1.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/COPYING Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
1.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
1.3 @@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
1.5 - Version 2, June 1991
1.6 -
1.7 - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
1.8 - 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
1.9 - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
1.10 - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
1.11 -
1.12 - Preamble
1.13 -
1.14 - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
1.15 -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
1.16 -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
1.17 -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
1.18 -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
1.19 -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
1.20 -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
1.21 -the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
1.22 -your programs, too.
1.23 -
1.24 - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
1.25 -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
1.26 -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
1.27 -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
1.28 -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
1.29 -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
1.30 -
1.31 - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
1.32 -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
1.33 -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
1.34 -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
1.35 -
1.36 - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
1.37 -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
1.38 -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
1.39 -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
1.40 -rights.
1.41 -
1.42 - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
1.43 -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
1.44 -distribute and/or modify the software.
1.45 -
1.46 - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
1.47 -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
1.48 -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
1.49 -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
1.50 -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
1.51 -authors' reputations.
1.52 -
1.53 - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
1.54 -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
1.55 -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
1.56 -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
1.57 -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
1.58 -
1.59 - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
1.60 -modification follow.
1.61 -
1.64 -
1.65 - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
1.66 -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
1.67 -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
1.68 -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
1.69 -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
1.70 -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
1.71 -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
1.72 -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
1.73 -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
1.74 -
1.75 -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
1.76 -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
1.77 -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
1.78 -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
1.79 -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
1.80 -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1.81 -
1.82 - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
1.83 -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
1.84 -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
1.85 -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
1.86 -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
1.87 -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
1.88 -along with the Program.
1.89 -
1.90 -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
1.91 -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
1.92 -
1.93 - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
1.94 -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
1.95 -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
1.96 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
1.97 -
1.98 - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
1.99 - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
1.100 -
1.101 - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
1.102 - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
1.103 - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
1.104 - parties under the terms of this License.
1.105 -
1.106 - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
1.107 - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
1.108 - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
1.109 - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
1.110 - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
1.111 - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
1.112 - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
1.113 - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
1.114 - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
1.115 - the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
1.116 -
1.117 -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
1.118 -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
1.119 -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
1.120 -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
1.121 -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
1.122 -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
1.123 -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
1.124 -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
1.125 -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
1.126 -
1.127 -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
1.128 -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
1.129 -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
1.130 -collective works based on the Program.
1.131 -
1.132 -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
1.133 -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
1.134 -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
1.135 -the scope of this License.
1.136 -
1.137 - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
1.138 -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
1.139 -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
1.140 -
1.141 - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
1.142 - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1.143 - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
1.144 -
1.145 - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
1.146 - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
1.147 - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
1.148 - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
1.149 - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
1.150 - customarily used for software interchange; or,
1.151 -
1.152 - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
1.153 - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
1.154 - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
1.155 - received the program in object code or executable form with such
1.156 - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
1.157 -
1.158 -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
1.159 -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
1.160 -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
1.161 -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
1.162 -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
1.163 -special exception, the source code distributed need not include
1.164 -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
1.165 -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
1.166 -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
1.167 -itself accompanies the executable.
1.168 -
1.169 -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
1.170 -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
1.171 -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
1.172 -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
1.173 -compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
1.174 -
1.175 - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
1.176 -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
1.177 -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
1.178 -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
1.179 -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
1.180 -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
1.181 -parties remain in full compliance.
1.182 -
1.183 - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
1.184 -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
1.185 -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
1.186 -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
1.187 -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
1.188 -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
1.189 -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
1.190 -the Program or works based on it.
1.191 -
1.192 - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
1.193 -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
1.194 -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
1.195 -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
1.196 -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
1.197 -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
1.198 -this License.
1.199 -
1.200 - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
1.201 -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
1.202 -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
1.203 -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
1.204 -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
1.205 -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
1.206 -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
1.207 -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
1.208 -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
1.209 -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
1.210 -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
1.211 -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
1.212 -
1.213 -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
1.214 -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
1.215 -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
1.216 -circumstances.
1.217 -
1.218 -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
1.219 -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
1.220 -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
1.221 -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
1.222 -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
1.223 -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
1.224 -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
1.225 -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
1.226 -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
1.227 -impose that choice.
1.228 -
1.229 -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
1.230 -be a consequence of the rest of this License.
1.231 -
1.232 - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
1.233 -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
1.234 -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
1.235 -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
1.236 -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
1.237 -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
1.238 -the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
1.239 -
1.240 - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
1.241 -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
1.242 -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
1.243 -address new problems or concerns.
1.244 -
1.245 -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
1.246 -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
1.247 -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
1.248 -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
1.249 -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
1.250 -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
1.251 -Foundation.
1.252 -
1.253 - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
1.254 -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
1.255 -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
1.256 -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
1.257 -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
1.258 -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
1.259 -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
1.260 -
1.262 -
1.272 -
1.282 -
1.284 -
1.285 - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
1.286 -
1.287 - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
1.288 -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
1.289 -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
1.290 -
1.291 - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
1.292 -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
1.293 -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
1.294 -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
1.295 -
1.296 - <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
1.297 - Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
1.298 -
1.299 - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1.300 - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
1.301 - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
1.302 - (at your option) any later version.
1.303 -
1.304 - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
1.305 - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
1.307 - GNU General Public License for more details.
1.308 -
1.309 - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
1.310 - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
1.311 - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
1.312 -
1.313 -
1.314 -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
1.315 -
1.316 -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
1.317 -when it starts in an interactive mode:
1.318 -
1.319 - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
1.320 - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
1.321 - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
1.322 - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
1.323 -
1.324 -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
1.325 -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
1.326 -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
1.327 -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
1.328 -
1.329 -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
1.330 -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
1.331 -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
1.332 -
1.333 - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
1.334 - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
1.335 -
1.336 - <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
1.337 - Ty Coon, President of Vice
1.338 -
1.339 -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
1.340 -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
1.341 -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
1.342 -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
1.343 -Public License instead of this License.
2.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/INSTALL Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
2.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
2.3 @@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
2.4 -Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software
2.5 -Foundation, Inc.
2.6 -
2.7 - This file is free documentation; the Free Software Foundation gives
2.8 -unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
2.9 -
2.10 -Basic Installation
2.11 -==================
2.12 -
2.13 - These are generic installation instructions.
2.14 -
2.15 - The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
2.16 -various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses
2.17 -those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
2.18 -It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
2.19 -definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
2.20 -you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a
2.21 -file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for
2.22 -debugging `configure').
2.23 -
2.24 - It can also use an optional file (typically called `config.cache'
2.25 -and enabled with `--cache-file=config.cache' or simply `-C') that saves
2.26 -the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring. (Caching is
2.27 -disabled by default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale
2.28 -cache files.)
2.29 -
2.30 - If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
2.31 -to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
2.32 -diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
2.33 -be considered for the next release. If you are using the cache, and at
2.34 -some point `config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you
2.35 -may remove or edit it.
2.36 -
2.37 - The file `configure.ac' (or `configure.in') is used to create
2.38 -`configure' by a program called `autoconf'. You only need
2.39 -`configure.ac' if you want to change it or regenerate `configure' using
2.40 -a newer version of `autoconf'.
2.41 -
2.42 -The simplest way to compile this package is:
2.43 -
2.44 - 1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
2.45 - `./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're
2.46 - using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type
2.47 - `sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute
2.48 - `configure' itself.
2.49 -
2.50 - Running `configure' takes awhile. While running, it prints some
2.51 - messages telling which features it is checking for.
2.52 -
2.53 - 2. Type `make' to compile the package.
2.54 -
2.55 - 3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with
2.56 - the package.
2.57 -
2.58 - 4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
2.59 - documentation.
2.60 -
2.61 - 5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
2.62 - source code directory by typing `make clean'. To also remove the
2.63 - files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for
2.64 - a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'. There is
2.65 - also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly
2.66 - for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get
2.67 - all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came
2.68 - with the distribution.
2.69 -
2.70 -Compilers and Options
2.71 -=====================
2.72 -
2.73 - Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that
2.74 -the `configure' script does not know about. Run `./configure --help'
2.75 -for details on some of the pertinent environment variables.
2.76 -
2.77 - You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters
2.78 -by setting variables in the command line or in the environment. Here
2.79 -is an example:
2.80 -
2.81 - ./configure CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix
2.82 -
2.83 - *Note Defining Variables::, for more details.
2.84 -
2.85 -Compiling For Multiple Architectures
2.86 -====================================
2.87 -
2.88 - You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
2.89 -same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
2.90 -own directory. To do this, you must use a version of `make' that
2.91 -supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'. `cd' to the
2.92 -directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
2.93 -the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the
2.94 -source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.
2.95 -
2.96 - If you have to use a `make' that does not support the `VPATH'
2.97 -variable, you have to compile the package for one architecture at a
2.98 -time in the source code directory. After you have installed the
2.99 -package for one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring
2.100 -for another architecture.
2.101 -
2.102 -Installation Names
2.103 -==================
2.104 -
2.105 - By default, `make install' will install the package's files in
2.106 -`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an
2.107 -installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the
2.108 -option `--prefix=PATH'.
2.109 -
2.110 - You can specify separate installation prefixes for
2.111 -architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you
2.112 -give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the package will use
2.113 -PATH as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
2.114 -Documentation and other data files will still use the regular prefix.
2.115 -
2.116 - In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give
2.117 -options like `--bindir=PATH' to specify different values for particular
2.118 -kinds of files. Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories
2.119 -you can set and what kinds of files go in them.
2.120 -
2.121 - If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
2.122 -with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
2.123 -option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
2.124 -
2.125 -Optional Features
2.126 -=================
2.127 -
2.128 - Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
2.129 -`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
2.130 -They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
2.131 -is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The
2.132 -`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
2.133 -package recognizes.
2.134 -
2.135 - For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
2.136 -find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
2.137 -you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
2.138 -`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
2.139 -
2.140 -Specifying the System Type
2.141 -==========================
2.142 -
2.143 - There may be some features `configure' cannot figure out
2.144 -automatically, but needs to determine by the type of machine the package
2.145 -will run on. Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the
2.146 -_same_ architectures, `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints
2.147 -a message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the
2.148 -`--build=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system
2.149 -type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name which has the form:
2.150 -
2.152 -
2.153 -where SYSTEM can have one of these forms:
2.154 -
2.155 - OS KERNEL-OS
2.156 -
2.157 - See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If
2.158 -`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
2.159 -need to know the machine type.
2.160 -
2.161 - If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should
2.162 -use the `--target=TYPE' option to select the type of system they will
2.163 -produce code for.
2.164 -
2.165 - If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a
2.166 -platform different from the build platform, you should specify the
2.167 -"host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will
2.168 -eventually be run) with `--host=TYPE'.
2.169 -
2.170 -Sharing Defaults
2.171 -================
2.172 -
2.173 - If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share,
2.174 -you can create a site shell script called `config.site' that gives
2.175 -default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
2.176 -`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/config.site' if it exists, then
2.177 -`PREFIX/etc/config.site' if it exists. Or, you can set the
2.178 -`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
2.179 -A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
2.180 -
2.181 -Defining Variables
2.182 -==================
2.183 -
2.184 - Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the
2.185 -environment passed to `configure'. However, some packages may run
2.186 -configure again during the build, and the customized values of these
2.187 -variables may be lost. In order to avoid this problem, you should set
2.188 -them in the `configure' command line, using `VAR=value'. For example:
2.189 -
2.190 - ./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc
2.191 -
2.192 -will cause the specified gcc to be used as the C compiler (unless it is
2.193 -overridden in the site shell script).
2.194 -
2.195 -`configure' Invocation
2.196 -======================
2.197 -
2.198 - `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it
2.199 -operates.
2.200 -
2.201 -`--help'
2.202 -`-h'
2.203 - Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit.
2.204 -
2.205 -`--version'
2.206 -`-V'
2.207 - Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
2.208 - script, and exit.
2.209 -
2.210 -`--cache-file=FILE'
2.211 - Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE,
2.212 - traditionally `config.cache'. FILE defaults to `/dev/null' to
2.213 - disable caching.
2.214 -
2.215 -`--config-cache'
2.216 -`-C'
2.217 - Alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'.
2.218 -
2.219 -`--quiet'
2.220 -`--silent'
2.221 -`-q'
2.222 - Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. To
2.223 - suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error
2.224 - messages will still be shown).
2.225 -
2.226 -`--srcdir=DIR'
2.227 - Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually
2.228 - `configure' can determine that directory automatically.
2.229 -
2.230 -`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. Run
2.231 -`configure --help' for more details.
2.232 -
3.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/Makefile.am Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
3.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
3.3 @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
3.5 -
3.6 -SUBDIRS = nuvdemux typefind
3.7 -DIST_SUBDIRS = m4
4.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/autogen.sh Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
4.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
4.3 @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
4.4 -#!/bin/sh
4.5 -# Run this to generate all the initial makefiles, etc.
4.6 -
4.7 -# Not all echo versions allow -n, so we check what is possible. This test is
4.8 -# based on the one in autoconf.
4.9 -case `echo "testing\c"; echo 1,2,3`,`echo -n testing; echo 1,2,3` in
4.10 - *c*,-n*) ECHO_N= ;;
4.11 - *c*,* ) ECHO_N=-n ;;
4.12 - *) ECHO_N= ;;
4.13 -esac
4.14 -
4.15 -
4.16 -# some terminal codes ...
4.17 -boldface="`tput bold 2>/dev/null`"
4.18 -normal="`tput sgr0 2>/dev/null`"
4.19 -printbold() {
4.20 - echo $ECHO_N "$boldface"
4.21 - echo "$@"
4.22 - echo $ECHO_N "$normal"
4.23 -}
4.24 -printerr() {
4.25 - echo "$@" >&2
4.26 -}
4.27 -
4.28 -# Usage:
4.29 -# compare_versions MIN_VERSION ACTUAL_VERSION
4.30 -# returns true if ACTUAL_VERSION >= MIN_VERSION
4.31 -compare_versions() {
4.32 - ch_min_version=$1
4.33 - ch_actual_version=$2
4.34 - ch_status=0
4.35 - IFS="${IFS= }"; ch_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS="."
4.36 - set $ch_actual_version
4.37 - for ch_min in $ch_min_version; do
4.38 - ch_cur=`echo $1 | sed 's/[^0-9].*$//'`; shift # remove letter suffixes
4.39 - if [ -z "$ch_min" ]; then break; fi
4.40 - if [ -z "$ch_cur" ]; then ch_status=1; break; fi
4.41 - if [ $ch_cur -gt $ch_min ]; then break; fi
4.42 - if [ $ch_cur -lt $ch_min ]; then ch_status=1; break; fi
4.43 - done
4.44 - IFS="$ch_save_IFS"
4.45 - return $ch_status
4.46 -}
4.47 -
4.48 -# Usage:
4.50 -# checks to see if the package is available
4.51 -version_check() {
4.52 - vc_package=$1
4.53 - vc_variable=$2
4.54 - vc_checkprogs=$3
4.55 - vc_min_version=$4
4.56 - vc_source=$5
4.57 - vc_status=1
4.58 -
4.59 - vc_checkprog=`eval echo "\\$$vc_variable"`
4.60 - if [ -n "$vc_checkprog" ]; then
4.61 - printbold "using $vc_checkprog for $vc_package"
4.62 - return 0
4.63 - fi
4.64 -
4.65 - printbold "checking for $vc_package >= $vc_min_version..."
4.66 - for vc_checkprog in $vc_checkprogs; do
4.67 - echo $ECHO_N " testing $vc_checkprog... "
4.68 - if $vc_checkprog --version < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; then
4.69 - vc_actual_version=`$vc_checkprog --version | head -n 1 | \
4.70 - sed 's/^.*[ ]\([0-9.]*[a-z]*\).*$/\1/'`
4.71 - if compare_versions $vc_min_version $vc_actual_version; then
4.72 - echo "found $vc_actual_version"
4.73 - # set variable
4.74 - eval "$vc_variable=$vc_checkprog"
4.75 - vc_status=0
4.76 - break
4.77 - else
4.78 - echo "too old (found version $vc_actual_version)"
4.79 - fi
4.80 - else
4.81 - echo "not found."
4.82 - fi
4.83 - done
4.84 - if [ "$vc_status" != 0 ]; then
4.85 - printerr "***Error***: You must have $vc_package >= $vc_min_version installed"
4.86 - printerr " to build $PKG_NAME. Download the appropriate package for"
4.87 - printerr " from your distribution or get the source tarball at"
4.88 - printerr " $vc_source"
4.89 - printerr
4.90 - fi
4.91 - return $vc_status
4.92 -}
4.93 -
4.94 -#tell Mandrake autoconf wrapper we want autoconf 2.5x, not 2.13
4.95 -WANT_AUTOCONF_2_5=1
4.96 -export WANT_AUTOCONF_2_5
4.97 -version_check autoreconf AUTORECONF 'autoreconf' 2.50 \
4.98 - "http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-2.50.tar.gz" || DIE=1
4.99 -
4.100 -automake_progs="automake automake-1.9 automake-1.8 automake-1.7 automake-1.6 automake-1.5"
4.101 -
4.102 -version_check automake AUTOMAKE "$automake_progs" 1.5 \
4.103 - "http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/automake/automake-1.5.tar.gz" || DIE=1
4.104 -ACLOCAL=`echo $AUTOMAKE | sed s/automake/aclocal/`
4.105 -
4.106 -export AUTOMAKE ACLOCAL
4.107 -# gtkdocize
4.108 -autoreconf --install --force || exit 1
4.109 -
4.110 -#conf_flags="--enable-maintainer-mode"
4.111 -
4.112 -if test x$NOCONFIGURE = x; then
4.113 - printbold Running $srcdir/configure $conf_flags "$@" ...
4.114 - ./configure $conf_flags "$@" \
4.115 - && echo Now type \`make\' to compile $PKG_NAME || exit 1
4.116 -else
4.117 - echo Skipping configure process.
4.118 -fi
5.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/config.h.in Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
5.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
5.3 @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
5.4 -/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */
5.5 -
5.6 -/* Define the version */
5.8 -
5.9 -/* Define the release version */
5.11 -
5.12 -/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
5.13 -#undef HAVE_DLFCN_H
5.14 -
5.15 -/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
5.16 -#undef HAVE_INTTYPES_H
5.17 -
5.18 -/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
5.19 -#undef HAVE_MEMORY_H
5.20 -
5.21 -/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
5.22 -#undef HAVE_STDINT_H
5.23 -
5.24 -/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
5.25 -#undef HAVE_STDLIB_H
5.26 -
5.27 -/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
5.28 -#undef HAVE_STRINGS_H
5.29 -
5.30 -/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
5.31 -#undef HAVE_STRING_H
5.32 -
5.33 -/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
5.34 -#undef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H
5.35 -
5.36 -/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
5.37 -#undef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H
5.38 -
5.39 -/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
5.40 -#undef HAVE_UNISTD_H
5.41 -
5.42 -/* Name of package */
5.43 -#undef PACKAGE
5.44 -
5.45 -/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
5.47 -
5.48 -/* Define to the full name of this package. */
5.49 -#undef PACKAGE_NAME
5.50 -
5.51 -/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
5.52 -#undef PACKAGE_STRING
5.53 -
5.54 -/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
5.55 -#undef PACKAGE_TARNAME
5.56 -
5.57 -/* Define to the version of this package. */
5.58 -#undef PACKAGE_VERSION
5.59 -
5.60 -/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
5.61 -#undef STDC_HEADERS
5.62 -
5.63 -/* Version number of package */
5.64 -#undef VERSION
5.65 -
5.66 -/* Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler
5.67 - calls it, or to nothing if 'inline' is not supported under any name. */
5.68 -#ifndef __cplusplus
5.69 -#undef inline
5.70 -#endif
6.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/configure.ac Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
6.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
6.3 @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
6.4 -dnl fill in your package name and version here
6.5 -dnl autoconf configuration files for gst-plugins-dspbin
6.6 -AC_INIT
6.8 -
6.10 -dnl We disable static building for development, for time savings
6.11 -dnl this goes before AS_LIBTOOL to appease autoconf
6.12 -dnl *NOTE*: dnl this line before release, so release does static too
6.14 -
6.15 -dnl AM_MAINTAINER_MODE only provides the option to configure to enable it
6.17 -
6.18 -dnl when going to/from release please set the nano (fourth number) right !
6.19 -dnl releases only do Wall, cvs and prerelease does Werror too
6.20 -AS_VERSION(gst-plugins-nuvdemux, GST_PLUGINS_VERSION, 0, 10, 0, 1, GST_CVS="no", GST_CVS="yes")
6.21 -
6.23 -
6.25 -
6.26 -AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)
6.27 -
6.28 -dnl make aclocal work in maintainer mode
6.30 -
6.31 -dnl check for tools
6.32 -AC_PROG_CC
6.34 -AM_PROG_AS
6.35 -
6.36 -dnl decide on error flags
6.37 -AS_COMPILER_FLAG(-Wall, GST_WALL="yes", GST_WALL="no")
6.38 -
6.39 -if test "x$GST_WALL" = "xyes"; then
6.41 -
6.42 - if test "x$GST_CVS" = "xyes"; then
6.44 - fi
6.45 -fi
6.46 -
6.48 -
6.49 -dnl determine c++ compiler
6.51 -dnl determine if c++ is available on this system
6.52 -AC_CHECK_PROG(HAVE_CXX, $CXX, yes, no)
6.53 -dnl determine c++ preprocessor
6.56 -
6.57 -AC_HEADER_STDC([])
6.59 -
6.60 -dnl Check for pkgconfig first
6.61 -AC_CHECK_PROG(HAVE_PKGCONFIG, pkg-config, yes, no)
6.62 -
6.63 -dnl Give error and exit if we don't have pkgconfig
6.64 -if test "x$HAVE_PKGCONFIG" = "xno"; then
6.65 - AC_MSG_ERROR(you need to have pkgconfig installed !)
6.66 -fi
6.67 -
6.68 -dnl Now we're ready to ask for gstreamer libs and cflags
6.69 -dnl And we can also ask for the right version of gstreamer
6.70 -
6.71 -GST_REQUIRED=0.10.3
6.73 -
6.75 - gstreamer-$GST_MAJORMINOR >= $GST_REQUIRED,
6.76 - HAVE_GST=yes,HAVE_GST=no)
6.77 -
6.78 -dnl Give error and exit if we don't have gstreamer
6.79 -if test "x$HAVE_GST" = "xno"; then
6.80 - AC_MSG_ERROR(you need gstreamer development packages installed !)
