str->str );
    3.71 -    
    3.72 +
    3.73      return str;
    3.74  }
    3.76 @@ -502,12 +516,10 @@
    3.77      gint errno;
    3.78      gboolean ret = TRUE;
    3.80 +    gmyth_debug ("CONNECTING %s:%d", hostname, port);
    3.81 +
    3.82      if ( hostname == NULL )
    3.83 -		g_printerr ( "[%s] Invalid hostname parameter!\n", __FUNCTION__ );
    3.84 -
    3.85 -    errno = gmyth_socket_toaddrinfo ( hostname, port, &addr_info_data );
    3.86 -
    3.87 -    g_return_val_if_fail( addr_info_data != NULL, FALSE );
    3.88 +			gmyth_debug ( "[%s] Invalid hostname parameter!\n", __FUNCTION__ );
    3.90      /* store hostname and port number */
    3.91      if (gmyth_socket->hostname != NULL) {
    3.92 @@ -515,6 +527,10 @@
    3.93          gmyth_socket->hostname = NULL;
    3.94      }
    3.96 +    errno = gmyth_socket_toaddrinfo ( hostname, port, &addr_info_data );
    3.97 +
    3.98 +    g_return_val_if_fail( addr_info_data != NULL && hostname != NULL, FALSE );
    3.99 +
   3.100      gmyth_socket->hostname = g_strdup( hostname );
   3.101      gmyth_socket->port = port;
   3.103 @@ -740,7 +756,7 @@
   3.104  	    g_string_free (result, TRUE);
   3.105  	}
   3.107 -	g_string_free (hostname, TRUE);
   3.108 +	g_string_free (hostname, FALSE);
   3.109  	g_string_free (base_str, TRUE);
   3.111  	return TRUE;
     4.1 --- a/gmyth/src/gmyth_tvchain.c	Mon Dec 18 22:19:58 2006 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/gmyth/src/gmyth_tvchain.c	Tue Dec 19 16:25:25 2006 +0000
     4.3 @@ -196,9 +196,7 @@
     4.4  	if (!gmyth_query_connect (gmyth_query, tvchain->backend_info)) {
     4.5  		g_warning ("[%s] Could not connect to db", __FUNCTION__);
     4.6  		g_static_mutex_unlock( &mutex );
     4.7 -
     4.8  		ret = FALSE;
     4.9 -
    4.10  		goto done;
    4.11  	}
    4.13 @@ -216,9 +214,9 @@
    4.14  		while ((msql_row = mysql_fetch_row (msql_res)) != NULL) {
    4.15  			struct LiveTVChainEntry *entry = g_new0 (struct LiveTVChainEntry, 1);
    4.16  			entry->chanid = g_string_new (msql_row[0]);
    4.17 -			entry->starttime = gmyth_util_string_to_time_val ( g_strdup( msql_row[1] ) );
    4.18 -			entry->endtime = gmyth_util_string_to_time_val ( g_strdup( msql_row[2] ) );
    4.19 -			entry->discontinuity = g_ascii_strtoull( msql_row[3], NULL, 10 ) != 0;
    4.20 +			entry->starttime = gmyth_util_string_to_time_val ((const gchar*) msql_row[1]);
    4.21 +			entry->endtime = gmyth_util_string_to_time_val ((const gchar*) msql_row[2]);
    4.22 +			entry->discontinuity = g_ascii_strtoull (msql_row[3], NULL, 10 ) != 0;
    4.23  			entry->hostprefix = g_string_new (msql_row[5]);
    4.24  			entry->cardtype = g_string_new (msql_row[6]);
    4.25  			entry->channum = g_string_new (msql_row[7]);
    4.26 @@ -259,7 +257,7 @@
    4.28  done:
    4.29  	if ( stmt_str != NULL )
    4.30 -		g_string_free (stmt_str, FALSE);
    4.31 +		g_string_free (stmt_str, TRUE);
    4.33  	if ( msql_res != NULL )
    4.34  		mysql_free_result (msql_res);