6.81 -fi
6.82 -
6.83 -if test "x$USE_DEBUG" = xyes; then
6.85 -fi
6.86 -
6.87 -dnl added because of the i18n headers
6.88 -GST_CFLAGS="-I\$(top_builddir)/gst-libs $GST_CFLAGS"
6.89 -
6.90 -dnl make GST_CFLAGS and GST_LIBS available
6.93 -
6.94 -dnl make GST_MAJORMINOR available in Makefile.am
6.96 -
6.97 -dnl check for gstreamer-base; uninstalled is selected preferentially
6.99 - HAVE_GST_BASE="yes", HAVE_GST_BASE="no")
6.100 -
6.101 -if test "x$HAVE_GST_BASE" = "xno"; then
6.102 - AC_MSG_ERROR(no GStreamer Base Libs found)
6.103 -fi
6.104 -
6.107 -
6.108 -dnl check for gstreamer-libs; uinstalled is selected preferentially
6.111 -
6.112 -if test "x$HAVE_GST_PLUGINS" = "xno"; then
6.113 - AC_MSG_ERROR(no GStreamer Plugins Libs found)
6.114 -fi
6.115 -
6.118 -
6.119 -dnl set the plugindir where plugins should be installed
6.120 -plugindir="\$(libdir)/gstreamer-$GST_MAJORMINOR"
6.121 -AC_SUBST(plugindir)
6.122 -
6.123 -dnl set proper LDFLAGS for plugins
6.124 -GST_PLUGIN_LDFLAGS='-module -avoid-version -export-symbols-regex [_]*\(gst_\|Gst\|GST_\).*'
6.126 -
6.127 -AC_OUTPUT( \
6.128 - Makefile \
6.129 - nuvdemux/Makefile \
6.130 - typefind/Makefile \
6.131 - m4/Makefile
6.132 -)
6.133 -
7.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/debian/changelog Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
7.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
7.3 @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
7.4 -gst-indt-nuvdemux (0.10.2.debian-1) unstable; urgency=low
7.5 -
7.6 - * Initial packaged;
7.7 -
7.8 - -- Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho <renato.filho@indt.org.br> Thu, 09 Nov 2006 15:58:00 -0300
7.9 -
8.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/debian/compat Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
8.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
8.3 @@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
8.4 -4
9.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/debian/control Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
9.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
9.3 @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
9.4 -Source: gst-indt-nuvdemux
9.5 -Section: libs
9.6 -Priority: optional
9.7 -Maintainer: Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho <renato.filho@indt.org.br>
9.8 -Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.0), cdbs (>= 0.4.8), autotools-dev, pkg-config (>= 0.11.0), libgstreamer0.10-dev (>= 0.10.0)
9.9 -Standards-Version: 3.6.2
9.10 -
9.11 -Package: gstreamer0.10-indt-nuvdemux
9.12 -Architecture: any
9.13 -Section: libs
9.14 -Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
9.15 -Description: INdT nuv demux GStreamer plugin
9.16 - This GStreamer plugin permits demux of Nuv streams.
9.17 -
9.18 -Package: maemo-nuvdemux
9.19 -Architecture: all
9.20 -Depends: gstreamer0.10-indt-nuvdemux
9.21 -Description: enable support to nuvdemux on osso media server (meta-package)
9.22 - This package is a meta-package that, when installed, guarantees that you
9.23 - have support to nuv files on osso-media-server.
10.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/debian/copyright Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
10.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
10.3 @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
10.4 -This package was debianized by Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho <renato.filho@indt.org.br> on
10.5 -Thu, 09 Nov 2006 15:58:00 -0300.
10.6 -
10.7 -Copyright Holder: 2006 INdT
10.8 -
10.9 -License:
10.10 -
10.11 - This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10.12 - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10.13 - the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
10.14 -
10.15 - This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10.16 - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10.18 - GNU General Public License for more details.
10.19 -
10.20 - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
10.21 - along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software
10.22 - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
10.23 - MA 02110-1301, USA.
10.24 -
10.25 -On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
10.26 -Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'.
11.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/debian/files Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
11.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
11.3 @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
11.4 -maemo-nuvdemux_0.10.2.debian-1_all.deb libs optional
11.5 -gstreamer0.10-indt-nuvdemux_0.10.2.debian-1_armel.deb libs optional
12.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/debian/gstreamer0.10-indt-nuvdemux.install Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
12.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
12.3 @@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
12.4 -debian/tmp/usr/lib/gstreamer-*/*.so
13.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/debian/maemo-nuvdemux.install Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
13.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
13.3 @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
13.4 -debian/nuv.xml usr/share/mime/packages/
13.5 -debian/osso_media_server_nuv.schemas usr/share/gconf/schemas
14.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/debian/maemo-nuvdemux.postinst Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
14.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
14.3 @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
14.4 -#! /bin/sh
14.5 -set -e
14.6 -
14.8 -
14.9 -# Register our X Desktop Group Shared MIME-info Database info
14.10 -if [ -x /usr/bin/update-mime-database ] ; then
14.11 - /usr/bin/update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
14.12 -fi
14.13 -
14.14 -# Register a new type on Osso Media Server
14.15 -if [ -x /usr/bin/gconftool-2 ] ; then
14.16 - /usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule /usr/share/gconf/schemas/osso_media_server_nuv.schemas
14.17 -fi
14.18 -
14.19 -#append nuv info on osso mediaplayer ui
14.20 -data_file=/usr/share/applications/hildon/mp_ui.desktop
14.21 -tmp_file=/tmp/mp_ui.desktop
14.22 -cat $data_file | sed 's/X-Osso-URI-Actions=rtsp/X-Osso-URI-Actions=rtsp;myth/' | sed 's/MimeType=\(.*\)/MimeType=\1;video\/x-nuv/' > $tmp_file
14.23 -echo -e "\n\n[X-Osso-URI-Action Handler myth] \nMethod=mime_open\nName=medi_ap_mediaplayer_name\nTranslationDomain=mediaplayer" >> $tmp_file
14.24 -cat $tmp_file > $data_file
14.26 -
14.27 -exit 0
15.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/debian/nuv.xml Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
15.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
15.3 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
15.4 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
15.5 -<mime-info xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info">
15.6 - <mime-type type="video/x-nuv">
15.7 - <comment>Nuv File</comment>
15.8 - <comment xml:lang="en">Mythtv Nuv file container</comment>
15.9 - <magic priority="60">
15.10 - <match value="MythTVVideo" type="string" offset="0"/>
15.11 - </magic>
15.12 - <glob pattern="*.nuv"/>
15.13 - </mime-type>
15.14 -</mime-info>
16.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/debian/osso_media_server_nuv.schemas Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
16.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
16.3 @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
16.4 -<?xml version="1.0"?>
16.5 -<gconfschemafile>
16.6 - <schemalist>
16.7 - <schema>
16.8 - <key>/schemas/apps/osso/osso_media_server/demux_video/video_x-nuv</key>
16.9 - <applyto>/apps/osso/osso_media_server/demux_video/video_x-nuv</applyto>
16.10 - <owner>osso_media_server</owner>
16.11 - <type>list</type>
16.12 - <list_type>string</list_type>
16.13 - <default>[video/x-nuv,nuvdemux]</default>
16.14 - <locale name="C">
16.15 - <short>Play MYTHTV .nuv files.</short>
16.16 - </locale>
16.17 - </schema>
16.18 - </schemalist>
16.19 -</gconfschemafile>
17.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/debian/rules Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
17.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
17.3 @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
17.4 -#!/usr/bin/make -f
17.5 -
17.6 -include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
17.7 -include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk
17.8 -include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/gnome.mk
17.9 -include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/utils.mk
17.10 -
17.11 -# debian package version
17.12 -version=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version: | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
17.13 -
17.14 -maint: debian/control
17.15 -
17.16 -binary-install/gstreamer0.10-indt-nuvdemux::
17.17 - rm -f debian/gstreamer0.10-indt-nuvdemux/usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstnuvdemux.la
17.18 - rm -f debian/gstreamer0.10-indt-nuvdemux/usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstnuvdemux.a
17.19 - rm -f debian/gstreamer0.10-indt-nuvdemux/usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgsttypefindfunctions_indt.la
17.20 - rm -f debian/gstreamer0.10-indt-nuvdemux/usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgsttypefindfunctions_indt.a
17.21 -
17.22 -.PHONY: maint
18.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/m4/Makefile.am Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
18.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
18.3 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
18.4 -EXTRA_DIST = \
18.5 -as-compiler-flag.m4 \
18.6 -as-version.m4 \
18.7 -gst-feature.m4
18.8 -
19.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
19.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
19.3 @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
19.4 -dnl as-compiler-flag.m4 0.1.0
19.5 -
19.6 -dnl autostars m4 macro for detection of compiler flags
19.7 -
19.8 -dnl David Schleef <ds@schleef.org>
19.9 -
19.10 -dnl $Id: as-compiler-flag.m4,v 1.1 2005/06/18 18:02:46 burgerman Exp $
19.11 -
19.13 -dnl Tries to compile with the given CFLAGS.
19.14 -dnl Runs ACTION-IF-ACCEPTED if the compiler can compile with the flags,
19.15 -dnl and ACTION-IF-NOT-ACCEPTED otherwise.
19.16 -
19.18 -[
19.19 - AC_MSG_CHECKING([to see if compiler understands $1])
19.20 -
19.21 - save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
19.22 - CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $1"
19.23 -
19.24 - AC_TRY_COMPILE([ ], [], [flag_ok=yes], [flag_ok=no])
19.25 - CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS"
19.26 -
19.27 - if test "X$flag_ok" = Xyes ; then
19.28 - $2
19.29 - true
19.30 - else
19.31 - $3
19.32 - true
19.33 - fi
19.34 - AC_MSG_RESULT([$flag_ok])
19.35 -])
20.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/m4/as-version.m4 Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
20.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
20.3 @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
20.4 -dnl as-version.m4 0.1.0
20.5 -
20.6 -dnl autostars m4 macro for versioning
20.7 -
20.8 -dnl Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
20.9 -
20.10 -dnl $Id: as-version.m4,v 1.1 2005/06/18 18:02:46 burgerman Exp $
20.11 -
20.14 -
20.15 -dnl example
20.16 -dnl AS_VERSION(gstreamer, GST_VERSION, 0, 3, 2,)
20.17 -dnl for a 0.3.2 release version
20.18 -
20.19 -dnl this macro
20.20 -dnl - defines [$PREFIX]_MAJOR, MINOR and MICRO
20.21 -dnl - if NANO is empty, then we're in release mode, else in cvs/dev mode
20.22 -dnl - defines [$PREFIX], VERSION, and [$PREFIX]_RELEASE
20.23 -dnl - executes the relevant action
20.25 -dnl as well as the little ones
20.26 -dnl - doesn't call AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE anymore because it prevents
20.27 -dnl maintainer mode from running ok
20.28 -dnl
20.29 -dnl don't forget to put #undef [$2] and [$2]_RELEASE in acconfig.h
20.30 -dnl if you use acconfig.h
20.31 -
20.33 -[
20.34 - PACKAGE=[$1]
20.35 - [$2]_MAJOR=[$3]
20.36 - [$2]_MINOR=[$4]
20.37 - [$2]_MICRO=[$5]
20.38 - NANO=[$6]
20.39 - [$2]_NANO=$NANO
20.40 - if test "x$NANO" = "x" || test "x$NANO" = "x0";
20.41 - then
20.42 - AC_MSG_NOTICE(configuring [$1] for release)
20.43 - VERSION=[$3].[$4].[$5]
20.44 - [$2]_RELEASE=1
20.45 - dnl execute action
20.46 - ifelse([$7], , :, [$7])
20.47 - else
20.48 - AC_MSG_NOTICE(configuring [$1] for development with nano $NANO)
20.49 - VERSION=[$3].[$4].[$5].$NANO
20.50 - [$2]_RELEASE=0.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`
20.51 - dnl execute action
20.52 - ifelse([$8], , :, [$8])
20.53 - fi
20.54 -
20.55 - [$2]=$VERSION
20.56 - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([$2], "$[$2]", [Define the version])
20.57 - AC_SUBST([$2])
20.58 - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([$2]_RELEASE, "$[$2]_RELEASE", [Define the release version])
20.59 - AC_SUBST([$2]_RELEASE)
20.60 -
20.61 - AC_SUBST([$2]_MAJOR)
20.62 - AC_SUBST([$2]_MINOR)
20.63 - AC_SUBST([$2]_MICRO)
20.64 - AC_SUBST([$2]_NANO)
20.65 - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Define the package name])
20.67 - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Define the version])
20.69 -])
20.70 -
21.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/m4/gst-feature.m4 Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
21.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
21.3 @@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
21.4 -dnl Perform a check for a feature for GStreamer
21.5 -dnl Richard Boulton <richard-alsa@tartarus.org>
21.6 -dnl Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas@apestaart.org> added useful stuff
21.7 -dnl Last modification: 25/06/2001
21.11 -dnl
21.12 -dnl This macro adds a command line argument to enable the user to enable
21.13 -dnl or disable a feature, and if the feature is enabled, performs a supplied
21.14 -dnl test to check if the feature is available.
21.15 -dnl
21.16 -dnl The test should define HAVE_<FEATURE-NAME> to "yes" or "no" depending
21.17 -dnl on whether the feature is available.
21.18 -dnl
21.19 -dnl The macro will set USE_<FEATURE-NAME> to "yes" or "no" depending on
21.20 -dnl whether the feature is to be used.
21.21 -dnl Thomas changed this, so that when USE_<FEATURE-NAME> was already set
21.22 -dnl to no, then it stays that way.
21.23 -dnl
21.24 -dnl The macro will call AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_<<FEATURE-NAME>, ...) to allow
21.25 -dnl the feature to control what is built in Makefile.ams. If you want
21.26 -dnl additional actions resulting from the test, you can add them with the
21.27 -dnl ACTION-IF-USE and ACTION-IF-NOTUSE parameters.
21.28 -dnl
21.29 -dnl FEATURE-NAME is the name of the feature, and should be in
21.30 -dnl purely upper case characters.
21.31 -dnl FEATURE-DESCRIPTION is used to describe the feature in help text for
21.32 -dnl the command line argument.
21.33 -dnl DEPENDENT-PLUGINS lists any plugins which depend on this feature.
21.34 -dnl TEST-FOR-FEATURE is a test which sets HAVE_<FEATURE-NAME> to "yes"
21.35 -dnl or "no" depending on whether the feature is
21.36 -dnl available.
21.37 -dnl DISABLE-BY-DEFAULT if "disabled", the feature is disabled by default,
21.38 -dnl if any other value, the feature is enabled by default.
21.39 -dnl ACTION-IF-USE any extra actions to perform if the feature is to be
21.40 -dnl used.
21.41 -dnl ACTION-IF-NOTUSE any extra actions to perform if the feature is not to
21.42 -dnl be used.
21.43 -dnl
21.44 -dnl
21.45 -dnl thomas :
21.46 -dnl we also added a history.
21.47 -dnl GST_PLUGINS_YES will contain all plugins to be built
21.48 -dnl that were checked through GST_CHECK_FEATURE
21.49 -dnl GST_PLUGINS_NO will contain those that won't be built
21.50 -
21.52 -AC_MSG_NOTICE(***)
21.53 -AC_MSG_NOTICE(*** checking plugin: [$3] ***)
21.54 -AC_MSG_NOTICE(***)
21.55 -[dnl
21.56 -builtin(define, [gst_endisable], ifelse($5, [disabled], [enable], [disable]))dnl
21.57 -dnl if it is set to NO, then don't even consider it for building
21.58 -NOUSE=
21.59 -if test "x$USE_[$1]" = "xno"; then
21.60 - NOUSE="yes"
21.61 -fi
21.62 -AC_ARG_ENABLE(translit([$1], A-Z, a-z),
21.63 - [ ]builtin(format, --%-26s gst_endisable %s, gst_endisable-translit([$1], A-Z, a-z), [$2]ifelse([$3],,,: [$3])),
21.64 - [ case "${enableval}" in
21.65 - yes) USE_[$1]=yes;;
21.66 - no) USE_[$1]=no;;
21.67 - *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for --enable-translit([$1], A-Z, a-z)) ;;
21.68 - esac],
21.69 - [ USE_$1=]ifelse($5, [disabled], [no], [yes])) dnl DEFAULT
21.70 -
21.71 -dnl *** set it back to no if it was preset to no
21.72 -if test "x$NOUSE" = "xyes"; then
21.73 - USE_[$1]="no"
21.74 - AC_MSG_WARN(*** $3 pre-configured not to be built)
21.75 -fi
21.76 -NOUSE=
21.77 -
21.78 -dnl *** If it's enabled
21.79 -
21.80 -if test x$USE_[$1] = xyes; then
21.81 - dnl save compile variables before the test
21.82 -
21.83 - gst_check_save_LIBS=$LIBS
21.84 - gst_check_save_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS
21.85 - gst_check_save_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS
21.86 - gst_check_save_CPPFLAGS=$CPPFLAGS
21.87 - gst_check_save_CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS
21.88 -
21.89 - HAVE_[$1]=no
21.90 - dnl TEST_FOR_FEATURE
21.91 - $4
21.92 -
21.93 - LIBS=$gst_check_save_LIBS
21.94 - LDFLAGS=$gst_check_save_LDFLAGS
21.95 - CFLAGS=$gst_check_save_CFLAGS
21.96 - CPPFLAGS=$gst_check_save_CPPFLAGS
21.97 - CXXFLAGS=$gst_check_save_CXXFLAGS
21.98 -
21.99 - dnl If it isn't found, unset USE_[$1]
21.100 - if test x$HAVE_[$1] = xno; then
21.101 - USE_[$1]=no
21.102 - fi
21.103 -fi
21.104 -dnl *** Warn if it's disabled or not found
21.105 -if test x$USE_[$1] = xyes; then
21.106 - ifelse([$6], , :, [$6])
21.107 - if test "x$3" != "x"; then
21.109 - fi
21.110 - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_[$1], , [support for features: $3])
21.111 -else
21.112 - ifelse([$3], , :, [AC_MSG_NOTICE(*** These plugins will not be built: [$3])])
21.113 - if test "x$3" != "x"; then
21.114 - GST_PLUGINS_NO="\t[$3]\n$GST_PLUGINS_NO"
21.115 - fi
21.116 - ifelse([$7], , :, [$7])
21.117 -fi
21.118 -dnl *** Define the conditional as appropriate
21.119 -AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_[$1], test x$USE_[$1] = xyes)
21.120 -])
21.121 -
21.122 -dnl Use a -config program which accepts --cflags and --libs parameters
21.123 -dnl to set *_CFLAGS and *_LIBS and check existence of a feature.
21.124 -dnl Richard Boulton <richard-alsa@tartarus.org>
21.125 -dnl Last modification: 26/06/2001
21.127 -dnl
21.128 -dnl This check was written for GStreamer: it should be renamed and checked
21.129 -dnl for portability if you decide to use it elsewhere.
21.130 -dnl
21.132 -[
21.133 - AC_PATH_PROG([$1]_CONFIG, [$2], no)
21.134 - if test x$[$1]_CONFIG = xno; then
21.135 - [$1]_LIBS=
21.136 - [$1]_CFLAGS=
21.137 - HAVE_[$1]=no
21.138 - else
21.139 - if [$2] --plugin-libs [$3] &> /dev/null; then
21.140 - [$1]_LIBS=`[$2] --plugin-libs [$3]`
21.141 - else
21.142 - [$1]_LIBS=`[$2] --libs [$3]`
21.143 - fi
21.144 - [$1]_CFLAGS=`[$2] --cflags [$3]`
21.145 - HAVE_[$1]=yes
21.146 - fi
21.147 - AC_SUBST([$1]_LIBS)
21.148 - AC_SUBST([$1]_CFLAGS)
21.149 -])
21.150 -
21.151 -dnl Use AC_CHECK_LIB and AC_CHECK_HEADER to do both tests at once
21.152 -dnl sets HAVE_module if we have it
21.153 -dnl Richard Boulton <richard-alsa@tartarus.org>
21.154 -dnl Last modification: 26/06/2001
21.157 -dnl
21.158 -dnl This check was written for GStreamer: it should be renamed and checked
21.159 -dnl for portability if you decide to use it elsewhere.
21.160 -dnl
21.162 -[
21.163 - AC_CHECK_LIB([$2], [$3], HAVE_[$1]=yes, HAVE_[$1]=no,[$4])
21.164 - if test "x$HAVE_[$1]" = "xyes"; then
21.165 - AC_CHECK_HEADER([$5], :, HAVE_[$1]=no)
21.166 - if test "x$HAVE_[$1]" = "xyes"; then
21.167 - dnl execute what needs to be
21.168 - ifelse([$6], , :, [$6])
21.169 - else
21.170 - ifelse([$7], , :, [$7])
21.171 - fi
21.172 - else
21.173 - ifelse([$7], , :, [$7])
21.174 - fi
21.175 - AC_SUBST(HAVE_[$1])
21.176 -]
21.177 -)
21.178 -
21.179 -dnl 2004-02-14 Thomas - changed to get set properly and use proper output
21.180 -dnl 2003-06-27 Benjamin Otte - changed to make this work with gstconfig.h
21.181 -dnl
21.182 -dnl Add a subsystem --disable flag and all the necessary symbols and substitions
21.183 -dnl
21.184 -dnl GST_CHECK_SUBSYSTEM_DISABLE(SYSNAME, [subsystem name])
21.185 -dnl
21.187 -[
21.188 - dnl this define will replace each literal subsys_def occurrence with
21.189 - dnl the lowercase hyphen-separated subsystem
21.190 - dnl e.g. if $1 is GST_DEBUG then subsys_def will be a macro with gst-debug
21.191 - define([subsys_def],translit([$1], _A-Z, -a-z))
21.192 -
21.193 - AC_ARG_ENABLE(subsys_def,
21.194 - AC_HELP_STRING(--disable-subsys_def, [disable $2]),
21.195 - [
21.196 - case "${enableval}" in
21.197 - yes) GST_DISABLE_[$1]=no ;;
21.198 - no) GST_DISABLE_[$1]=yes ;;
21.199 - *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for --enable-subsys_def]) ;;
21.200 - esac
21.201 - ],
21.202 - [GST_DISABLE_[$1]=no]) dnl Default value
21.203 -
21.204 - if test x$GST_DISABLE_[$1] = xyes; then
21.205 - AC_MSG_NOTICE([disabled subsystem [$2]])
21.206 - GST_DISABLE_[$1]_DEFINE="#define GST_DISABLE_$1 1"
21.207 - else
21.208 - GST_DISABLE_[$1]_DEFINE="/* #undef GST_DISABLE_$1 */"
21.209 - fi
21.211 - undefine([subsys_def])
21.212 -])
21.213 -
21.214 -
22.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/nuvdemux/Makefile.am Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
22.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
22.3 @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
22.4 -plugin_LTLIBRARIES = libgstnuvdemux.la
22.5 -
22.6 -libgstnuvdemux_la_SOURCES = \
22.7 - gstnuvdemux.c
22.8 -
22.9 -libgstnuvdemux_la_CFLAGS = \
22.10 - $(GST_CFLAGS) \
22.11 - $(GST_BASE_CFLAGS) \
22.13 -
22.14 -libgstnuvdemux_la_LIBADD = \
22.15 - $(GST_LIBS_LIBS)
22.16 -
22.17 -libgstnuvdemux_la_LDFLAGS = \
22.18 - $(GST_LIBS) \
22.20 - $(GST_BASE_LIBS) \
22.22 -
22.23 -noinst_HEADERS = \
22.24 - gstnuvdemux.h
22.25 -
23.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/nuvdemux/gstnuvdemux.c Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
23.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
23.3 @@ -1,1654 +0,0 @@
23.4 -/* GStreamer
23.5 - * Copyright (C) <2006> Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho <renato.filho@indt.org.br>
23.6 - * Rosfran Borges <rosfran.borges@indt.org.br>
23.7 - *
23.8 - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
23.9 - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
23.10 - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
23.11 - * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
23.12 - *
23.13 - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23.14 - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23.16 - * Library General Public License for more details.
23.17 - *
23.18 - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
23.19 - * License along with this library; if not, write to the
23.20 - * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
23.21 - * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23.22 - */
23.23 -/* Element-Checklist-Version: 5 */
23.24 -
23.25 -/**
23.26 - * SECTION:element-nuvdemux
23.27 - *
23.28 - * <refsect2>
23.29 - * <para>
23.30 - * Demuxes an .nuv file into raw or compressed audio and/or video streams.
23.31 - * </para>
23.32 - * <para>
23.33 - * This element currently only supports pull-based scheduling.
23.34 - * </para>
23.35 - * <title>Example launch line</title>
23.36 - * <para>
23.37 - * <programlisting>
23.38 - * gst-launch filesrc test.nuv ! nuvdemux name=demux demux.audio_00 ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! autoaudiosink demux.video_00 ! queue ! decodebin ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale ! autovideosink
23.39 - * </programlisting>
23.40 - * Play (parse and decode) an .nuv file and try to output it to
23.41 - * an automatically detected soundcard and videosink. If the NUV file contains
23.42 - * compressed audio or video data, this will only work if you have the
23.43 - * right decoder elements/plugins installed.
23.44 - * </para>
23.45 - * </refsect2>
23.46 - *
23.47 - */
23.48 -
23.49 -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
23.50 -#include "config.h"
23.51 -#endif
23.52 -
23.53 -#include <gst/gst.h>
23.54 -#include <gst/gsterror.h>
23.55 -#include <gst/gstplugin.h>
23.56 -#include <string.h>
23.57 -#include <math.h>
23.58 -
23.59 -#include "glib/gi18n.h"
23.60 -#include "gstnuvdemux.h"
23.61 -
23.63 -
23.64 -GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (nuvdemux_debug);
23.65 -#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT nuvdemux_debug
23.66 -#define GST_FLOW_ERROR_NO_DATA -101
23.67 -#define GST_FLOW_ERROR_EOS -102
23.68 -
23.69 -enum
23.70 -{
23.71 - NUV_PUSH_MODE = 0,
23.73 -};
23.74 -
23.76 -
23.77 -static const GstElementDetails gst_nuv_demux_details =
23.78 -GST_ELEMENT_DETAILS ("Nuv demuxer",
23.79 - "Codec/Demuxer",
23.80 - "Demultiplex a .nuv file into audio and video",
23.81 - "Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho <renato.filho@indt.org.br>,"
23.82 - "Rosfran Borges <rosfran.borges@indt.org.br>");
23.83 -
23.84 -
23.85 -/* file header */
23.86 -typedef struct
23.87 -{
23.88 - gchar id[12]; /* "NuppelVideo\0" or "MythTVVideo\0" */
23.89 - gchar version[5]; /* "x.xx\0" */
23.90 -
23.91 - gint i_width;
23.92 - gint i_height;
23.93 - gint i_width_desired;
23.94 - gint i_height_desired;
23.95 -
23.96 - gchar i_mode; /* P progressive, I interlaced */
23.97 -
23.98 - gdouble d_aspect; /* 1.0 squared pixel */
23.99 - gdouble d_fps;
23.100 - //fps num/denom
23.101 - gint i_fpsn;
23.102 - gint i_fpsd;
23.103 -
23.104 - gint i_video_blocks; /* 0 no video, -1 unknown */
23.105 - gint i_audio_blocks;
23.106 - gint i_text_blocks;
23.107 -
23.108 - gint i_keyframe_distance;
23.109 -
23.110 -} nuv_header;
23.111 -
23.112 -/* frame header */
23.113 -typedef struct
23.114 -{
23.115 - gchar i_type; /* A: audio, V: video, S: sync; T: test
23.116 - R: Seekpoint (string:RTjjjjjjjj)
23.117 - D: Extra data for codec */
23.118 - gchar i_compression; /* V: 0 uncompressed
23.119 - 1 RTJpeg
23.120 - 2 RTJpeg+lzo
23.121 - N black frame
23.122 - L copy last
23.123 - A: 0 uncompressed (44100 1-bits, 2ch)
23.124 - 1 lzo
23.125 - 2 layer 2
23.126 - 3 layer 3
23.127 - F flac
23.128 - S shorten
23.129 - N null frame loudless
23.130 - L copy last
23.131 - S: B audio and vdeo sync point
23.132 - A audio sync info (timecode == effective
23.133 - dsp frequency*100)
23.134 - V next video sync (timecode == next video
23.135 - frame num)
23.136 - S audio,video,text correlation */
23.137 - gchar i_keyframe; /* 0 keyframe, else no no key frame */
23.138 - guint8 i_filters; /* 0x01: gauss 5 pixel (8,2,2,2,2)/16
23.139 - 0x02: gauss 5 pixel (8,1,1,1,1)/12
23.140 - 0x04: cartoon filter */
23.141 -
23.142 - gint32 i_timecode; /* ms */
23.143 -
23.144 - gint i_length; /* V,A,T: length of following data
23.145 - S: length of packet correl */
23.146 -} nuv_frame_header;
23.147 -
23.148 -
23.149 -/* FIXME Not sure of this one */
23.150 -typedef struct
23.151 -{
23.152 - gint i_version;
23.153 - guint32 i_video_fcc;
23.154 -
23.155 - guint32 i_audio_fcc;
23.156 - gint i_audio_sample_rate;
23.157 - gint i_audio_bits_per_sample;
23.158 - gint i_audio_channels;
23.159 - gint i_audio_compression_ratio;
23.160 - gint i_audio_quality;
23.161 - gint i_rtjpeg_quality;
23.162 - gint i_rtjpeg_luma_filter;
23.163 - gint i_rtjpeg_chroma_filter;
23.164 - gint i_lavc_bitrate;
23.165 - gint i_lavc_qmin;
23.166 - gint i_lavc_qmax;
23.167 - gint i_lavc_maxqdiff;
23.168 - gint64 i_seekable_offset;
23.169 - gint64 i_keyframe_adjust_offset;
23.170 -
23.171 -} nuv_extended_header;
23.172 -
23.173 -typedef struct
23.174 -{
23.175 - gint64 timecode;
23.176 - gint64 offset;
23.177 -
23.178 -} frame_index_data;
23.179 -
23.180 -typedef enum {
23.191 -} GstNuvDemuxState;
23.192 -
23.193 -struct _GstNuvDemuxPrivate {
23.194 - /* used for indicate the mode */
23.195 - guint mode;
23.196 -
23.197 - /* used on push mode */
23.198 - GstAdapter *adapter;
23.199 -
23.200 - /* pads */
23.201 - GstPad *sinkpad;
23.202 - GstPad *src_video_pad;
23.203 - GstPad *src_audio_pad;
23.204 -
23.205 - /* Flow control */
23.206 - GstFlowReturn last_video_return;
23.207 - GstFlowReturn last_audio_return;
23.208 - gboolean more_data;
23.209 - gboolean eos;
23.210 -
23.211 - /* NUV decoding state */
23.212 - GstNuvDemuxState state;
23.213 - guint64 offset;
23.214 -
23.215 - /* duration information */
23.216 - guint64 duration_bytes;
23.217 - guint64 duration_time;
23.218 - guint64 segment_stop;
23.219 - guint64 segment_start;
23.220 -
23.221 - /* segment control info */
23.222 - gboolean new_audio_segment;
23.223 - gboolean new_video_segment;
23.224 -
23.225 - /* Mpeg ExtraData */
23.226 - guint64 mpeg_data_size;
23.227 - GstBuffer *mpeg_buffer;
23.228 -
23.229 - /* Headers */
23.230 - nuv_header h;
23.231 - nuv_extended_header eh;
23.232 - nuv_frame_header fh;
23.233 -
23.234 - /* anothers info */
23.235 - guint64 header_lengh;
23.236 - gint64 time_start;
23.237 - gint64 time_diff;
23.238 - gint64 time_qos;
23.239 - guint64 last_frame_time;
23.240 - GSList *index;
23.241 -};
23.242 -
23.243 -
23.244 -static GstStaticPadTemplate sink_template = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("sink",
23.245 - GST_PAD_SINK,
23.246 - GST_PAD_ALWAYS,
23.247 - GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/x-nuv"));
23.248 -
23.249 -static GstStaticPadTemplate audio_src_template =
23.250 -GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("audio_src",
23.251 - GST_PAD_SRC,
23.254 -
23.255 -static GstStaticPadTemplate video_src_template =
23.256 -GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("video_src",
23.257 - GST_PAD_SRC,
23.260 -
23.261 -static void gst_nuv_demux_dispose (GObject * object);
23.262 -static void gst_nuv_demux_finalize (GObject * object);
23.263 -static GstStateChangeReturn gst_nuv_demux_change_state (GstElement * element,
23.264 - GstStateChange transition);
23.265 -static void gst_nuv_demux_loop (GstPad * pad);
23.266 -static GstFlowReturn gst_nuv_demux_chain (GstPad * pad, GstBuffer * buf);
23.267 -static GstFlowReturn gst_nuv_demux_play (GstPad * pad);
23.268 -static gboolean gst_nuv_demux_sink_activate_pull (GstPad * sinkpad,
23.269 - gboolean active);
23.270 -static gboolean gst_nuv_demux_sink_activate_push (GstPad * pad,
23.271 - gboolean active);
23.272 -static gboolean gst_nuv_demux_sink_activate (GstPad * sinkpad);
23.273 -//static gboolean gst_nuv_demux_sink_event (GstPad *pad, GstEvent *event);
23.274 -static gboolean gst_nuv_demux_srcpad_event (GstPad * pad, GstEvent * event);
23.275 -static frame_index_data * gst_nuv_demux_do_seek_index (GstNuvDemux *nuv, gint64 seek_pos,
23.276 - gint64 segment_stop, GstFormat format);
23.277 -
23.278 -
23.279 -
23.280 -static GstFlowReturn gst_nuv_demux_read_bytes (GstNuvDemux * nuv, guint64 size,
23.281 - gboolean move, GstBuffer ** buffer);
23.282 -static void gst_nuv_demux_reset (GstNuvDemux * nuv);
23.283 -static void gst_nuv_demux_destoy_src_pad (GstNuvDemux * nuv);
23.284 -static void gst_nuv_demux_send_eos (GstNuvDemux * nuv);
23.285 -static void gst_nuv_demux_create_seek_index (GstNuvDemux * nuv);
23.286 -
23.287 -
23.288 -#if (GST_VERSION_MINOR == 10) && (GST_VERSION_MICRO < 6)
23.289 -GstBuffer * gst_adapter_take_buffer (GstAdapter * adapter, guint nbytes);
23.290 -#endif
23.291 -
23.292 -
23.293 -GST_BOILERPLATE (GstNuvDemux, gst_nuv_demux, GstElement, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT);
23.294 -
23.295 -/******************************************************************************
23.296 - * Utils function
23.297 - ******************************************************************************/
23.298 -#if G_BYTE_ORDER == G_BIG_ENDIAN
23.299 -static inline gdouble
23.300 -_gdouble_swap_le_be (gdouble * d)
23.301 -{
23.302 - union
23.303 - {
23.304 - guint64 i;
23.305 - gdouble d;
23.306 - } u;
23.307 -
23.308 - u.d = *d;
23.309 - u.i = GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE (u.i);
23.310 - return u.d;
23.311 -}
23.312 -
23.313 -#define READ_DOUBLE_FROM_LE(d) (_gdouble_swap_le_be((gdouble* ) d))
23.314 -#else /* G_BYTE_ORDER != G_BIG_ENDIAN */
23.315 -#define READ_DOUBLE_FROM_LE(d) *((gdouble* ) (d))
23.316 -#endif /* G_BYTE_ORDER != G_BIG_ENDIAN */
23.317 -
23.318 -static void
23.319 -double2fraction (double in, int *num, int *denom)
23.320 -{
23.321 - if (in == 29.97) {
23.322 - *num = 30000;
23.323 - *denom = 1001;
23.324 - } else if (in == 23.976) {
23.325 - *num = 24000;
23.326 - *denom = 1001;
23.327 - } else {
23.328 - *denom = 1;
23.329 - while (in - floor(in) >= 0.1) {
23.330 - *denom *= 10;
23.331 - in *= 10.0;
23.332 - }
23.333 - *num = (int)floor(in);
23.334 - }
23.335 -}
23.336 -
23.337 -/* GObject Functions */
23.338 -
23.339 -static void
23.340 -gst_nuv_demux_base_init (gpointer klass)
23.341 -{
23.342 - GstElementClass *element_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (klass);
23.343 -
23.344 - gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class,
23.345 - gst_static_pad_template_get (&audio_src_template));
23.346 -
23.347 - gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class,
23.348 - gst_static_pad_template_get (&video_src_template));
23.349 -
23.350 - gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class,
23.351 - gst_static_pad_template_get (&sink_template));
23.352 - gst_element_class_set_details (element_class, &gst_nuv_demux_details);
23.353 -}
23.354 -
23.355 -static void
23.356 -gst_nuv_demux_class_init (GstNuvDemuxClass * klass)
23.357 -{
23.358 - GstElementClass *gstelement_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (klass);
23.359 - GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
23.360 -
23.361 - GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (nuvdemux_debug, "nuvdemux",
23.362 - 0, "Demuxer for NUV streams");
23.363 -
23.364 - parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
23.365 -
23.366 - gobject_class->dispose = gst_nuv_demux_dispose;
23.367 - gobject_class->finalize = gst_nuv_demux_finalize;
23.368 - gstelement_class->change_state = gst_nuv_demux_change_state;
23.369 -
23.370 - g_type_class_add_private (gobject_class, sizeof (GstNuvDemuxPrivate));
23.371 -}
23.372 -
23.373 -static void
23.374 -gst_nuv_demux_init (GstNuvDemux * nuv, GstNuvDemuxClass * nuv_class)
23.375 -{
23.376 - nuv->priv = GST_NUV_DEMUX_GET_PRIVATE (nuv);
23.377 - nuv->priv->sinkpad = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&sink_template, "sink");
23.378 -
23.379 - /* creating adapter */
23.380 - nuv->priv->mode = NUV_PUSH_MODE;
23.381 - nuv->priv->adapter = gst_adapter_new ();
23.382 -
23.383 - nuv->priv->new_audio_segment = TRUE;
23.384 - nuv->priv->new_video_segment = TRUE;
23.385 -
23.386 - gst_pad_set_activate_function (nuv->priv->sinkpad, gst_nuv_demux_sink_activate);
23.387 - gst_pad_set_activatepull_function (nuv->priv->sinkpad,
23.388 - gst_nuv_demux_sink_activate_pull);
23.389 - gst_pad_set_activatepush_function (nuv->priv->sinkpad,
23.390 - gst_nuv_demux_sink_activate_push);
23.391 - gst_pad_set_chain_function (nuv->priv->sinkpad,
23.392 - GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_nuv_demux_chain));
23.393 -/*
23.394 - gst_pad_set_event_function (nuv->priv->sinkpad,
23.395 - gst_nuv_demux_sink_event);
23.396 -*/
23.397 -
23.398 - gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (nuv), nuv->priv->sinkpad);
23.399 -
23.400 -}
23.401 -
23.402 -static void
23.403 -gst_nuv_demux_dispose (GObject * object)
23.404 -{
23.405 - GstNuvDemux *nuv = GST_NUV_DEMUX (object);
23.406 -
23.407 -
23.408 - if (nuv->priv->mpeg_buffer != NULL) {
23.409 - gst_buffer_unref (nuv->priv->mpeg_buffer);
23.410 - }
23.411 -
23.412 - gst_nuv_demux_reset (GST_NUV_DEMUX (object));
23.413 - gst_nuv_demux_destoy_src_pad (GST_NUV_DEMUX (object));
23.414 -
23.415 - if (nuv->priv->adapter != NULL) {
23.416 - gst_object_unref (nuv->priv->adapter);
23.417 - }
23.418 -}
23.419 -
23.420 -static void
23.421 -gst_nuv_demux_finalize (GObject * object)
23.422 -{
23.423 - G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);
23.424 -}
23.425 -
23.426 -
23.427 -/* HeaderLoad:
23.428 - */
23.429 -static GstFlowReturn
23.430 -gst_nuv_demux_header_load (GstNuvDemux * nuv, nuv_header *h)
23.431 -{
23.432 - GstBuffer *buffer = NULL;
23.433 - GstFlowReturn res = gst_nuv_demux_read_bytes (nuv, 72, TRUE, &buffer);
23.434 -
23.435 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) || (buffer == NULL)) {
23.436 - goto done;
23.437 - }
23.438 -
23.439 - memcpy (h->id, buffer->data, 12);
23.440 - memcpy (h->version, buffer->data + 12, 5);
23.441 - h->i_width = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&buffer->data[20]);
23.442 - h->i_height = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&buffer->data[24]);
23.443 - h->i_width_desired = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&buffer->data[28]);
23.444 - h->i_height_desired = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&buffer->data[32]);
23.445 - h->i_mode = GPOINTER_TO_INT (buffer->data[36]);
23.446 - h->d_aspect = READ_DOUBLE_FROM_LE (&buffer->data[40]);
23.447 - h->d_fps = READ_DOUBLE_FROM_LE (&buffer->data[48]);
23.448 - /* get the num and denom values from fps */
23.449 - double2fraction (h->d_fps, &h->i_fpsn, &h->i_fpsd);
23.450 - h->i_video_blocks = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&buffer->data[56]);
23.451 - h->i_audio_blocks = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&buffer->data[60]);
23.452 - h->i_text_blocks = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&buffer->data[64]);
23.453 - h->i_keyframe_distance = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&buffer->data[68]);
23.454 -
23.455 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv,
23.456 - "nuv: h=%s v=%s %dx%d a=%f fps=%f v=%d a=%d t=%d kfd=%d", h->id,
23.457 - h->version, h->i_width, h->i_height, h->d_aspect, h->d_fps,
23.458 - h->i_video_blocks, h->i_audio_blocks, h->i_text_blocks,
23.459 - h->i_keyframe_distance);
23.460 -
23.461 -done:
23.462 - if (buffer != NULL) {
23.463 - gst_buffer_unref (buffer);
23.464 - buffer = NULL;
23.465 - }
23.466 - return res;
23.467 -}
23.468 -
23.469 -static GstFlowReturn
23.470 -gst_nuv_demux_stream_header_data (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.471 -{
23.472 - GstFlowReturn res;
23.473 -
23.474 - res = gst_nuv_demux_header_load (nuv, &nuv->priv->h);
23.475 - if (res == GST_FLOW_OK)
23.476 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_EXTRA_DATA;
23.477 - return res;
23.478 -}
23.479 -
23.480 -/*
23.481 - * Read NUV file tag
23.482 - */
23.483 -static GstFlowReturn
23.484 -gst_nuv_demux_stream_file_header (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.485 -{
23.486 - GstFlowReturn res = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.487 - GstBuffer *file_header = NULL;
23.488 -
23.489 - res = gst_nuv_demux_read_bytes (nuv, 12, FALSE, &file_header);
23.490 - if (res == GST_FLOW_OK) {
23.491 - if (strncmp ((gchar *) file_header->data, "MythTVVideo", 11) ||
23.492 - strncmp ((gchar *) file_header->data, "NuppelVideo", 11)) {
23.493 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_HEADER_DATA;
23.494 - } else {
23.495 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "error parsing file header");
23.496 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_INVALID_DATA;
23.497 - res = GST_FLOW_ERROR;
23.498 - }
23.499 - }
23.500 -
23.501 - if (file_header != NULL) {
23.502 - gst_buffer_unref (file_header);
23.503 - file_header = NULL;
23.504 - }
23.505 - return res;
23.506 -}
23.507 -
23.508 -/* FrameHeaderLoad:
23.509 - */
23.510 -static GstFlowReturn
23.511 -gst_nuv_demux_frame_header_load (GstNuvDemux * nuv, nuv_frame_header *h)
23.512 -{
23.513 - unsigned char *data;
23.514 - GstBuffer *buf = NULL;
23.515 -
23.516 - GstFlowReturn res = gst_nuv_demux_read_bytes (nuv, 12, TRUE, &buf);
23.517 -
23.518 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) || (buf == NULL)) {
23.519 - goto done;
23.520 - }
23.521 -
23.522 - data = buf->data;
23.523 -
23.524 - h->i_type = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data[0]);
23.525 - h->i_compression = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data[1]);
23.526 - h->i_keyframe = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data[2]);
23.527 - h->i_filters = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data[3]);
23.528 - h->i_timecode = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[4]);
23.529 - h->i_length = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[8]);
23.530 -
23.531 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "frame hdr: t=%c c=%c k=%d f=0x%x timecode=%d l=%d",
23.532 - h->i_type,
23.533 - h->i_compression ? h->i_compression : ' ',
23.534 - h->i_keyframe ? h->i_keyframe : ' ',
23.535 - h->i_filters, h->i_timecode, h->i_length);
23.536 -
23.537 -done:
23.538 - if (buf != NULL) {
23.539 - gst_buffer_unref (buf);
23.540 - buf = NULL;
23.541 - }
23.542 -
23.543 - return res;
23.544 -}
23.545 -
23.546 -static GstFlowReturn
23.547 -gst_nuv_demux_extended_header_load (GstNuvDemux * nuv,
23.548 - nuv_extended_header * h)
23.549 -{
23.550 - unsigned char *data;
23.551 - GstBuffer *buff = NULL;
23.552 -
23.553 - GstFlowReturn res = gst_nuv_demux_read_bytes (nuv, 512, TRUE, &buff);
23.554 -
23.555 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) || (buff == NULL)) {
23.556 - goto done;
23.557 - }
23.558 -
23.559 - data = buff->data;
23.560 - h->i_version = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[0]);
23.561 - h->i_video_fcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC (data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7]);
23.562 - h->i_audio_fcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC (data[8], data[9], data[10], data[11]);
23.563 - h->i_audio_sample_rate = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[12]);
23.564 - h->i_audio_bits_per_sample = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[16]);
23.565 - h->i_audio_channels = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[20]);
23.566 - h->i_audio_compression_ratio = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[24]);
23.567 - h->i_audio_quality = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[28]);
23.568 - h->i_rtjpeg_quality = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[32]);
23.569 - h->i_rtjpeg_luma_filter = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[36]);
23.570 - h->i_rtjpeg_chroma_filter = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[40]);
23.571 - h->i_lavc_bitrate = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[44]);
23.572 - h->i_lavc_qmin = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[48]);
23.573 - h->i_lavc_qmin = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[52]);
23.574 - h->i_lavc_maxqdiff = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (&data[56]);
23.575 - h->i_seekable_offset = GST_READ_UINT64_LE (&data[60]);
23.576 - h->i_keyframe_adjust_offset = GST_READ_UINT64_LE (&data[68]);
23.577 -
23.578 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv,
23.579 - "ex hdr: v=%d vffc=%4.4s afcc=%4.4s %dHz %dbits ach=%d acr=%d aq=%d"
23.580 - "rtjpeg q=%d lf=%d lc=%d lavc br=%d qmin=%d qmax=%d maxqdiff=%d seekableoff=%lld keyfao=%lld",
23.581 - h->i_version, (gchar *) & h->i_video_fcc, (gchar *) & h->i_audio_fcc,
23.582 - h->i_audio_sample_rate, h->i_audio_bits_per_sample, h->i_audio_channels,
23.583 - h->i_audio_compression_ratio, h->i_audio_quality, h->i_rtjpeg_quality,
23.584 - h->i_rtjpeg_luma_filter, h->i_rtjpeg_chroma_filter, h->i_lavc_bitrate,
23.585 - h->i_lavc_qmin, h->i_lavc_qmax, h->i_lavc_maxqdiff, h->i_seekable_offset,
23.586 - h->i_keyframe_adjust_offset);
23.587 -
23.588 -done:
23.589 - if (buff != NULL) {
23.590 - gst_buffer_unref (buff);
23.591 - buff = NULL;
23.592 - }
23.593 - return res;
23.594 -}
23.595 -
23.596 -
23.597 -/* Query Functions */
23.598 -static const GstQueryType *
23.599 -gst_nuv_demux_get_src_query_types (GstPad * pad)
23.600 -{
23.601 - static const GstQueryType src_types[] = {
23.604 - 0
23.605 - };
23.606 -
23.607 - return src_types;
23.608 -}
23.609 -
23.610 -static gboolean
23.611 -gst_nuv_demux_handle_src_query (GstPad * pad, GstQuery * query)
23.612 -{
23.613 - gboolean res = FALSE;
23.614 - GstNuvDemux *nuv = GST_NUV_DEMUX (gst_pad_get_parent (pad));
23.615 -
23.616 - switch (GST_QUERY_TYPE (query)) {
23.617 - case GST_QUERY_POSITION:
23.618 - if (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (nuv->priv->last_frame_time)) {
23.619 - gst_query_set_position (query, GST_FORMAT_TIME, nuv->priv->last_frame_time);
23.620 - res = TRUE;
23.621 - }
23.622 - break;
23.623 - case GST_QUERY_DURATION:
23.624 - {
23.625 - if (nuv->priv->duration_time != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) {
23.626 - gst_query_set_duration (query, GST_FORMAT_TIME, nuv->priv->duration_time);
23.627 - res = TRUE;
23.628 - }
23.629 - }
23.630 - break;
23.631 - default:
23.632 - res = FALSE;
23.633 - break;
23.634 - }
23.635 -
23.636 - gst_object_unref (nuv);
23.637 -
23.638 - return res;
23.639 -}
23.640 -
23.641 -static GstPad*
23.642 -gst_nuv_demux_create_pad (GstNuvDemux *nuv, GstCaps *caps, GstStaticPadTemplate *template, const gchar* name)
23.643 -{
23.644 - GstPad *pad = NULL;
23.645 - pad = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (template, name);
23.646 - gst_pad_set_caps (pad, caps);
23.647 - gst_pad_set_active (pad, TRUE);
23.648 - gst_pad_use_fixed_caps (pad);
23.649 - gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (nuv), pad);
23.650 -
23.651 - gst_pad_set_event_function (pad,
23.652 - GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_nuv_demux_srcpad_event));
23.653 -
23.654 - gst_pad_set_query_type_function (pad,
23.655 - GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_nuv_demux_get_src_query_types));
23.656 -
23.657 - gst_pad_set_query_function (pad,
23.658 - GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_nuv_demux_handle_src_query));
23.659 -
23.660 -
23.661 - return pad;
23.662 -}
23.663 -
23.664 -static void
23.665 -gst_nuv_demux_create_pads (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.666 -{
23.667 - if (nuv->priv->h.i_video_blocks != 0) {
23.668 - GstCaps *video_caps = NULL;
23.669 -
23.670 - video_caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-divx",
23.671 - "divxversion", G_TYPE_INT, 4,
23.672 - "width", G_TYPE_INT, nuv->priv->h.i_width,
23.673 - "height", G_TYPE_INT, nuv->priv->h.i_height,
23.674 - "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, nuv->priv->h.i_fpsn, nuv->priv->h.i_fpsd,
23.675 - "format", GST_TYPE_FOURCC, nuv->priv->eh.i_video_fcc,
23.676 - "pixel-aspect-ratio", GST_TYPE_FRACTION,
23.677 - (gint) (nuv->priv->h.d_aspect * 1000.0f), 1000, NULL);
23.678 -
23.679 - nuv->priv->src_video_pad = gst_nuv_demux_create_pad (nuv, video_caps, &video_src_template, "video_src");
23.680 - gst_caps_unref (video_caps);
23.681 - }
23.682 -
23.683 - if (nuv->priv->h.i_audio_blocks != 0) {
23.684 - GstCaps *audio_caps = NULL;
23.685 -
23.686 - audio_caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("audio/mpeg",
23.687 - "rate", G_TYPE_INT, nuv->priv->eh.i_audio_sample_rate,
23.688 - "format", GST_TYPE_FOURCC, nuv->priv->eh.i_audio_fcc,
23.689 - "channels", G_TYPE_INT, nuv->priv->eh.i_audio_channels,
23.690 - "layer", G_TYPE_INT, 3, // fixme: magic number
23.691 - "mpegversion", G_TYPE_INT, nuv->priv->eh.i_version, NULL);
23.692 -
23.693 - nuv->priv->src_audio_pad = gst_nuv_demux_create_pad (nuv, audio_caps, &audio_src_template, "audio_src");
23.694 - gst_caps_unref (audio_caps);
23.695 - }
23.696 -
23.697 - gst_element_no_more_pads (GST_ELEMENT (nuv));
23.698 -}
23.699 -
23.700 -static gboolean
23.701 -gst_nuv_demux_validate_header (nuv_frame_header *h)
23.702 -{
23.703 - gboolean valid = FALSE;
23.704 - //g_usleep (1 * G_USEC_PER_SEC );
23.705 - switch (h->i_type) {
23.706 -/*
23.707 - case 'V':
23.708 - if (h->i_compression == 0 ||
23.709 - h->i_compression == 1 ||
23.710 - h->i_compression == 2 ||
23.711 - h->i_compression == 'N' ||
23.712 - h->i_compression == 'L') {
23.713 - valid = TRUE;
23.714 - }
23.715 - break;
23.716 - case 'A':
23.717 - if (h->i_compression == 0 ||
23.718 - h->i_compression == 1 ||
23.719 - h->i_compression == 2 ||
23.720 - h->i_compression == 3 ||
23.721 - h->i_compression == 'F' ||
23.722 - h->i_compression == 'S' ||
23.723 - h->i_compression == 'N' ||
23.724 - h->i_compression == 'L') {
23.725 - valid = TRUE;
23.726 - }
23.727 - break;
23.728 - case 'S':
23.729 - if (h->i_compression == 'B' ||
23.730 - h->i_compression == 'A' ||
23.731 - h->i_compression == 'V' ||
23.732 - h->i_compression == 'S') {
23.733 - valid = TRUE;
23.734 - }
23.735 - break;
23.736 -*/
23.737 - case 'A':
23.738 - case 'V':
23.739 - case 'S':
23.740 - case 'R':
23.741 - case 'D':
23.742 - case 'Q':
23.743 - valid = TRUE;
23.744 - break;
23.745 - default:
23.746 - valid = FALSE;
23.747 - }
23.748 -
23.749 - return valid;
23.750 -}
23.751 -
23.752 -static GstFlowReturn
23.753 -gst_nuv_demux_read_head_frame (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.754 -{
23.755 - GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.756 - gboolean valid = FALSE;
23.757 -
23.758 - do {
23.759 - ret = gst_nuv_demux_frame_header_load (nuv, &nuv->priv->fh);
23.760 - if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) {
23.761 - return ret;
23.762 - }
23.763 -
23.764 - if (gst_nuv_demux_validate_header (&nuv->priv->fh) == TRUE)
23.765 - valid = TRUE;
23.766 -
23.767 - } while (valid == FALSE);
23.768 -
23.769 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_MOVI;
23.770 - return ret;
23.771 -}
23.772 -
23.773 -static gboolean
23.774 -gst_nuv_combine_flow (GstNuvDemux *nuv)
23.775 -{
23.776 - GstFlowReturn ret_video = nuv->priv->last_video_return;
23.777 - GstFlowReturn ret_audio = nuv->priv->last_audio_return;
23.778 -
23.779 - if ((ret_video != GST_FLOW_OK) &&
23.780 - (ret_audio != GST_FLOW_OK))
23.781 - return FALSE;
23.782 -
23.783 - if (GST_FLOW_IS_FATAL (ret_video))
23.784 - return FALSE;
23.785 -
23.786 - if (GST_FLOW_IS_FATAL (ret_audio))
23.787 - return FALSE;
23.788 -
23.789 - return TRUE;
23.790 -}
23.791 -
23.792 -static GstFlowReturn
23.793 -gst_nuv_demux_stream_data (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.794 -{
23.795 - GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.796 - GstPad *pad = NULL;
23.797 - guint64 timestamp;
23.798 - GstBuffer *buf = NULL;
23.799 - nuv_frame_header h;
23.800 -
23.801 - h = nuv->priv->fh;
23.802 -
23.803 - if (h.i_type == 'R') {
23.804 - goto done;
23.805 - }
23.806 -
23.807 - if (h.i_length > 0) {
23.808 - ret = gst_nuv_demux_read_bytes (nuv, h.i_length, TRUE, &buf);
23.809 - if ((ret != GST_FLOW_OK) || (buf == NULL)) {
23.810 - goto done;
23.811 - }
23.812 -
23.813 - if ((h.i_timecode < 0)) {
23.814 - h.i_timecode = 0;
23.815 - //goto done;
23.816 - }
23.817 -
23.818 - timestamp = h.i_timecode * GST_MSECOND;
23.819 - GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (buf) = timestamp;
23.820 - }
23.821 - else {
23.822 - goto done;
23.823 - }
23.824 -
23.825 -
23.826 - switch (h.i_type) {
23.827 - case 'V':
23.828 - {
23.829 - pad = nuv->priv->src_video_pad;
23.830 -
23.831 - if (nuv->priv->new_video_segment) {
23.832 -
23.833 - /* send new segment event*/
23.834 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_video_pad,
23.835 - gst_event_new_new_segment (TRUE, 1.0, GST_FORMAT_TIME, 0,
23.836 - GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, 0));
23.837 -
23.838 - if (nuv->priv->time_start == GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) {
23.839 - nuv->priv->time_start = timestamp;
23.840 - }
23.841 - nuv->priv->new_video_segment = FALSE;
23.842 - }
23.843 -
23.844 - break;
23.845 - }
23.846 - case 'A':
23.847 - {
23.848 - pad = nuv->priv->src_audio_pad;
23.849 -
23.850 - if (nuv->priv->new_audio_segment) {
23.851 - /* send new segment event*/
23.852 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_audio_pad,
23.853 - gst_event_new_new_segment (TRUE, 1.0, GST_FORMAT_TIME, 0,
23.854 - GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, 0));
23.855 -
23.856 - if (nuv->priv->time_start == GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) {
23.857 - nuv->priv->time_start = timestamp;
23.858 - }
23.859 - nuv->priv->new_audio_segment = FALSE;
23.860 - }
23.861 -
23.862 - break;
23.863 - }
23.864 - case 'S':
23.865 - {
23.866 - switch (h.i_compression) {
23.867 - case 'V':
23.868 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "sending new video segment: %d", h.i_timecode);
23.869 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_video_pad,
23.870 - gst_event_new_new_segment (TRUE, 1.0, GST_FORMAT_TIME, h.i_timecode * GST_MSECOND,
23.871 - GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, 0));
23.872 - break;
23.873 - case 'A':
23.874 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "sending new audio segment: %d", h.i_timecode);
23.875 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_audio_pad,
23.876 - gst_event_new_new_segment (TRUE, 1.0, GST_FORMAT_TIME, 0,
23.877 - GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, 0));
23.878 - break;
23.879 - default:
23.880 - break;
23.881 - }
23.882 - goto done;
23.883 - }
23.884 - default:
23.885 - break;
23.886 - }
23.887 -
23.888 - if ((buf != NULL) && (pad != NULL)) {
23.889 - /* pushing the buffer */
23.890 - gst_buffer_set_caps (buf, GST_PAD_CAPS (pad));
23.891 - ret = gst_pad_push (pad, buf);
23.892 - buf = NULL;
23.893 -
23.894 - if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) {
23.895 - GST_WARNING_OBJECT (nuv, "error: %d pushing on srcpad %s", ret, gst_pad_get_name (pad));
23.896 -
23.897 - if (pad == nuv->priv->src_video_pad) {
23.898 - nuv->priv->last_video_return = ret;
23.899 - }
23.900 - else if (pad == nuv->priv->src_audio_pad) {
23.901 - nuv->priv->last_audio_return = ret;
23.902 - }
23.903 -
23.904 - /* verify anothers flow if is necessary stop task */
23.905 - if (gst_nuv_combine_flow (nuv) != FALSE) {
23.906 - ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.907 - } else {
23.908 - GST_WARNING_OBJECT (nuv, "error: on push");
23.909 - }
23.910 -
23.911 - }
23.912 - }
23.913 -
23.914 -done:
23.915 - if (buf != NULL) {
23.916 - gst_buffer_unref (buf);
23.917 - buf = NULL;
23.918 - }
23.919 - if (ret == GST_FLOW_OK) {
23.920 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_FRAME_HEADER;
23.921 - memset (&nuv->priv->fh, 0, sizeof (nuv->priv->fh));
23.922 - }
23.923 - return ret;
23.924 -}
23.925 -
23.926 -static GstFlowReturn
23.927 -gst_nuv_demux_stream_mpeg_data (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.928 -{
23.929 - GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.930 -
23.931 - /* ffmpeg extra data */
23.932 - ret = gst_nuv_demux_read_bytes (nuv, nuv->priv->mpeg_data_size, TRUE,
23.933 - &nuv->priv->mpeg_buffer);
23.934 - if ((ret != GST_FLOW_OK) || (nuv->priv->mpeg_buffer == NULL)) {
23.935 - return ret;
23.936 - }
23.937 -
23.938 - GST_BUFFER_SIZE (nuv->priv->mpeg_buffer) = nuv->priv->mpeg_data_size;
23.939 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_EXTEND_HEADER;
23.940 - return ret;
23.941 -}
23.942 -
23.943 -static GstFlowReturn
23.944 -gst_nuv_demux_stream_extra_data (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.945 -{
23.946 - GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.947 -
23.948 - /* Load 'D' */
23.949 - nuv_frame_header h;
23.950 -
23.951 - ret = gst_nuv_demux_frame_header_load (nuv, &h);
23.952 - if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK)
23.953 - return ret;
23.954 -
23.955 - if (h.i_type != 'D') {
23.956 - GST_WARNING_OBJECT (nuv, "Unsuported rtjpeg");
23.957 - return GST_FLOW_NOT_SUPPORTED;
23.958 - }
23.959 -
23.960 - if (h.i_length > 0) {
23.961 - if (h.i_compression == 'F') {
23.962 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_MPEG_DATA;
23.963 - } else {
23.964 - GST_WARNING_OBJECT (nuv, "only file with extended chunk are supported");
23.965 - return GST_FLOW_NOT_SUPPORTED;
23.966 - }
23.967 - } else {
23.968 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_EXTEND_HEADER;
23.969 - }
23.970 -
23.971 - return ret;
23.972 -}
23.973 -
23.974 -static GstFlowReturn
23.975 -gst_nuv_demux_stream_extend_header_data (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.976 -{
23.977 - GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.978 -
23.979 - ret = gst_nuv_demux_extended_header_load (nuv, &nuv->priv->eh);
23.980 - if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK)
23.981 - return ret;
23.982 -
23.983 - gst_nuv_demux_create_pads (nuv);
23.984 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_INDEX_CREATE;
23.985 - return ret;
23.986 -}
23.987 -
23.988 -static GstFlowReturn
23.989 -gst_nuv_demux_stream_extend_header (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.990 -{
23.991 - GstBuffer *buf = NULL;
23.992 - GstFlowReturn res = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.993 -
23.994 - res = gst_nuv_demux_read_bytes (nuv, 1, FALSE, &buf);
23.995 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) || (buf == NULL)) {
23.996 - if (buf != NULL) {
23.997 - gst_buffer_unref (buf);
23.998 - }
23.999 - return res;
23.1000 - }
23.1001 -
23.1002 - if (buf->data[0] == 'X') {
23.1003 - gst_buffer_unref (buf);
23.1004 - buf = NULL;
23.1005 - nuv_frame_header h;
23.1006 -
23.1007 - res = gst_nuv_demux_frame_header_load (nuv, &h);
23.1008 - if (res != GST_FLOW_OK)
23.1009 - return res;
23.1010 -
23.1011 - if (h.i_length != 512) {
23.1012 - return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
23.1013 - }
23.1014 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_EXTEND_HEADER_DATA;
23.1015 - } else {
23.1016 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_INVALID_DATA;
23.1017 - g_object_unref (buf);
23.1019 - (_("incomplete NUV support")), ("incomplete NUV support"));
23.1020 - return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
23.1021 - }
23.1022 - return res;
23.1023 -}
23.1024 -
23.1025 -static void
23.1026 -gst_nuv_demux_create_seek_index (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.1027 -{
23.1028 - GstMessage *msg;
23.1029 - nuv_frame_header h;
23.1030 -
23.1031 - while (gst_nuv_demux_frame_header_load (nuv, &h) == GST_FLOW_OK) {
23.1032 - if ((h.i_type == 'V') && (h.i_keyframe == 0)) {
23.1033 - frame_index_data *f = g_new0 (frame_index_data, 1);
23.1034 -
23.1035 - f->offset = nuv->priv->offset - 12;
23.1036 - f->timecode = h.i_timecode * GST_MSECOND;
23.1037 -
23.1038 - nuv->priv->index = g_slist_append (nuv->priv->index, f);
23.1039 - }
23.1040 - if (h.i_type != 'R') {
23.1041 - nuv->priv->offset += h.i_length;
23.1042 - if (h.i_type == 'A' || h.i_type == 'V')
23.1043 - nuv->priv->duration_time = h.i_timecode * GST_MSECOND;
23.1044 - }
23.1045 - }
23.1047 - nuv->priv->offset, nuv->priv->duration_time);
23.1048 -
23.1049 - nuv->priv->duration_bytes = nuv->priv->offset;
23.1050 - nuv->priv->offset = nuv->priv->header_lengh;
23.1051 -
23.1052 - msg = gst_message_new_duration (GST_OBJECT (nuv), GST_FORMAT_TIME, nuv->priv->duration_time);
23.1053 - gst_element_post_message (GST_ELEMENT (nuv), msg);
23.1054 -}
23.1055 -
23.1056 -static GstFlowReturn
23.1057 -gst_nuv_demux_play (GstPad * pad)
23.1058 -{
23.1059 - GstFlowReturn res = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.1060 - GstNuvDemux *nuv = GST_NUV_DEMUX (GST_PAD_PARENT (pad));
23.1061 -
23.1062 - switch (nuv->priv->state) {
23.1063 - case GST_NUV_DEMUX_START:
23.1064 - res = gst_nuv_demux_stream_file_header (nuv);
23.1065 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) && (res != GST_FLOW_ERROR_NO_DATA)) {
23.1066 - goto pause;
23.1067 - }
23.1068 - break;
23.1069 -
23.1071 - res = gst_nuv_demux_stream_header_data (nuv);
23.1072 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) && (res != GST_FLOW_ERROR_NO_DATA)) {
23.1073 - goto pause;
23.1074 - }
23.1075 - break;
23.1076 -
23.1077 - case GST_NUV_DEMUX_EXTRA_DATA:
23.1078 - res = gst_nuv_demux_stream_extra_data (nuv);
23.1079 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) && (res != GST_FLOW_ERROR_NO_DATA)) {
23.1080 - goto pause;
23.1081 - }
23.1082 - break;
23.1083 -
23.1084 - case GST_NUV_DEMUX_MPEG_DATA:
23.1085 - res = gst_nuv_demux_stream_mpeg_data (nuv);
23.1086 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) && (res != GST_FLOW_ERROR_NO_DATA)) {
23.1087 - goto pause;
23.1088 - }
23.1089 - break;
23.1090 -
23.1092 - res = gst_nuv_demux_stream_extend_header (nuv);
23.1093 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) && (res != GST_FLOW_ERROR_NO_DATA)) {
23.1094 - goto pause;
23.1095 - }
23.1096 - break;
23.1097 -
23.1099 - res = gst_nuv_demux_stream_extend_header_data (nuv);
23.1100 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) && (res != GST_FLOW_ERROR_NO_DATA)) {
23.1101 - goto pause;
23.1102 - }
23.1103 - //store file header size
23.1104 - nuv->priv->header_lengh = nuv->priv->offset;
23.1105 - break;
23.1106 -
23.1108 - if (nuv->priv->mode == NUV_PULL_MODE) {
23.1109 - gst_nuv_demux_create_seek_index (nuv);
23.1110 - }
23.1111 -
23.1113 - res = gst_nuv_demux_read_head_frame (nuv);
23.1114 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) && (res != GST_FLOW_ERROR_NO_DATA)) {
23.1115 - goto pause;
23.1116 - }
23.1117 - break;
23.1118 -
23.1119 - case GST_NUV_DEMUX_MOVI:
23.1120 - res = gst_nuv_demux_stream_data (nuv);
23.1121 - if ((res != GST_FLOW_OK) && (res != GST_FLOW_ERROR_NO_DATA)) {
23.1122 - goto pause;
23.1123 - }
23.1124 - break;
23.1125 -
23.1127 - goto pause;
23.1128 - break;
23.1129 - default:
23.1130 - g_assert_not_reached ();
23.1131 - }
23.1132 -
23.1133 - return GST_FLOW_OK;
23.1134 -
23.1135 -pause:
23.1136 - GST_LOG_OBJECT (nuv, "pausing task, reason %s", gst_flow_get_name (res));
23.1137 - gst_pad_pause_task (nuv->priv->sinkpad);
23.1138 -
23.1139 - if (res == GST_FLOW_ERROR_EOS) {
23.1140 - gst_nuv_demux_send_eos (nuv);
23.1141 - nuv->priv->eos = TRUE;
23.1142 - res = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.1143 - }
23.1144 -
23.1145 - if (GST_FLOW_IS_FATAL (res)) {
23.1147 - (_("Internal data stream error.")),
23.1148 - ("streaming stopped, reason %s", gst_flow_get_name (res)));
23.1149 -
23.1150 - gst_nuv_demux_send_eos (nuv);
23.1151 - }
23.1152 - return res;
23.1153 -}
23.1154 -
23.1155 -static void
23.1156 -gst_nuv_demux_send_eos (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.1157 -{
23.1158 - gst_element_post_message (GST_ELEMENT (nuv),
23.1159 - gst_message_new_segment_done (GST_OBJECT (nuv), GST_FORMAT_TIME, -1));
23.1160 -
23.1161 - if (nuv->priv->src_video_pad)
23.1162 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_video_pad, gst_event_new_eos ());
23.1163 - if (nuv->priv->src_audio_pad)
23.1164 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_audio_pad, gst_event_new_eos ());
23.1165 -}
23.1166 -
23.1167 -static GstFlowReturn
23.1168 -gst_nuv_demux_read_bytes (GstNuvDemux * nuv, guint64 size, gboolean move,
23.1169 - GstBuffer ** buffer)
23.1170 -{
23.1171 - GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.1172 -
23.1173 - if (size == 0) {
23.1174 - return ret;
23.1175 - }
23.1176 -
23.1177 -
23.1178 - if (nuv->priv->mode == NUV_PULL_MODE) {
23.1179 - ret = gst_pad_pull_range (nuv->priv->sinkpad, nuv->priv->offset, size, buffer);
23.1180 - if (ret == GST_FLOW_OK) {
23.1181 - if (move) {
23.1182 - nuv->priv->offset += size;
23.1183 - }
23.1184 - /* got eos */
23.1185 - } else if (ret == GST_FLOW_UNEXPECTED) {
23.1186 - return GST_FLOW_ERROR_EOS;
23.1187 - }
23.1188 - } else {
23.1189 - if (gst_adapter_available (nuv->priv->adapter) < size) {
23.1190 - nuv->priv->more_data = TRUE;
23.1191 - return GST_FLOW_ERROR_NO_DATA;
23.1192 - }
23.1193 - if (move) {
23.1194 - *buffer = gst_adapter_take_buffer (nuv->priv->adapter, size);
23.1195 - } else {
23.1196 - guint8 *data = NULL;
23.1197 - data = (guint8 *) gst_adapter_peek (nuv->priv->adapter, size);
23.1198 - *buffer = gst_buffer_new ();
23.1199 - gst_buffer_set_data (*buffer, data, size);
23.1200 - }
23.1201 - }
23.1202 - return ret;
23.1203 -}
23.1204 -
23.1205 -static gboolean
23.1206 -gst_nuv_demux_sink_activate (GstPad * sinkpad)
23.1207 -{
23.1208 - gboolean res = TRUE;
23.1209 - GstNuvDemux *nuv = GST_NUV_DEMUX (gst_pad_get_parent (sinkpad));
23.1210 -
23.1211 - if (gst_pad_check_pull_range (sinkpad)) {
23.1212 - gst_adapter_clear (nuv->priv->adapter);
23.1213 - res = gst_pad_activate_pull (sinkpad, TRUE);
23.1214 - } else {
23.1215 - gst_adapter_clear (nuv->priv->adapter);
23.1216 - res = gst_pad_activate_push (sinkpad, TRUE);
23.1217 - }
23.1218 -
23.1219 - g_object_unref (nuv);
23.1220 - return res;
23.1221 -}
23.1222 -
23.1223 -static gboolean
23.1224 -gst_nuv_demux_sink_activate_pull (GstPad * sinkpad, gboolean active)
23.1225 -{
23.1226 - GstNuvDemux *nuv = GST_NUV_DEMUX (gst_pad_get_parent (sinkpad));
23.1227 -
23.1228 - if (active) {
23.1229 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "activating pull function");
23.1230 - nuv->priv->mode = NUV_PULL_MODE;
23.1231 - gst_adapter_clear (nuv->priv->adapter);
23.1232 -
23.1233 - gst_pad_start_task (sinkpad, (GstTaskFunction) gst_nuv_demux_loop, sinkpad);
23.1234 - } else {
23.1235 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "deactivating pull function");
23.1236 - gst_pad_stop_task (sinkpad);
23.1237 - }
23.1238 - gst_object_unref (nuv);
23.1239 -
23.1240 - return TRUE;
23.1241 -}
23.1242 -
23.1243 -static gboolean
23.1244 -gst_nuv_demux_sink_activate_push (GstPad * pad, gboolean active)
23.1245 -{
23.1246 - GstNuvDemux *nuv = GST_NUV_DEMUX (gst_pad_get_parent (pad));
23.1247 -
23.1248 - if (active) {
23.1249 - nuv->priv->mode = NUV_PUSH_MODE;
23.1250 - gst_adapter_clear (nuv->priv->adapter);
23.1251 -
23.1252 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "activating push/chain function");
23.1253 - } else {
23.1254 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "deactivating push/chain function");
23.1255 - }
23.1256 -
23.1257 - gst_object_unref (nuv);
23.1258 -
23.1259 - return TRUE;
23.1260 -}
23.1261 -
23.1262 -static frame_index_data *
23.1263 -gst_nuv_demux_do_seek_index (GstNuvDemux *nuv, gint64 seek_pos,
23.1264 - gint64 segment_stop, GstFormat format)
23.1265 -{
23.1266 - GSList *l;
23.1267 - frame_index_data *ret = NULL;
23.1268 -
23.1269 - if (nuv->priv->index == NULL) {
23.1270 - return NULL;
23.1271 - }
23.1272 -
23.1273 - /* find keyframe closest to the requested position */
23.1274 - for (l = nuv->priv->index; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
23.1275 - frame_index_data *f = (frame_index_data *) l->data;
23.1276 - gint64 pos = 0;
23.1277 -
23.1278 - if (format == GST_FORMAT_BYTES) {
23.1279 - pos = f->offset;
23.1280 - } else if (format == GST_FORMAT_TIME) {
23.1281 - pos = f->timecode;
23.1282 - } else {
23.1283 - return NULL;
23.1284 - }
23.1285 -
23.1286 - if (pos >= seek_pos) {
23.1287 - ret = f;
23.1288 - break;
23.1289 - }
23.1290 -
23.1291 - if ((segment_stop != -1) && (segment_stop != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) && (pos > segment_stop)) {
23.1292 - break;
23.1293 - }
23.1294 - }
23.1295 -
23.1296 - return ret;
23.1297 -}
23.1298 -
23.1299 -static gboolean
23.1300 -gst_nuv_demux_do_seek (GstNuvDemux *nuv, GstEvent * event)
23.1301 -{
23.1302 - gdouble rate;
23.1303 - GstFormat format;
23.1304 - GstSeekFlags flags;
23.1305 - GstSeekType cur_type;
23.1306 - gint64 cur;
23.1307 - GstSeekType stop_type;
23.1308 - gint64 stop;
23.1309 - gboolean flush;
23.1310 - frame_index_data *entry;
23.1311 - gint64 segment_start;
23.1312 - gint64 segment_stop;
23.1313 - GstEvent *newsegment_event;
23.1314 -
23.1315 - if (nuv->priv->eos) {
23.1316 - return FALSE;
23.1317 - }
23.1318 -
23.1319 - if (nuv->priv->mode == NUV_PUSH_MODE) {
23.1320 - return FALSE;
23.1321 - }
23.1322 -
23.1323 -
23.1324 - gst_event_parse_seek (event, &rate, &format, &flags,
23.1325 - &cur_type, &cur, &stop_type, &stop);
23.1326 -
23.1327 -
23.1328 -
23.1329 -/*
23.1330 - if (format == GST_FORMAT_TIME) {
23.1331 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "Can only seek on BYTES");
23.1332 - return FALSE;
23.1333 - }
23.1334 -*/
23.1335 -
23.1336 - if (rate <= 0.0) {
23.1337 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "Can only seek with positive rate");
23.1338 - return FALSE;
23.1339 - }
23.1340 -
23.1341 - if (cur_type == GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET) {
23.1342 - GST_OBJECT_LOCK (nuv);
23.1343 - if (gst_nuv_demux_do_seek_index (nuv, cur, -1, format) == NULL) {
23.1344 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "No matching seek entry in index");
23.1345 - GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (nuv);
23.1346 - return FALSE;
23.1347 - }
23.1348 - GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (nuv);
23.1349 - }
23.1350 -
23.1351 - flush = !!(flags & GST_SEEK_FLAG_FLUSH);
23.1352 -
23.1353 - if (flush) {
23.1354 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->sinkpad, gst_event_new_flush_start ());
23.1355 - if (nuv->priv->src_video_pad != NULL) {
23.1356 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_video_pad, gst_event_new_flush_start ());
23.1357 - }
23.1358 -
23.1359 - if (nuv->priv->src_audio_pad != NULL) {
23.1360 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_audio_pad, gst_event_new_flush_start ());
23.1361 - }
23.1362 - }
23.1363 - else {
23.1364 - gst_pad_pause_task (nuv->priv->sinkpad);
23.1365 - }
23.1366 -
23.1367 - GST_PAD_STREAM_LOCK (nuv->priv->sinkpad);
23.1368 - GST_OBJECT_LOCK (nuv);
23.1369 -
23.1370 -
23.1371 - if (cur == GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE)
23.1372 - cur = 0;
23.1373 - if (stop == GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE)
23.1374 - stop = nuv->priv->duration_time;
23.1375 -
23.1376 - if (cur_type == GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET)
23.1377 - segment_start = cur;
23.1378 - else if (cur_type == GST_SEEK_TYPE_CUR)
23.1379 - segment_start = nuv->priv->segment_start + cur;
23.1380 - else
23.1381 - segment_start = nuv->priv->segment_start;
23.1382 -
23.1383 - if (stop_type == GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET)
23.1384 - segment_stop = stop;
23.1385 - else if (stop_type == GST_SEEK_TYPE_CUR)
23.1386 - segment_stop = nuv->priv->segment_stop + stop;
23.1387 - else
23.1388 - segment_stop = nuv->priv->segment_stop;
23.1389 -
23.1390 - segment_start = CLAMP (segment_start, 0, nuv->priv->duration_time);
23.1391 - segment_stop = CLAMP (segment_stop, 0, nuv->priv->duration_time);
23.1392 -
23.1393 - entry = gst_nuv_demux_do_seek_index (nuv, segment_start,
23.1394 - segment_stop, format);
23.1395 -
23.1396 - if (entry == NULL) {
23.1397 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "No matching seek entry in index");
23.1398 - goto seek_error;
23.1399 - }
23.1400 -
23.1401 - segment_start = entry->timecode;
23.1402 -
23.1403 - nuv->priv->segment_start = segment_start;
23.1404 - nuv->priv->segment_stop = segment_stop;
23.1405 -
23.1406 - GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (nuv);
23.1407 -
23.1408 - if (!nuv->priv->eos) {
23.1409 - GstMessage *msg;
23.1410 - msg = gst_message_new_segment_start (GST_OBJECT (nuv), GST_FORMAT_TIME,
23.1411 - nuv->priv->segment_start);
23.1412 -
23.1413 - gst_element_post_message (GST_ELEMENT (nuv), msg);
23.1414 - }
23.1415 -
23.1417 - segment_start, segment_stop);
23.1418 - newsegment_event = gst_event_new_new_segment (FALSE, rate,
23.1419 - GST_FORMAT_TIME, segment_start, segment_stop, segment_start);
23.1420 -
23.1421 -
23.1422 - if (flush) {
23.1423 - if (nuv->priv->src_video_pad != NULL) {
23.1424 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_video_pad, gst_event_new_flush_stop ());
23.1425 - }
23.1426 -
23.1427 - if (nuv->priv->src_audio_pad != NULL) {
23.1428 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_audio_pad, gst_event_new_flush_stop ());
23.1429 - }
23.1430 -
23.1431 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->sinkpad, gst_event_new_flush_stop ());
23.1432 - }
23.1433 -
23.1434 -
23.1435 - if (nuv->priv->src_video_pad != NULL) {
23.1436 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_video_pad, gst_event_ref (newsegment_event));
23.1437 - }
23.1438 - if (nuv->priv->src_audio_pad != NULL) {
23.1439 - gst_pad_push_event (nuv->priv->src_audio_pad, gst_event_ref (newsegment_event));
23.1440 - }
23.1441 -
23.1442 - gst_event_unref (newsegment_event);
23.1443 -
23.1444 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_FRAME_HEADER;
23.1445 - nuv->priv->offset = entry->offset;
23.1446 -
23.1447 - gst_pad_start_task (nuv->priv->sinkpad, (GstTaskFunction) gst_nuv_demux_loop,
23.1448 - nuv->priv->sinkpad);
23.1449 -
23.1450 - GST_PAD_STREAM_UNLOCK (nuv->priv->sinkpad);
23.1451 - return TRUE;
23.1452 -
23.1453 -seek_error:
23.1454 - GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (nuv, "Got a seek error");
23.1455 - GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (nuv);
23.1456 - GST_PAD_STREAM_UNLOCK (nuv->priv->sinkpad);
23.1457 - return FALSE;
23.1458 -
23.1459 -}
23.1460 -
23.1461 -static gboolean
23.1462 -gst_nuv_demux_srcpad_event (GstPad * pad, GstEvent * event)
23.1463 -{
23.1464 - gboolean res = FALSE;
23.1465 - GstNuvDemux *nuv;
23.1466 -
23.1467 - nuv = GST_NUV_DEMUX (gst_pad_get_parent (pad));
23.1468 -
23.1469 - switch (GST_EVENT_TYPE (event)) {
23.1470 - case GST_EVENT_SEEK:
23.1471 - res = gst_nuv_demux_do_seek (nuv, event);
23.1472 - break;
23.1473 - default:
23.1474 - res = FALSE;
23.1475 - break;
23.1476 - }
23.1477 -
23.1478 - gst_object_unref (nuv);
23.1479 - return res;
23.1480 -}
23.1481 -
23.1482 -static GstFlowReturn
23.1483 -gst_nuv_demux_chain (GstPad * pad, GstBuffer * buf)
23.1484 -{
23.1485 - GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.1486 - GstNuvDemux *nuv = GST_NUV_DEMUX (gst_pad_get_parent (pad));
23.1487 -
23.1488 - if (nuv->priv->mode != NUV_PUSH_MODE)
23.1489 - return ret;
23.1490 -
23.1491 - gst_adapter_push (nuv->priv->adapter, buf);
23.1492 -
23.1493 - while ((ret == GST_FLOW_OK) && (nuv->priv->more_data == FALSE)) {
23.1494 - ret = gst_nuv_demux_play (pad);
23.1495 - }
23.1496 -
23.1497 - nuv->priv->more_data = FALSE;
23.1498 - gst_object_unref (nuv);
23.1499 -
23.1500 - return ret;
23.1501 -}
23.1502 -
23.1503 -static void
23.1504 -gst_nuv_demux_loop (GstPad * pad)
23.1505 -{
23.1506 - gst_nuv_demux_play (pad);
23.1507 -}
23.1508 -
23.1509 -static void
23.1510 -gst_nuv_demux_index_free (gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
23.1511 -{
23.1512 - g_free (data);
23.1513 -}
23.1514 -
23.1515 -static void
23.1516 -gst_nuv_demux_reset (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.1517 -{
23.1518 - nuv->priv->eos = FALSE;
23.1519 - nuv->priv->more_data = FALSE;
23.1520 - nuv->priv->state = GST_NUV_DEMUX_START;
23.1521 - nuv->priv->mode = NUV_PUSH_MODE;
23.1522 - nuv->priv->offset = 0;
23.1523 - nuv->priv->time_start = 0;
23.1524 - nuv->priv->time_qos = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
23.1525 - nuv->priv->duration_bytes = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
23.1526 - nuv->priv->duration_time = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
23.1527 - nuv->priv->last_video_return = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.1528 - nuv->priv->last_audio_return = GST_FLOW_OK;
23.1529 - nuv->priv->header_lengh = 0;
23.1530 - nuv->priv->segment_stop = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
23.1531 - nuv->priv->segment_start = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
23.1532 -
23.1533 - //clear index list
23.1534 - g_slist_foreach (nuv->priv->index, gst_nuv_demux_index_free, NULL);
23.1535 - g_slist_free (nuv->priv->index);
23.1536 - nuv->priv->index = NULL;
23.1537 -
23.1538 - gst_adapter_clear (nuv->priv->adapter);
23.1539 -
23.1540 - if (nuv->priv->mpeg_buffer != NULL) {
23.1541 - gst_buffer_unref (nuv->priv->mpeg_buffer);
23.1542 - nuv->priv->mpeg_buffer = NULL;
23.1543 - }
23.1544 -}
23.1545 -
23.1546 -static void
23.1547 -gst_nuv_demux_destoy_src_pad (GstNuvDemux * nuv)
23.1548 -{
23.1549 - if (nuv->priv->src_video_pad) {
23.1550 - gst_element_remove_pad (GST_ELEMENT (nuv), nuv->priv->src_video_pad);
23.1551 - nuv->priv->src_video_pad = NULL;
23.1552 - }
23.1553 -
23.1554 - if (nuv->priv->src_audio_pad) {
23.1555 - gst_element_remove_pad (GST_ELEMENT (nuv), nuv->priv->src_audio_pad);
23.1556 - nuv->priv->src_audio_pad = NULL;
23.1557 - }
23.1558 -}
23.1559 -
23.1560 -static GstStateChangeReturn
23.1561 -gst_nuv_demux_change_state (GstElement * element, GstStateChange transition)
23.1562 -{
23.1563 - GstStateChangeReturn ret = GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS;
23.1564 -
23.1565 - switch (transition) {
23.1567 - gst_nuv_demux_reset (GST_NUV_DEMUX (element));
23.1568 - gst_nuv_demux_destoy_src_pad (GST_NUV_DEMUX (element));
23.1569 - break;
23.1570 - default:
23.1571 - break;
23.1572 - }
23.1573 -
23.1574 - ret = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->change_state (element, transition);
23.1575 - if (ret == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE) {
23.1576 - goto done;
23.1577 - }
23.1578 -
23.1579 - switch (transition) {
23.1581 - gst_nuv_demux_reset (GST_NUV_DEMUX (element));
23.1582 - gst_nuv_demux_destoy_src_pad (GST_NUV_DEMUX (element));
23.1583 - break;
23.1584 - default:
23.1585 - break;
23.1586 - }
23.1587 -
23.1588 -done:
23.1589 - return ret;
23.1590 -}
23.1591 -
23.1592 -#if (GST_VERSION_MINOR == 10) && (GST_VERSION_MICRO < 6)
23.1593 -GstBuffer *
23.1594 -gst_adapter_take_buffer (GstAdapter * adapter, guint nbytes)
23.1595 -{
23.1596 - GstBuffer *buffer;
23.1597 - GstBuffer *cur;
23.1598 - guint8 *data;
23.1599 -
23.1600 - g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_ADAPTER (adapter), NULL);
23.1601 - g_return_val_if_fail (nbytes > 0, NULL);
23.1602 -
23.1603 - GST_LOG_OBJECT (adapter, "taking buffer of %u bytes", nbytes);
23.1604 -
23.1605 - /* we don't have enough data, return NULL. This is unlikely
23.1606 - * as one usually does an _available() first instead of peeking a
23.1607 - * random size. */
23.1608 - if (G_UNLIKELY (nbytes > adapter->size))
23.1609 - return NULL;
23.1610 -
23.1611 - /* our head buffer has enough data left, return it */
23.1612 - cur = adapter->buflist->data;
23.1613 - if (GST_BUFFER_SIZE (cur) >= nbytes + adapter->skip) {
23.1614 - GST_LOG_OBJECT (adapter, "providing buffer of %d bytes via sub-buffer",
23.1615 - nbytes);
23.1616 - buffer = gst_buffer_create_sub (cur, adapter->skip, nbytes);
23.1617 -
23.1618 - gst_adapter_flush (adapter, nbytes);
23.1619 -
23.1620 - return buffer;
23.1621 - }
23.1622 -
23.1623 - data = gst_adapter_take (adapter, nbytes);
23.1624 - if (data == NULL)
23.1625 - return NULL;
23.1626 -
23.1627 - buffer = gst_buffer_new ();
23.1628 - GST_BUFFER_DATA (buffer) = data;
23.1629 - GST_BUFFER_MALLOCDATA (buffer) = data;
23.1630 - GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buffer) = nbytes;
23.1631 -
23.1632 - return buffer;
23.1633 -}
23.1634 -#endif
23.1635 -
23.1636 -
23.1637 -static gboolean
23.1638 -plugin_init (GstPlugin * plugin)
23.1639 -{
23.1640 -#ifdef ENABLE_NLS
23.1641 - setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
23.1642 - bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
23.1643 -#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */
23.1644 -
23.1645 - if (!gst_element_register (plugin, "nuvdemux", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
23.1646 - GST_TYPE_NUV_DEMUX)) {
23.1647 - return FALSE;
23.1648 - }
23.1649 - return TRUE;
23.1650 -}
23.1651 -
23.1654 - "nuvdemux",
23.1655 - "Demuxes and muxes audio and video",
23.1656 - plugin_init, VERSION, "LGPL", "NuvDemux", "")
23.1657 -
24.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/nuvdemux/gstnuvdemux.h Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
24.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
24.3 @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
24.4 -/* GStreamer
24.5 - * Copyright (C) <2006> Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho <renato.filho@indt.org.br>
24.6 - * Rosfran Borges <rosfran.borges@indt.org.br>
24.7 - *
24.8 - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
24.9 - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
24.10 - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
24.11 - * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
24.12 - *
24.13 - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
24.14 - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24.16 - * Library General Public License for more details.
24.17 - *
24.18 - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
24.19 - * License along with this library; if not, write to the
24.20 - * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
24.21 - * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24.22 - */
24.23 -
24.24 -#ifndef __GST_NUV_DEMUX_H__
24.25 -#define __GST_NUV_DEMUX_H__
24.26 -
24.27 -#include <gst/gst.h>
24.28 -
24.29 -#include <gst/base/gstadapter.h>
24.30 -
24.32 -
24.33 -#define GST_TYPE_NUV_DEMUX \
24.34 - (gst_nuv_demux_get_type ())
24.35 -#define GST_NUV_DEMUX(obj) \
24.37 -#define GST_NUV_DEMUX_CLASS(klass) \
24.38 - (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GST_TYPE_NUV_DEMUX, GstNuvDemuxClass))
24.39 -#define GST_IS_NUV_DEMUX(obj) \
24.41 -#define GST_IS_NUV_DEMUX_CLASS(klass) \
24.43 -
24.44 -typedef struct _GstNuvDemuxPrivate GstNuvDemuxPrivate;
24.45 -typedef struct _GstNuvDemux {
24.46 - GstElement parent;
24.47 - GstNuvDemuxPrivate *priv;
24.48 -} GstNuvDemux;
24.49 -
24.50 -typedef struct _GstNuvDemuxClass {
24.51 - GstElementClass parent_class;
24.52 -} GstNuvDemuxClass;
24.53 -
24.54 -GType gst_nuv_demux_get_type (void);
24.55 -
24.56 -G_END_DECLS
24.57 -
24.58 -#endif /* __GST_NUV_DEMUX_H__ */
25.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/typefind/Makefile.am Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
25.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
25.3 @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
25.4 -plugin_LTLIBRARIES = libgsttypefindfunctions_indt.la
25.5 -
25.6 -libgsttypefindfunctions_indt_la_SOURCES = \
25.7 - gsttypefindfunctions.c
25.8 -
25.9 -libgsttypefindfunctions_indt_la_CFLAGS = \
25.10 - $(GST_CFLAGS)
25.11 -
25.12 -libgsttypefindfunctions_indt_la_LDFLAGS = \
25.14 - $(GST_BASE_LIBS)
25.15 -
25.16 -libgsttypefindfunctions_indt_la_LIBADD = \
25.17 - $(GST_LIBS)
26.1 --- a/gst-plugins-nuvdemux/typefind/gsttypefindfunctions.c Tue May 01 17:03:38 2007 +0100
26.2 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
26.3 @@ -1,2808 +0,0 @@
26.4 -/* GStreamer
26.5 - * Copyright (C) 2003 Benjamin Otte <in7y118@public.uni-hamburg.de>
26.6 - *
26.7 - * gsttypefindfunctions.c: collection of various typefind functions
26.8 - *
26.9 - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
26.10 - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
26.11 - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
26.12 - * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
26.13 - *
26.14 - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
26.15 - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
26.17 - * Library General Public License for more details.
26.18 - *
26.19 - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
26.20 - * License along with this library; if not, write to the
26.21 - * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
26.22 - * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
26.23 - */
26.24 -
26.25 -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
26.26 -#include "config.h"
26.27 -#endif
26.28 -
26.29 -#include <glib/gstrfuncs.h>
26.30 -
26.31 -#include <gst/gsttypefind.h>
26.32 -#include <gst/gstelement.h>
26.33 -#include <gst/gstversion.h>
26.34 -#include <gst/gstinfo.h>
26.35 -#include <gst/gstutils.h>
26.36 -
26.37 -#include <string.h>
26.38 -#include <ctype.h>
26.39 -
26.40 -GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (type_find_debug);
26.41 -#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT type_find_debug
26.42 -
26.43 -/*** text/plain ***/
26.44 -static gboolean xml_check_first_element (GstTypeFind * tf,
26.45 - const gchar * element, guint elen, gboolean strict);
26.46 -
26.47 -
26.48 -static GstStaticCaps utf8_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("text/plain");
26.49 -
26.50 -#define UTF8_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&utf8_caps)
26.51 -
26.52 -static gboolean
26.53 -utf8_type_find_have_valid_utf8_at_offset (GstTypeFind * tf, guint64 offset,
26.54 - GstTypeFindProbability * prob)
26.55 -{
26.56 - guint8 *data;
26.57 -
26.58 - /* randomly decided values */
26.59 - guint min_size = 16; /* minimum size */
26.60 - guint size = 32 * 1024; /* starting size */
26.61 - guint probability = 95; /* starting probability */
26.62 - guint step = 10; /* how much we reduce probability in each
26.63 - * iteration */
26.64 -
26.65 - while (probability > step && size > min_size) {
26.66 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, size);
26.67 - if (data) {
26.68 - gchar *end;
26.69 - gchar *start = (gchar *) data;
26.70 -
26.71 - if (g_utf8_validate (start, size, (const gchar **) &end) || (end - start + 4 > size)) { /* allow last char to be cut off */
26.72 - *prob = probability;
26.73 - return TRUE;
26.74 - }
26.75 - *prob = 0;
26.76 - return FALSE;
26.77 - }
26.78 - size /= 2;
26.79 - probability -= step;
26.80 - }
26.81 - *prob = 0;
26.82 - return FALSE;
26.83 -}
26.84 -
26.85 -static void
26.86 -utf8_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.87 -{
26.88 - GstTypeFindProbability start_prob, mid_prob;
26.89 - guint64 length;
26.90 -
26.91 - /* leave xml to the xml typefinders */
26.92 - if (xml_check_first_element (tf, "", 0, TRUE))
26.93 - return;
26.94 -
26.95 - /* check beginning of stream */
26.96 - if (!utf8_type_find_have_valid_utf8_at_offset (tf, 0, &start_prob))
26.97 - return;
26.98 -
26.99 - GST_LOG ("start is plain text with probability of %u", start_prob);
26.100 -
26.101 - /* POSSIBLE is the highest probability we ever return if we can't
26.102 - * probe into the middle of the file and don't know its length */
26.103 -
26.104 - length = gst_type_find_get_length (tf);
26.105 - if (length == 0 || length == (guint64) - 1) {
26.106 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, MIN (start_prob, GST_TYPE_FIND_POSSIBLE),
26.107 - UTF8_CAPS);
26.108 - return;
26.109 - }
26.110 -
26.111 - if (length < 64 * 1024) {
26.112 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, start_prob, UTF8_CAPS);
26.113 - return;
26.114 - }
26.115 -
26.116 - /* check middle of stream */
26.117 - if (!utf8_type_find_have_valid_utf8_at_offset (tf, length / 2, &mid_prob))
26.118 - return;
26.119 -
26.120 - GST_LOG ("middle is plain text with probability of %u", mid_prob);
26.121 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, (start_prob + mid_prob) / 2, UTF8_CAPS);
26.122 -}
26.123 -
26.124 -/*** text/uri-list ***/
26.125 -
26.126 -static GstStaticCaps uri_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("text/uri-list");
26.127 -
26.128 -#define URI_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&uri_caps))
26.129 -#define BUFFER_SIZE 16 /* If the string is < 16 bytes we're screwed */
26.130 -#define INC_BUFFER { \
26.131 - pos++; \
26.132 - if (pos == BUFFER_SIZE) { \
26.133 - pos = 0; \
26.134 - offset += BUFFER_SIZE; \
26.135 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, BUFFER_SIZE); \
26.136 - if (data == NULL) return; \
26.137 - } else { \
26.138 - data++; \
26.139 - } \
26.140 -}
26.141 -static void
26.142 -uri_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.143 -{
26.144 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
26.145 - guint pos = 0;
26.146 - guint offset = 0;
26.147 -
26.148 - if (data) {
26.149 - /* Search for # comment lines */
26.150 - while (*data == '#') {
26.151 - /* Goto end of line */
26.152 - while (*data != '\n') {
26.153 - INC_BUFFER;
26.154 - }
26.155 -
26.156 - INC_BUFFER;
26.157 - }
26.158 -
26.159 - if (!g_ascii_isalpha (*data)) {
26.160 - /* Had a non alpha char - can't be uri-list */
26.161 - return;
26.162 - }
26.163 -
26.164 - INC_BUFFER;
26.165 -
26.166 - while (g_ascii_isalnum (*data)) {
26.167 - INC_BUFFER;
26.168 - }
26.169 -
26.170 - if (*data != ':') {
26.171 - /* First non alpha char is not a : */
26.172 - return;
26.173 - }
26.174 -
26.175 - /* Get the next 2 bytes as well */
26.176 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset + pos, 3);
26.177 - if (data == NULL)
26.178 - return;
26.179 -
26.180 - if (data[1] != '/' && data[2] != '/') {
26.181 - return;
26.182 - }
26.183 -
26.184 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, URI_CAPS);
26.185 - }
26.186 -}
26.187 -
26.188 -
26.189 -/*** application/xml **********************************************************/
26.190 -
26.191 -#define XML_BUFFER_SIZE 16
26.192 -#define XML_INC_BUFFER { \
26.193 - pos++; \
26.194 - if (pos == XML_BUFFER_SIZE) { \
26.195 - pos = 0; \
26.196 - offset += XML_BUFFER_SIZE; \
26.197 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE); \
26.198 - if (data == NULL) return FALSE; \
26.199 - } else { \
26.200 - data++; \
26.201 - } \
26.202 -}
26.203 -
26.204 -static gboolean
26.205 -xml_check_first_element (GstTypeFind * tf, const gchar * element, guint elen,
26.206 - gboolean strict)
26.207 -{
26.208 - gboolean got_xmldec;
26.209 - guint8 *data;
26.210 - guint offset = 0;
26.211 - guint pos = 0;
26.212 -
26.213 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, XML_BUFFER_SIZE);
26.214 - if (!data)
26.215 - return FALSE;
26.216 -
26.217 - /* look for the XMLDec
26.218 - * see XML spec 2.8, Prolog and Document Type Declaration
26.219 - * http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204/#sec-prolog-dtd */
26.220 - got_xmldec = (memcmp (data, "<?xml", 5) == 0);
26.221 -
26.222 - if (strict && !got_xmldec)
26.223 - return FALSE;
26.224 -
26.225 - /* skip XMLDec in any case if we've got one */
26.226 - if (got_xmldec) {
26.227 - pos += 5;
26.228 - data += 5;
26.229 - }
26.230 -
26.231 - /* look for the first element, it has to be the requested element. Bail
26.232 - * out if it is not within the first 4kB. */
26.233 - while (data && (offset + pos) < 4096) {
26.234 - while (*data != '<' && (offset + pos) < 4096) {
26.235 - XML_INC_BUFFER;
26.236 - }
26.237 -
26.238 - XML_INC_BUFFER;
26.239 - if (!g_ascii_isalpha (*data)) {
26.240 - /* if not alphabetic, it's a PI or an element / attribute declaration
26.241 - * like <?xxx or <!xxx */
26.242 - XML_INC_BUFFER;
26.243 - continue;
26.244 - }
26.245 -
26.246 - /* the first normal element, check if it's the one asked for */
26.247 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset + pos, elen + 1);
26.248 - return (data && element && strncmp ((char *) data, element, elen) == 0);
26.249 - }
26.250 -
26.251 - return FALSE;
26.252 -}
26.253 -
26.254 -static GstStaticCaps generic_xml_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/xml");
26.255 -
26.256 -#define GENERIC_XML_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&generic_xml_caps))
26.257 -static void
26.258 -xml_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.259 -{
26.260 - if (xml_check_first_element (tf, "", 0, TRUE)) {
26.261 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MINIMUM, GENERIC_XML_CAPS);
26.262 - }
26.263 -}
26.264 -
26.265 -/*** application/smil *********************************************************/
26.266 -
26.267 -static GstStaticCaps smil_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/smil");
26.268 -
26.269 -#define SMIL_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&smil_caps))
26.270 -static void
26.271 -smil_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.272 -{
26.273 - if (xml_check_first_element (tf, "smil", 4, FALSE)) {
26.274 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, SMIL_CAPS);
26.275 - }
26.276 -}
26.277 -
26.278 -/*** text/html ***/
26.279 -
26.280 -static GstStaticCaps html_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("text/html");
26.281 -
26.282 -#define HTML_CAPS gst_static_caps_get (&html_caps)
26.283 -
26.284 -static void
26.285 -html_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.286 -{
26.287 - gchar *d, *data;
26.288 -
26.289 - data = (gchar *) gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 16);
26.290 - if (!data)
26.291 - return;
26.292 -
26.293 - if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp (data, "<!DOCTYPE HTML", 14)) {
26.294 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, HTML_CAPS);
26.295 - } else if (xml_check_first_element (tf, "html", 4, FALSE)) {
26.296 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, HTML_CAPS);
26.297 - } else if ((d = memchr (data, '<', 16))) {
26.298 - data = (gchar *) gst_type_find_peek (tf, d - data, 6);
26.299 - if (data && g_ascii_strncasecmp (data, "<html>", 6) == 0) {
26.300 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, HTML_CAPS);
26.301 - }
26.302 - }
26.303 -}
26.304 -
26.305 -/*** video/x-fli ***/
26.306 -
26.307 -static GstStaticCaps flx_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/x-fli");
26.308 -
26.309 -#define FLX_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&flx_caps)
26.310 -static void
26.311 -flx_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.312 -{
26.313 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 134);
26.314 -
26.315 - if (data) {
26.316 - /* check magic and the frame type of the first frame */
26.317 - if ((data[4] == 0x11 || data[4] == 0x12 ||
26.318 - data[4] == 0x30 || data[4] == 0x44) &&
26.319 - data[5] == 0xaf &&
26.320 - ((data[132] == 0x00 || data[132] == 0xfa) && data[133] == 0xf1)) {
26.321 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, FLX_CAPS);
26.322 - }
26.323 - return;
26.324 - }
26.325 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 6);
26.326 - if (data) {
26.327 - /* check magic only */
26.328 - if ((data[4] == 0x11 || data[4] == 0x12 ||
26.329 - data[4] == 0x30 || data[4] == 0x44) && data[5] == 0xaf) {
26.330 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY, FLX_CAPS);
26.331 - }
26.332 - return;
26.333 - }
26.334 -}
26.335 -
26.336 -/*** application/x-id3 ***/
26.337 -
26.338 -static GstStaticCaps id3_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-id3");
26.339 -
26.340 -#define ID3_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&id3_caps)
26.341 -static void
26.342 -id3v2_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.343 -{
26.344 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 10);
26.345 -
26.346 - if (data && memcmp (data, "ID3", 3) == 0 &&
26.347 - data[3] != 0xFF && data[4] != 0xFF &&
26.348 - (data[6] & 0x80) == 0 && (data[7] & 0x80) == 0 &&
26.349 - (data[8] & 0x80) == 0 && (data[9] & 0x80) == 0) {
26.350 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, ID3_CAPS);
26.351 - }
26.352 -}
26.353 -
26.354 -static void
26.355 -id3v1_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.356 -{
26.357 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, -128, 3);
26.358 -
26.359 - if (data && memcmp (data, "TAG", 3) == 0) {
26.360 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, ID3_CAPS);
26.361 - }
26.362 -}
26.363 -
26.364 -/*** application/x-ape ***/
26.365 -
26.366 -static GstStaticCaps apetag_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-apetag");
26.367 -
26.368 -#define APETAG_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&apetag_caps)
26.369 -static void
26.370 -apetag_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.371 -{
26.372 - guint8 *data;
26.373 -
26.374 - /* APEv1/2 at start of file */
26.375 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 8);
26.376 - if (data && !memcmp (data, "APETAGEX", 8)) {
26.377 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, APETAG_CAPS);
26.378 - return;
26.379 - }
26.380 -
26.381 - /* APEv1/2 at end of file */
26.382 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, -32, 8);
26.383 - if (data && !memcmp (data, "APETAGEX", 8)) {
26.384 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, APETAG_CAPS);
26.385 - return;
26.386 - }
26.387 -}
26.388 -
26.389 -/*** audio/x-ttafile ***/
26.390 -
26.391 -static GstStaticCaps tta_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-ttafile");
26.392 -
26.393 -#define TTA_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&tta_caps)
26.394 -static void
26.395 -tta_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.396 -{
26.397 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 3);
26.398 -
26.399 - if (data) {
26.400 - if (memcmp (data, "TTA", 3) == 0) {
26.401 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, TTA_CAPS);
26.402 - return;
26.403 - }
26.404 - }
26.405 -}
26.406 -
26.407 -/*** audio/mpeg version 2, 4 ***/
26.408 -
26.409 -static GstStaticCaps aac_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/mpeg, "
26.410 - "mpegversion = (int) { 2, 4 }, framed = (bool) false");
26.411 -#define AAC_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&aac_caps))
26.412 -#define AAC_AMOUNT (4096)
26.413 -static void
26.414 -aac_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.415 -{
26.416 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, AAC_AMOUNT);
26.417 - gint snc;
26.418 -
26.419 - /* detect adts header or adif header.
26.420 - * The ADIF header is 4 bytes, that should be OK. The ADTS header, on
26.421 - * the other hand, is 14 bits only, so we require one valid frame with
26.422 - * again a valid syncpoint on the next one (28 bits) for certainty. We
26.423 - * require 4 kB, which is quite a lot, since frames are generally 200-400
26.424 - * bytes.
26.425 - */
26.426 - if (data) {
26.427 - gint n;
26.428 -
26.429 - for (n = 0; n < AAC_AMOUNT - 3; n++) {
26.430 - snc = GST_READ_UINT16_BE (&data[n]);
26.431 - if ((snc & 0xfff6) == 0xfff0) {
26.432 - /* ADTS header - find frame length */
26.433 - gint len;
26.434 -
26.435 - GST_DEBUG ("Found one ADTS syncpoint at offset 0x%x, tracing next...",
26.436 - n);
26.437 - if (AAC_AMOUNT - n < 5) {
26.438 - GST_DEBUG ("Not enough data to parse ADTS header");
26.439 - break;
26.440 - }
26.441 - len = ((data[n + 3] & 0x03) << 11) |
26.442 - (data[n + 4] << 3) | ((data[n + 5] & 0xe0) >> 5);
26.443 - if (n + len + 2 >= AAC_AMOUNT) {
26.444 - GST_DEBUG ("Next frame is not within reach");
26.445 - break;
26.446 - } else if (len == 0) {
26.447 - continue;
26.448 - }
26.449 -
26.450 - snc = GST_READ_UINT16_BE (&data[n + len]);
26.451 - if ((snc & 0xfff6) == 0xfff0) {
26.452 - gint mpegversion = (data[n + 1] & 0x08) ? 2 : 4;
26.453 - GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("audio/mpeg",
26.454 - "framed", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE,
26.455 - "mpegversion", G_TYPE_INT, mpegversion,
26.456 - NULL);
26.457 -
26.458 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY, caps);
26.459 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.460 -
26.461 - GST_DEBUG ("Found ADTS-%d syncpoint at offset 0x%x (framelen %u)",
26.462 - mpegversion, n, len);
26.463 - break;
26.464 - }
26.465 -
26.466 - GST_DEBUG ("No next frame found... (should be at 0x%x)", n + len);
26.467 - } else if (!memcmp (&data[n], "ADIF", 4)) {
26.468 - /* ADIF header */
26.469 - GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("audio/mpeg",
26.470 - "framed", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE,
26.471 - "mpegversion", G_TYPE_INT, 4,
26.472 - NULL);
26.473 -
26.474 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY, caps);
26.475 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.476 - }
26.477 - }
26.478 - }
26.479 -}
26.480 -
26.481 -/*** audio/mpeg version 1 ***/
26.482 -
26.483 -/*
26.484 - * The chance that random data is identified as a valid mp3 header is 63 / 2^18
26.485 - * (0.024%) per try. This makes the function for calculating false positives
26.486 - * 1 - (1 - ((63 / 2 ^18) ^ GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_MIN_HEADERS)) ^ buffersize)
26.487 - * This has the following probabilities of false positives:
26.488 - * datasize MIN_HEADERS
26.489 - * (bytes) 1 2 3 4
26.490 - * 4096 62.6% 0.02% 0% 0%
26.491 - * 16384 98% 0.09% 0% 0%
26.492 - * 1 MiB 100% 5.88% 0% 0%
26.493 - * 1 GiB 100% 100% 1.44% 0%
26.494 - * 1 TiB 100% 100% 100% 0.35%
26.495 - * This means that the current choice (3 headers by most of the time 4096 byte
26.496 - * buffers is pretty safe for now.
26.497 - *
26.498 - * The max. size of each frame is 1440 bytes, which means that for N frames to
26.499 - * be detected, we need 1440 * GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_MIN_HEADERS + 3 bytes of data.
26.500 - * Assuming we step into the stream right after the frame header, this
26.501 - * means we need 1440 * (GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_MIN_HEADERS + 1) - 1 + 3 bytes
26.502 - * of data (5762) to always detect any mp3.
26.503 - */
26.504 -
26.505 -static const guint mp3types_bitrates[2][3][16] =
26.506 - { {{0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448,},
26.507 - {0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384,},
26.508 - {0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320,}},
26.509 -{{0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256,},
26.510 - {0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160,},
26.511 - {0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160,}},
26.512 -};
26.513 -
26.514 -static const guint mp3types_freqs[3][3] = { {11025, 12000, 8000},
26.515 -{22050, 24000, 16000},
26.516 -{44100, 48000, 32000}
26.517 -};
26.518 -
26.519 -static inline guint
26.520 -mp3_type_frame_length_from_header (guint32 header, guint * put_layer,
26.521 - guint * put_channels, guint * put_bitrate, guint * put_samplerate,
26.522 - gboolean * may_be_free_format, gint possible_free_framelen)
26.523 -{
26.524 - guint bitrate, layer, length, mode, samplerate, version, channels;
26.525 -
26.526 - if ((header & 0xffe00000) != 0xffe00000)
26.527 - return 0;
26.528 -
26.529 - /* we don't need extension, copyright, original or
26.530 - * emphasis for the frame length */
26.531 - header >>= 6;
26.532 -
26.533 - /* mode */
26.534 - mode = header & 0x3;
26.535 - header >>= 3;
26.536 -
26.537 - /* padding */
26.538 - length = header & 0x1;
26.539 - header >>= 1;
26.540 -
26.541 - /* sampling frequency */
26.542 - samplerate = header & 0x3;
26.543 - if (samplerate == 3)
26.544 - return 0;
26.545 - header >>= 2;
26.546 -
26.547 - /* bitrate index */
26.548 - bitrate = header & 0xF;
26.549 - if (bitrate == 0 && possible_free_framelen == -1) {
26.550 - GST_LOG ("Possibly a free format mp3 - signalling");
26.551 - *may_be_free_format = TRUE;
26.552 - }
26.553 - if (bitrate == 15 || (bitrate == 0 && possible_free_framelen == -1))
26.554 - return 0;
26.555 -
26.556 - /* ignore error correction, too */
26.557 - header >>= 5;
26.558 -
26.559 - /* layer */
26.560 - layer = 4 - (header & 0x3);
26.561 - if (layer == 4)
26.562 - return 0;
26.563 - header >>= 2;
26.564 -
26.565 - /* version 0=MPEG2.5; 2=MPEG2; 3=MPEG1 */
26.566 - version = header & 0x3;
26.567 - if (version == 1)
26.568 - return 0;
26.569 -
26.570 - /* lookup */
26.571 - channels = (mode == 3) ? 1 : 2;
26.572 - samplerate = mp3types_freqs[version > 0 ? version - 1 : 0][samplerate];
26.573 - if (bitrate == 0) {
26.574 - if (layer == 1) {
26.575 - length *= 4;
26.576 - length += possible_free_framelen;
26.577 - bitrate = length * samplerate / 48000;
26.578 - } else {
26.579 - length += possible_free_framelen;
26.580 - bitrate = length * samplerate /
26.581 - ((layer == 3 && version != 3) ? 72000 : 144000);
26.582 - }
26.583 - } else {
26.584 - /* calculating */
26.585 - bitrate = mp3types_bitrates[version == 3 ? 0 : 1][layer - 1][bitrate];
26.586 - if (layer == 1) {
26.587 - length = ((12000 * bitrate / samplerate) + length) * 4;
26.588 - } else {
26.589 - length += ((layer == 3
26.590 - && version != 3) ? 72000 : 144000) * bitrate / samplerate;
26.591 - }
26.592 - }
26.593 -
26.594 - GST_LOG ("mp3typefind: calculated mp3 frame length of %u bytes", length);
26.595 - GST_LOG
26.596 - ("mp3typefind: samplerate = %u - bitrate = %u - layer = %u - version = %u"
26.597 - " - channels = %u", samplerate, bitrate, layer, version, channels);
26.598 -
26.599 - if (put_layer)
26.600 - *put_layer = layer;
26.601 - if (put_channels)
26.602 - *put_channels = channels;
26.603 - if (put_bitrate)
26.604 - *put_bitrate = bitrate;
26.605 - if (put_samplerate)
26.606 - *put_samplerate = samplerate;
26.607 -
26.608 - return length;
26.609 -}
26.610 -
26.611 -
26.612 -static GstStaticCaps mp3_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/mpeg, "
26.613 - "mpegversion = (int) 1, layer = (int) [ 1, 3 ]");
26.614 -#define MP3_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&mp3_caps))
26.615 -/*
26.616 - * random values for typefinding
26.617 - * if no more data is available, we will return a probability of
26.618 - * (found_headers/TRY_HEADERS) * (MAXIMUM * (TRY_SYNC - bytes_skipped)
26.619 - * / TRY_SYNC)
26.620 - * if found_headers >= MIN_HEADERS
26.621 - */
26.622 -#define GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_MIN_HEADERS (2)
26.623 -#define GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_TRY_HEADERS (5)
26.624 -#define GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_TRY_SYNC (GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM * 100) /* 10kB */
26.625 -#define GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_SYNC_SIZE (2048)
26.626 -#define GST_MP3_WRONG_HEADER (10)
26.627 -
26.628 -static void
26.629 -mp3_type_find_at_offset (GstTypeFind * tf, guint64 start_off,
26.630 - guint * found_layer, GstTypeFindProbability * found_prob)
26.631 -{
26.632 - guint8 *data = NULL;
26.633 - guint8 *data_end = NULL;
26.634 - guint size;
26.635 - guint64 skipped;
26.636 - gint last_free_offset = -1;
26.637 - gint last_free_framelen = -1;
26.638 - gboolean headerstart = TRUE;
26.639 -
26.640 - *found_layer = 0;
26.641 - *found_prob = 0;
26.642 -
26.643 - size = 0;
26.644 - skipped = 0;
26.645 - while (skipped < GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_TRY_SYNC) {
26.646 - if (size <= 0) {
26.647 - size = GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_SYNC_SIZE * 2;
26.648 - do {
26.649 - size /= 2;
26.650 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, skipped + start_off, size);
26.651 - } while (size > 10 && !data);
26.652 - if (!data)
26.653 - break;
26.654 - data_end = data + size;
26.655 - }
26.656 - if (*data == 0xFF) {
26.657 - guint8 *head_data = NULL;
26.658 - guint layer = 0, bitrate, samplerate, channels;
26.659 - guint found = 0; /* number of valid headers found */
26.660 - guint64 offset = skipped;
26.661 -
26.662 - while (found < GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_TRY_HEADERS) {
26.663 - guint32 head;
26.664 - guint length;
26.665 - guint prev_layer = 0, prev_bitrate = 0;
26.666 - guint prev_channels = 0, prev_samplerate = 0;
26.667 - gboolean free = FALSE;
26.668 -
26.669 - if ((gint64) (offset - skipped + 4) >= 0 &&
26.670 - data + offset - skipped + 4 < data_end) {
26.671 - head_data = data + offset - skipped;
26.672 - } else {
26.673 - head_data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset + start_off, 4);
26.674 - }
26.675 - if (!head_data)
26.676 - break;
26.677 - head = GST_READ_UINT32_BE (head_data);
26.678 - if (!(length = mp3_type_frame_length_from_header (head, &layer,
26.679 - &channels, &bitrate, &samplerate, &free,
26.680 - last_free_framelen))) {
26.681 - if (free) {
26.682 - if (last_free_offset == -1)
26.683 - last_free_offset = offset;
26.684 - else {
26.685 - last_free_framelen = offset - last_free_offset;
26.686 - offset = last_free_offset;
26.687 - continue;
26.688 - }
26.689 - } else {
26.690 - last_free_framelen = -1;
26.691 - }
26.692 -
26.693 - /* Mark the fact that we didn't find a valid header at the beginning */
26.694 - if (found == 0)
26.695 - headerstart = FALSE;
26.696 -
26.697 - GST_LOG ("%d. header at offset %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT
26.698 - " (0x%" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "x) was not an mp3 header "
26.699 - "(possibly-free: %s)", found + 1, start_off + offset,
26.700 - start_off + offset, free ? "yes" : "no");
26.701 - break;
26.702 - }
26.703 - if ((prev_layer && prev_layer != layer) ||
26.704 - /* (prev_bitrate && prev_bitrate != bitrate) || <-- VBR */
26.705 - (prev_samplerate && prev_samplerate != samplerate) ||
26.706 - (prev_channels && prev_channels != channels)) {
26.707 - /* this means an invalid property, or a change, which might mean
26.708 - * that this is not a mp3 but just a random bytestream. It could
26.709 - * be a freaking funky encoded mp3 though. We'll just not count
26.710 - * this header*/
26.711 - prev_layer = layer;
26.712 - prev_bitrate = bitrate;
26.713 - prev_channels = channels;
26.714 - prev_samplerate = samplerate;
26.715 - } else {
26.716 - found++;
26.717 - GST_LOG ("found %d. header at offset %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " (0x%"
26.718 - G_GINT64_MODIFIER "X)", found, start_off + offset,
26.719 - start_off + offset);
26.720 - }
26.721 - offset += length;
26.722 - }
26.723 - g_assert (found <= GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_TRY_HEADERS);
26.724 - if (found == GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_TRY_HEADERS ||
26.725 - (found >= GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_MIN_HEADERS && head_data == NULL)) {
26.726 - /* we can make a valid guess */
26.727 - guint probability = found * GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM *
26.728 - (GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_TRY_SYNC - skipped) /
26.730 -
26.731 - if (!headerstart
26.732 - && ((probability - GST_MP3_WRONG_HEADER) > GST_TYPE_FIND_MINIMUM))
26.733 - probability -= GST_MP3_WRONG_HEADER;
26.734 - if (probability < GST_TYPE_FIND_MINIMUM)
26.735 - probability = GST_TYPE_FIND_MINIMUM;
26.736 - if (start_off > 0)
26.737 - probability /= 2;
26.738 -
26.739 - GST_INFO
26.740 - ("audio/mpeg calculated %u = %u * %u / %u * (%u - %"
26.741 - G_GUINT64_FORMAT ") / %u", probability, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM,
26.743 - (guint64) skipped, GST_MP3_TYPEFIND_TRY_SYNC);
26.744 - /* make sure we're not id3 tagged */
26.745 - head_data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, -128, 3);
26.746 - if (head_data && (memcmp (head_data, "TAG", 3) == 0)) {
26.747 - probability = 0;
26.748 - }
26.749 - g_assert (probability <= GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.750 -
26.751 - *found_prob = probability;
26.752 - if (probability > 0)
26.753 - *found_layer = layer;
26.754 - return;
26.755 - }
26.756 - }
26.757 - data++;
26.758 - skipped++;
26.759 - size--;
26.760 - }
26.761 -}
26.762 -
26.763 -static void
26.764 -mp3_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.765 -{
26.766 - GstTypeFindProbability prob, mid_prob;
26.767 - guint8 *data;
26.768 - guint layer, mid_layer;
26.769 - guint64 length;
26.770 -
26.771 - mp3_type_find_at_offset (tf, 0, &layer, &prob);
26.772 - length = gst_type_find_get_length (tf);
26.773 -
26.774 - if (length == 0 || length == (guint64) - 1) {
26.775 - if (prob != 0)
26.776 - goto suggest;
26.777 - return;
26.778 - }
26.779 -
26.780 - /* if we're pretty certain already, skip the additional check */
26.781 - if (prob >= GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY)
26.782 - goto suggest;
26.783 -
26.784 - mp3_type_find_at_offset (tf, length / 2, &mid_layer, &mid_prob);
26.785 -
26.786 - if (mid_prob > 0) {
26.787 - if (prob == 0) {
26.788 - GST_LOG ("detected audio/mpeg only in the middle (p=%u)", mid_prob);
26.789 - layer = mid_layer;
26.790 - prob = mid_prob;
26.791 - goto suggest;
26.792 - }
26.793 -
26.794 - if (layer != mid_layer) {
26.795 - GST_WARNING ("audio/mpeg layer discrepancy: %u vs. %u", layer, mid_layer);
26.796 - return; /* FIXME: or should we just go with the one in the middle? */
26.797 - }
26.798 -
26.799 - /* detected mpeg audio both in middle of the file and at the start */
26.800 - prob = (prob + mid_prob) / 2;
26.801 - goto suggest;
26.802 - }
26.803 -
26.804 - /* let's see if there's a valid header right at the start */
26.805 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4); /* use min. frame size? */
26.806 - if (data && mp3_type_frame_length_from_header (GST_READ_UINT32_BE (data),
26.807 - &layer, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0) != 0) {
26.808 - if (prob == 0)
26.809 - prob = GST_TYPE_FIND_POSSIBLE - 10;
26.810 - else
26.811 - prob = MAX (GST_TYPE_FIND_POSSIBLE - 10, prob + 10);
26.812 - }
26.813 -
26.814 - if (prob > 0)
26.815 - goto suggest;
26.816 -
26.817 - return;
26.818 -
26.819 -suggest:
26.820 - {
26.821 - GstCaps *caps;
26.822 -
26.823 - g_assert (layer > 0);
26.824 -
26.825 - caps = gst_caps_make_writable (MP3_CAPS);
26.826 - gst_structure_set (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0), "layer",
26.827 - G_TYPE_INT, layer, NULL);
26.828 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, prob, caps);
26.829 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.830 - return;
26.831 - }
26.832 -}
26.833 -
26.834 -/*** audio/x-musepack ***/
26.835 -
26.836 -static GstStaticCaps musepack_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-musepack");
26.837 -
26.838 -#define MUSEPACK_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&musepack_caps))
26.839 -static void
26.840 -musepack_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.841 -{
26.842 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4);
26.843 -
26.844 - if (data && memcmp (data, "MP+", 3) == 0) {
26.845 - if ((data[3] & 0x7f) == 7) {
26.846 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, MUSEPACK_CAPS);
26.847 - } else {
26.848 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY + 10, MUSEPACK_CAPS);
26.849 - }
26.850 - }
26.851 -}
26.852 -
26.853 -/*** audio/x-ac3 ***/
26.854 -static GstStaticCaps ac3_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-ac3");
26.855 -
26.856 -#define AC3_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&ac3_caps))
26.857 -
26.858 -static void
26.859 -ac3_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.860 -{
26.861 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 2);
26.862 -
26.863 - if (data) {
26.864 - /* pretty lame method... */
26.865 - if (data[0] == 0x0b && data[1] == 0x77) {
26.866 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_POSSIBLE, AC3_CAPS);
26.867 - return;
26.868 - }
26.869 - }
26.870 -}
26.871 -
26.872 -/*** wavpack ***/
26.873 -
26.874 -static GstStaticCaps wavpack_caps =
26.875 -GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-wavpack, framed = (boolean) false");
26.876 -
26.877 -#define WAVPACK_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&wavpack_caps))
26.878 -
26.879 -static GstStaticCaps wavpack_correction_caps =
26.880 -GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-wavpack-correction, framed = (boolean) false");
26.881 -
26.882 -#define WAVPACK_CORRECTION_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&wavpack_correction_caps))
26.883 -
26.884 -static void
26.885 -wavpack_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.886 -{
26.887 - guint64 offset;
26.888 - guint32 blocksize;
26.889 - guint8 *data;
26.890 -
26.891 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 32);
26.892 - if (!data)
26.893 - return;
26.894 -
26.895 - if (data[0] != 'w' || data[1] != 'v' || data[2] != 'p' || data[3] != 'k')
26.896 - return;
26.897 -
26.898 - /* Note: wavpack blocks can be fairly large (easily 60-110k), possibly
26.899 - * larger than the max. limits imposed by certain typefinding elements
26.900 - * like id3demux or apedemux, so typefinding is most likely only going to
26.901 - * work in pull-mode */
26.902 - blocksize = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (data + 4);
26.903 - GST_LOG ("wavpack header, blocksize=0x%04x", blocksize);
26.904 - offset = 32;
26.905 - while (offset < 32 + blocksize) {
26.906 - guint32 sublen;
26.907 -
26.908 - /* get chunk header */
26.909 - GST_LOG ("peeking at chunk at offset 0x%04x", (guint) offset);
26.910 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, 4);
26.911 - if (data == NULL)
26.912 - break;
26.913 - sublen = ((guint32) data[1]) << 1;
26.914 - if (data[0] & 0x80) {
26.915 - sublen |= (((guint32) data[2]) << 9) | (((guint32) data[3]) << 17);
26.916 - sublen += 1 + 3; /* id + length */
26.917 - } else {
26.918 - sublen += 1 + 1; /* id + length */
26.919 - }
26.920 - if (sublen > blocksize - offset + 32) {
26.921 - GST_LOG ("chunk length too big (%u > %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ")", sublen,
26.922 - blocksize - offset);
26.923 - break;
26.924 - }
26.925 - if ((data[0] & 0x20) == 0) {
26.926 - switch (data[0] & 0x0f) {
26.927 - case 0xa: /* ID_WV_BITSTREAM */
26.928 - case 0xc: /* ID_WVX_BITSTREAM */
26.929 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY, WAVPACK_CAPS);
26.930 - return;
26.931 - case 0xb: /* ID_WVC_BITSTREAM */
26.932 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY,
26.934 - return;
26.935 - default:
26.936 - break;
26.937 - }
26.938 - }
26.939 - offset += sublen;
26.940 - }
26.941 -}
26.942 -
26.943 -/*** multipart/x-mixed-replace mimestream ***/
26.944 -
26.945 -static GstStaticCaps multipart_caps =
26.946 -GST_STATIC_CAPS ("multipart/x-mixed-replace");
26.947 -#define MULTIPART_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&multipart_caps)
26.948 -
26.949 -/* multipart/x-mixed replace is:
26.950 - * <maybe some whitespace>--<some ascii chars>[\r]\n
26.951 - * <more ascii chars>[\r]\nContent-type:<more ascii>[\r]\n */
26.952 -static void
26.953 -multipart_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.954 -{
26.955 - guint8 *data;
26.956 - guint8 *x;
26.957 -
26.959 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, MULTIPART_MAX_BOUNDARY_OFFSET);
26.960 - if (!data)
26.961 - return;
26.962 -
26.963 - for (x = data;
26.964 - x - data < MULTIPART_MAX_BOUNDARY_OFFSET - 2 && g_ascii_isspace (*x);
26.965 - x++);
26.966 - if (x[0] != '-' || x[1] != '-')
26.967 - return;
26.968 -
26.969 - /* Could be okay, peek what should be enough for a complete header */
26.970 -#define MULTIPART_MAX_HEADER_SIZE 256
26.971 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, MULTIPART_MAX_HEADER_SIZE);
26.972 - if (!data)
26.973 - return;
26.974 -
26.975 - for (x = data; x - data < MULTIPART_MAX_HEADER_SIZE - 14; x++) {
26.976 - if (!isascii (*x)) {
26.977 - return;
26.978 - }
26.979 - if (*x == '\n' &&
26.980 - !g_ascii_strncasecmp ("content-type:", (gchar *) x + 1, 13)) {
26.981 - GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_copy (MULTIPART_CAPS);
26.982 -
26.983 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, caps);
26.984 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.985 - return;
26.986 - }
26.987 - }
26.988 -}
26.989 -
26.990 -/*** video/mpeg systemstream ***/
26.991 -static GstStaticCaps mpeg_sys_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/mpeg, "
26.992 - "systemstream = (boolean) true, mpegversion = (int) [ 1, 2 ]");
26.993 -
26.994 -#define MPEG_SYS_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&mpeg_sys_caps)
26.995 -#define IS_MPEG_HEADER(data) ((((guint8 *)(data))[0] == 0x00) && \
26.996 - (((guint8 *)(data))[1] == 0x00) && \
26.997 - (((guint8 *)(data))[2] == 0x01))
26.998 -
26.999 -#define IS_MPEG_PACK_HEADER(data) (IS_MPEG_HEADER (data) && \
26.1000 - (((guint8 *)(data))[3] == 0xBA))
26.1001 -
26.1002 -#define IS_MPEG_SYSTEM_HEADER(data) (IS_MPEG_HEADER (data) && \
26.1003 - (((guint8 *)(data))[3] == 0xBB))
26.1004 -#define IS_MPEG_PACKET_HEADER(data) (IS_MPEG_HEADER (data) && \
26.1005 - ((((guint8 *)(data))[3] & 0x80) == 0x80))
26.1006 -
26.1007 -#define IS_MPEG_PES_HEADER(data) (IS_MPEG_HEADER (data) && \
26.1008 - ((((guint8 *)(data))[3] == 0xE0) || \
26.1009 - (((guint8 *)(data))[3] == 0xC0) || \
26.1010 - (((guint8 *)(data))[3] == 0xBD)))
26.1011 -
26.1012 -static void
26.1013 -mpeg2_sys_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1014 -{
26.1015 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 5);
26.1016 - gint mpegversion;
26.1017 -
26.1018 - if (data && IS_MPEG_PACK_HEADER (data)) {
26.1019 - if ((data[4] & 0xC0) == 0x40) {
26.1020 - /* type 2 */
26.1021 - mpegversion = 2;
26.1022 - goto suggest;
26.1023 - } else if ((data[4] & 0xF0) == 0x20) {
26.1024 - mpegversion = 1;
26.1025 - goto suggest;
26.1026 - }
26.1027 - } else if (data && IS_MPEG_PES_HEADER (data)) {
26.1028 - /* PES stream */
26.1029 - mpegversion = 2;
26.1030 - goto suggest;
26.1031 - }
26.1032 -
26.1033 - return;
26.1034 -suggest:
26.1035 - {
26.1036 - GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_copy (MPEG_SYS_CAPS);
26.1037 -
26.1038 - gst_structure_set (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0), "mpegversion",
26.1039 - G_TYPE_INT, mpegversion, NULL);
26.1040 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_POSSIBLE, caps);
26.1041 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.1042 - }
26.1043 -};
26.1044 -
26.1045 -/* ATTENTION: ugly return value:
26.1046 - * 0 - invalid data
26.1047 - * 1 - not enough data
26.1048 - * anything else - size until next package
26.1049 - */
26.1050 -static guint
26.1051 -mpeg1_parse_header (GstTypeFind * tf, guint64 offset)
26.1052 -{
26.1053 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, 4);
26.1054 - guint size;
26.1055 -
26.1056 - if (!data) {
26.1057 - GST_LOG ("couldn't get MPEG header bytes");
26.1058 - return 1;
26.1059 - }
26.1060 -
26.1061 - if (data[0] != 0 || data[1] != 0 || data[2] != 1) {
26.1062 - GST_LOG ("no sync");
26.1063 - return 0;
26.1064 - }
26.1065 - offset += 4;
26.1066 -
26.1067 - GST_LOG ("sync %02x", data[3]);
26.1068 -
26.1069 - switch (data[3]) {
26.1070 - case 0xBA: /* pack header */
26.1071 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, 8);
26.1072 - if (!data) {
26.1073 - GST_LOG ("couldn't get MPEG pack header bytes");
26.1074 - return 1;
26.1075 - }
26.1076 - size = 12;
26.1077 - /* check marker bits */
26.1078 - if ((data[0] & 0xF1) != 0x21 ||
26.1079 - (data[2] & 0x01) != 0x01 ||
26.1080 - (data[4] & 0x01) != 0x01 ||
26.1081 - (data[5] & 0x80) != 0x80 || (data[7] & 0x01) != 0x01) {
26.1082 - GST_LOG ("wrong marker bits");
26.1083 - return 0;
26.1084 - }
26.1085 - break;
26.1086 -
26.1087 - case 0xB9: /* ISO end code */
26.1088 - size = 4;
26.1089 - break;
26.1090 -
26.1091 - case 0xBB: /* system header */
26.1092 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, 2);
26.1093 - if (!data) {
26.1094 - GST_LOG ("couldn't get MPEG pack header bytes");
26.1095 - return 1;
26.1096 - }
26.1097 - size = GST_READ_UINT16_BE (data) + 6;
26.1098 - offset += 2;
26.1099 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, size - 6);
26.1100 - if (!data) {
26.1101 - GST_LOG ("couldn't get MPEG pack header bytes");
26.1102 - return 1;
26.1103 - }
26.1104 - /* check marker bits */
26.1105 - if ((data[0] & 0x80) != 0x80 ||
26.1106 - (data[2] & 0x01) != 0x01 || (data[4] & 0x20) != 0x20) {
26.1107 - GST_LOG ("wrong marker bits");
26.1108 - return 0;
26.1109 - }
26.1110 - /* check stream marker bits */
26.1111 - for (offset = 6; offset < (size - 6); offset += 3) {
26.1112 - if (data[offset] <= 0xBB || (data[offset + 1] & 0xC0) != 0xC0) {
26.1113 - GST_LOG ("wrong marker bits");
26.1114 - return 0;
26.1115 - }
26.1116 - }
26.1117 - break;
26.1118 -
26.1119 - default:
26.1120 - if (data[3] < 0xB9)
26.1121 - return 0;
26.1122 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, 2);
26.1123 - if (!data) {
26.1124 - GST_LOG ("couldn't get MPEG pack header bytes");
26.1125 - return 1;
26.1126 - }
26.1127 - size = GST_READ_UINT16_BE (data) + 6;
26.1128 - /* FIXME: we could check PTS/DTS marker bits here... (bit overkill) */
26.1129 - break;
26.1130 - }
26.1131 -
26.1132 - return size;
26.1133 -}
26.1134 -
26.1135 -/* calculation of possibility to identify random data as mpeg systemstream:
26.1136 - * bits that must match in header detection: 32 (or more)
26.1137 - * chance that random data is identifed: 1/2^32
26.1138 - * chance that GST_MPEG_TYPEFIND_TRY_HEADERS headers are identified:
26.1139 - * 1/2^(32*GST_MPEG_TYPEFIND_TRY_HEADERS)
26.1140 - * chance that this happens in GST_MPEG_TYPEFIND_TRY_SYNC bytes:
26.1142 - * for current values:
26.1143 - * 1-(1+1/2^(32*4)^101024)
26.1144 - * = <some_number>
26.1145 - */
26.1147 -#define GST_MPEG_TYPEFIND_TRY_SYNC (100 * 1024) /* 100kB */
26.1148 -#define GST_MPEG_TYPEFIND_SYNC_SIZE 2048
26.1149 -static void
26.1150 -mpeg1_sys_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1151 -{
26.1152 - guint8 *data = NULL;
26.1153 - guint size = 0;
26.1154 - guint64 skipped = 0;
26.1155 - GstCaps *caps;
26.1156 -
26.1157 - while (skipped < GST_MPEG_TYPEFIND_TRY_SYNC) {
26.1158 - if (size < 4) {
26.1159 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, skipped, GST_MPEG_TYPEFIND_SYNC_SIZE);
26.1160 - if (!data)
26.1161 - break;
26.1163 - }
26.1164 - if (IS_MPEG_PACK_HEADER (data)) {
26.1165 - /* found packet start code */
26.1166 - guint found = 0;
26.1167 - guint packet_size = 0;
26.1168 - guint64 offset = skipped;
26.1169 -
26.1170 - while (found < GST_MPEG_TYPEFIND_TRY_HEADERS) {
26.1171 - packet_size = mpeg1_parse_header (tf, offset);
26.1172 - if (packet_size <= 1)
26.1173 - break;
26.1174 - offset += packet_size;
26.1175 - found++;
26.1176 - }
26.1177 - g_assert (found <= GST_MPEG_TYPEFIND_TRY_HEADERS);
26.1178 - if (found == GST_MPEG_TYPEFIND_TRY_HEADERS || packet_size == 1) {
26.1179 - GST_LOG ("suggesting mpeg1 system steeam");
26.1180 - caps = gst_caps_copy (MPEG_SYS_CAPS);
26.1181 - gst_structure_set (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0), "mpegversion",
26.1182 - G_TYPE_INT, 1, NULL);
26.1183 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM - 1, caps);
26.1184 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.1185 - return;
26.1186 - }
26.1187 - }
26.1188 - data++;
26.1189 - skipped++;
26.1190 - size--;
26.1191 - }
26.1192 -}
26.1193 -
26.1194 -/** video/mpegts Transport Stream **/
26.1195 -static GstStaticCaps mpegts_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/mpegts, "
26.1196 - "systemstream = (boolean) true, packetsize = (int) [ 188, 208 ]");
26.1197 -#define MPEGTS_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&mpegts_caps)
26.1198 -
26.1201 -#define GST_MPEGTS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 204
26.1206 -
26.1207 -#define MPEGTS_HDR_SIZE 4
26.1208 -#define IS_MPEGTS_HEADER(data) (((data)[0] == 0x47) && \
26.1209 - (((data)[1] & 0x80) == 0x00) && \
26.1210 - (((data)[3] & 0x10) == 0x10))
26.1211 -
26.1212 -/* Helper function to search ahead at intervals of packet_size for mpegts
26.1213 - * headers */
26.1214 -gint
26.1215 -mpeg_ts_probe_headers (GstTypeFind * tf, guint64 offset, gint packet_size)
26.1216 -{
26.1217 - /* We always enter this function having found at least one header already */
26.1218 - gint found = 1;
26.1219 - guint8 *data = NULL;
26.1220 -
26.1221 - while (found < GST_MPEGTS_TYPEFIND_MAX_HEADERS) {
26.1222 - offset += packet_size;
26.1223 -
26.1224 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, MPEGTS_HDR_SIZE);
26.1225 - if (data == NULL || !IS_MPEGTS_HEADER (data))
26.1226 - return found;
26.1227 -
26.1228 - found++;
26.1229 - }
26.1230 -
26.1231 - return found;
26.1232 -}
26.1233 -
26.1234 -/* Try and detect at least 4 packets in at most 10 packets worth of
26.1235 - * data. Need to try several possible packet sizes */
26.1236 -static void
26.1237 -mpeg_ts_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1238 -{
26.1239 - /* TS packet sizes to test: normal, DVHS packet size and
26.1240 - * FEC with 16 or 20 byte codes packet size. */
26.1241 - const gint pack_sizes[] = { 188, 192, 204, 208 };
26.1242 - const gint n_pack_sizes = sizeof (pack_sizes) / sizeof (gint);
26.1243 -
26.1244 - guint8 *data = NULL;
26.1245 - guint size = 0;
26.1246 - guint64 skipped = 0;
26.1247 -
26.1248 - while (skipped < GST_MPEGTS_TYPEFIND_MAX_SYNC) {
26.1249 - if (size < MPEGTS_HDR_SIZE) {
26.1250 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, skipped, GST_MPEGTS_TYPEFIND_SYNC_SIZE);
26.1251 - if (!data)
26.1252 - break;
26.1254 - }
26.1255 -
26.1256 - /* Have at least MPEGTS_HDR_SIZE bytes at this point */
26.1257 - if (IS_MPEGTS_HEADER (data)) {
26.1258 - gint p;
26.1259 -
26.1260 - for (p = 0; p < n_pack_sizes; p++) {
26.1261 - gint found;
26.1262 -
26.1263 - /* Probe ahead at size pack_sizes[p] */
26.1264 - found = mpeg_ts_probe_headers (tf, skipped, pack_sizes[p]);
26.1265 - if (found >= GST_MPEGTS_TYPEFIND_MIN_HEADERS) {
26.1266 - gint probability;
26.1267 - GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_copy (MPEGTS_CAPS);
26.1268 -
26.1269 - gst_structure_set (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0), "packetsize",
26.1270 - G_TYPE_INT, pack_sizes[p], NULL);
26.1271 -
26.1272 - /* found at least 4 headers. 10 headers = MAXIMUM probability.
26.1273 - * Arbitrarily, I assigned 10% probability for each header we
26.1274 - * found, 40% -> 100% */
26.1275 -
26.1276 - probability = 10 * MIN (found, 10);
26.1277 -
26.1278 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, probability, caps);
26.1279 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.1280 - return;
26.1281 - }
26.1282 - }
26.1283 - }
26.1284 - data++;
26.1285 - skipped++;
26.1286 - size--;
26.1287 - }
26.1288 -}
26.1289 -
26.1290 -/*** video/mpeg MPEG-4 elementary video stream ***/
26.1291 -
26.1292 -static GstStaticCaps mpeg4_video_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/mpeg, "
26.1293 - "systemstream = (boolean) false, mpegversion = 4");
26.1294 -#define MPEG4_VIDEO_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&mpeg4_video_caps)
26.1295 -static void
26.1296 -mpeg4_video_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1297 -{
26.1298 - /* Header consists of: a series of start codes (00 00 01 xx), some with
26.1299 - * associated data.
26.1300 - * Optionally, we start with a visual_object_sequence_start_code, followed by
26.1301 - * (optionally) visual_object_start_code), then the mandatory
26.1302 - * video_object_start_code and video_object_layer_start_code)
26.1303 - */
26.1304 - guint8 *data = NULL;
26.1305 - int offset = 0;
26.1306 - gboolean seen_vos = FALSE;
26.1307 -
26.1308 - while (TRUE) {
26.1309 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, 4);
26.1310 - if (data && data[0] == 0 && data[1] == 0 && data[2] == 1) {
26.1311 - int sc = data[3];
26.1312 -
26.1313 - if (sc == 0xB0) /* visual_object_sequence_start_code */
26.1314 - offset += 5;
26.1315 - else if (sc == 0xB5) /* visual_object_start_code */
26.1316 - offset += 5;
26.1317 - else if (sc >= 0x00 && sc <= 0x1F) { /* video_object_start_code */
26.1318 - offset += 4;
26.1319 - seen_vos = TRUE;
26.1320 - } else if (sc >= 0x20 && sc <= 0x2F) { /* video_object_layer_start_code */
26.1321 - if (seen_vos) {
26.1322 - GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_copy (MPEG4_VIDEO_CAPS);
26.1323 -
26.1324 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM - 1, caps);
26.1325 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.1326 - return;
26.1327 - }
26.1328 - } else
26.1329 - return;
26.1330 - } else
26.1331 - return;
26.1332 - }
26.1333 -}
26.1334 -
26.1335 -/*** video/mpeg video stream ***/
26.1336 -
26.1337 -static GstStaticCaps mpeg_video_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/mpeg, "
26.1338 - "systemstream = (boolean) false");
26.1339 -#define MPEG_VIDEO_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&mpeg_video_caps)
26.1340 -static void
26.1341 -mpeg_video_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1342 -{
26.1343 - static const guint8 sequence_header[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xb3 };
26.1344 - guint8 *data = NULL;
26.1345 -
26.1346 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 8);
26.1347 -
26.1348 - if (data && memcmp (data, sequence_header, 4) == 0) {
26.1349 - GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_copy (MPEG_VIDEO_CAPS);
26.1350 -
26.1351 - gst_structure_set (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0), "mpegversion",
26.1352 - G_TYPE_INT, 1, NULL);
26.1353 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM - 1, caps);
26.1354 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.1355 - }
26.1356 -}
26.1357 -
26.1358 -/*
26.1359 - * Idea is the same as MPEG system stream typefinding: We check each
26.1360 - * byte of the stream to see if - from that point on - the stream
26.1361 - * matches a predefined set of marker bits as defined in the MPEG
26.1362 - * video specs.
26.1363 - *
26.1364 - * I'm sure someone will do a chance calculation here too.
26.1365 - */
26.1366 -
26.1368 -#define GST_MPEGVID_TYPEFIND_TRY_SYNC (100 * 1024) /* 100 kB */
26.1369 -#define GST_MPEGVID_TYPEFIND_SYNC_SIZE 2048
26.1370 -
26.1371 -static void
26.1372 -mpeg_video_stream_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1373 -{
26.1374 - gint size = 0, found = 0;
26.1375 - guint64 skipped = 0;
26.1376 - guint8 *data = NULL;
26.1377 -
26.1378 - while (1) {
26.1379 - if (found >= GST_MPEGVID_TYPEFIND_TRY_PICTURES) {
26.1380 - GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_copy (MPEG_VIDEO_CAPS);
26.1381 -
26.1382 - gst_structure_set (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0), "mpegversion",
26.1383 - G_TYPE_INT, 1, NULL);
26.1384 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM - 2, caps);
26.1385 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.1386 - return;
26.1387 - }
26.1388 -
26.1389 - if (skipped > GST_MPEGVID_TYPEFIND_TRY_SYNC)
26.1390 - break;
26.1391 -
26.1392 - if (size < 5) {
26.1393 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, skipped, GST_MPEGVID_TYPEFIND_SYNC_SIZE);
26.1394 - if (!data)
26.1395 - break;
26.1397 - }
26.1398 -
26.1399 - /* are we a sequence (0xB3) or GOP (0xB8) header? */
26.1400 - if (data[0] == 0x0 && data[1] == 0x0 && data[2] == 0x1 &&
26.1401 - (data[3] == 0xB3 || data[3] == 0xB8)) {
26.1402 - size -= 8;
26.1403 - data += 8;
26.1404 - skipped += 8;
26.1405 - if (data[3] == 0xB3)
26.1406 - continue;
26.1407 - else if (size < 4) {
26.1408 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, skipped, GST_MPEGVID_TYPEFIND_SYNC_SIZE);
26.1410 - if (!data)
26.1411 - break;
26.1412 - }
26.1413 - /* else, we should now see an image */
26.1414 - }
26.1415 -
26.1416 - /* image header (and, when found, slice header) */
26.1417 - if (data[0] == 0x0 && data[1] == 0x0 && data[2] == 0x1 && data[4] == 0x0) {
26.1418 - size -= 8;
26.1419 - data += 8;
26.1420 - skipped += 8;
26.1421 - if (size < 5) {
26.1422 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, skipped, GST_MPEGVID_TYPEFIND_SYNC_SIZE);
26.1424 - if (!data)
26.1425 - break;
26.1426 - }
26.1427 - if ((data[0] == 0x0 && data[1] == 0x0 &&
26.1428 - data[2] == 0x1 && data[3] == 0x1) ||
26.1429 - (data[1] == 0x0 && data[2] == 0x0 &&
26.1430 - data[3] == 0x1 && data[4] == 0x1)) {
26.1431 - size -= 4;
26.1432 - data += 4;
26.1433 - skipped += 4;
26.1434 - found += 1;
26.1435 - continue;
26.1436 - }
26.1437 - }
26.1438 -
26.1439 - size--;
26.1440 - data++;
26.1441 - skipped++;
26.1442 - }
26.1443 -}
26.1444 -
26.1445 -/*** audio/x-aiff ***/
26.1446 -
26.1447 -static GstStaticCaps aiff_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-aiff");
26.1448 -
26.1449 -#define AIFF_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&aiff_caps)
26.1450 -static void
26.1451 -aiff_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1452 -{
26.1453 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4);
26.1454 -
26.1455 - if (data && memcmp (data, "FORM", 4) == 0) {
26.1456 - data += 8;
26.1457 - if (memcmp (data, "AIFF", 4) == 0 || memcmp (data, "AIFC", 4) == 0)
26.1458 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, AIFF_CAPS);
26.1459 - }
26.1460 -}
26.1461 -
26.1462 -/*** audio/x-aiff ***/
26.1463 -
26.1464 -static GstStaticCaps svx_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-svx");
26.1465 -
26.1466 -#define SVX_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&svx_caps)
26.1467 -static void
26.1468 -svx_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1469 -{
26.1470 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4);
26.1471 -
26.1472 - if (data && memcmp (data, "FORM", 4) == 0) {
26.1473 - data += 8;
26.1474 - if (memcmp (data, "8SVX", 4) == 0 || memcmp (data, "16SV", 4) == 0)
26.1475 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, SVX_CAPS);
26.1476 - }
26.1477 -}
26.1478 -
26.1479 -/*** audio/x-shorten ***/
26.1480 -
26.1481 -static GstStaticCaps shn_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-shorten");
26.1482 -
26.1483 -#define SHN_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&shn_caps)
26.1484 -static void
26.1485 -shn_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1486 -{
26.1487 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4);
26.1488 -
26.1489 - if (data && memcmp (data, "ajkg", 4) == 0) {
26.1490 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, SHN_CAPS);
26.1491 - }
26.1492 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, -8, 8);
26.1493 - if (data && memcmp (data, "SHNAMPSK", 8) == 0) {
26.1494 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, SHN_CAPS);
26.1495 - }
26.1496 -}
26.1497 -
26.1498 -/*** application/x-ape ***/
26.1499 -
26.1500 -static GstStaticCaps ape_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-ape");
26.1501 -
26.1502 -#define APE_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&ape_caps)
26.1503 -static void
26.1504 -ape_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1505 -{
26.1506 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4);
26.1507 -
26.1508 - if (data && memcmp (data, "MAC ", 4) == 0) {
26.1509 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY + 10, APE_CAPS);
26.1510 - }
26.1511 -}
26.1512 -
26.1513 -/*** ISO FORMATS ***/
26.1514 -
26.1515 -/*** audio/x-m4a ***/
26.1516 -
26.1517 -static GstStaticCaps m4a_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-m4a");
26.1518 -
26.1519 -#define M4A_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&m4a_caps))
26.1520 -static void
26.1521 -m4a_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1522 -{
26.1523 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 4, 8);
26.1524 -
26.1525 - if (data &&
26.1526 - (memcmp (data, "ftypM4A ", 8) == 0 ||
26.1527 - memcmp (data, "ftypmp42", 8) == 0)) {
26.1528 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, M4A_CAPS);
26.1529 - }
26.1530 -}
26.1531 -
26.1532 -/*** application/x-3gp ***/
26.1533 -
26.1534 -/* The Q is there because variables can't start with a number. */
26.1535 -
26.1536 -
26.1537 -static GstStaticCaps q3gp_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-3gp");
26.1538 -
26.1539 -#define Q3GP_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&q3gp_caps))
26.1540 -static void
26.1541 -q3gp_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1542 -{
26.1543 -
26.1544 - guint32 ftyp_size = 0;
26.1545 - gint offset = 0;
26.1546 - guint8 *data = NULL;
26.1547 -
26.1548 - if ((data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 12)) == NULL) {
26.1549 - return;
26.1550 - }
26.1551 -
26.1552 - data += 4;
26.1553 - if (memcmp (data, "ftyp", 4) != 0) {
26.1554 - return;
26.1555 - }
26.1556 -
26.1557 - /* check major brand */
26.1558 - data += 4;
26.1559 - if (memcmp (data, "3gp", 3) == 0 ||
26.1560 - memcmp (data, "3gr", 3) == 0 ||
26.1561 - memcmp (data, "3gs", 3) == 0 || memcmp (data, "3gg", 3) == 0) {
26.1562 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, Q3GP_CAPS);
26.1563 - return;
26.1564 - }
26.1565 -
26.1566 - /* check compatible brands */
26.1567 - if ((data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4)) != NULL) {
26.1568 - ftyp_size = GST_READ_UINT32_BE (data);
26.1569 - }
26.1570 - for (offset = 16; offset < ftyp_size; offset += 4) {
26.1571 - if ((data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, 3)) == NULL) {
26.1572 - break;
26.1573 - }
26.1574 - if (memcmp (data, "3gp", 3) == 0 ||
26.1575 - memcmp (data, "3gr", 3) == 0 ||
26.1576 - memcmp (data, "3gs", 3) == 0 || memcmp (data, "3gg", 3) == 0) {
26.1577 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY, Q3GP_CAPS);
26.1578 - break;
26.1579 - }
26.1580 - }
26.1581 -
26.1582 - return;
26.1583 -
26.1584 -}
26.1585 -
26.1586 -/*** video/quicktime ***/
26.1587 -
26.1588 -static GstStaticCaps qt_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/quicktime");
26.1589 -
26.1590 -#define QT_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&qt_caps)
26.1591 -#define STRNCMP(x,y,z) (strncmp ((char*)(x), (char*)(y), z))
26.1592 -
26.1593 -static void
26.1594 -qt_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1595 -{
26.1596 - guint8 *data;
26.1597 - guint tip = 0;
26.1598 - guint64 offset = 0;
26.1599 - guint64 size;
26.1600 -
26.1601 - while ((data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, 8)) != NULL) {
26.1602 - /* box/atom types that are in common with ISO base media file format */
26.1603 - if (STRNCMP (&data[4], "moov", 4) == 0 ||
26.1604 - STRNCMP (&data[4], "mdat", 4) == 0 ||
26.1605 - STRNCMP (&data[4], "ftyp", 4) == 0 ||
26.1606 - STRNCMP (&data[4], "free", 4) == 0 ||
26.1607 - STRNCMP (&data[4], "uuid", 4) == 0 ||
26.1608 - STRNCMP (&data[4], "skip", 4) == 0) {
26.1609 - if (tip == 0) {
26.1610 - tip = GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY;
26.1611 - } else {
26.1613 - }
26.1614 - }
26.1615 - /* other box/atom types, apparently quicktime specific */
26.1616 - else if (STRNCMP (&data[4], "pnot", 4) == 0 ||
26.1617 - STRNCMP (&data[4], "PICT", 4) == 0 ||
26.1618 - STRNCMP (&data[4], "wide", 4) == 0 ||
26.1619 - STRNCMP (&data[4], "prfl", 4) == 0) {
26.1620 - tip = GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM;
26.1621 - break;
26.1622 - } else {
26.1623 - tip = 0;
26.1624 - break;
26.1625 - }
26.1626 - size = GST_READ_UINT32_BE (data);
26.1627 - if (size == 1) {
26.1628 - guint8 *sizedata;
26.1629 -
26.1630 - sizedata = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset + 8, 8);
26.1631 - if (sizedata == NULL)
26.1632 - break;
26.1633 -
26.1634 - size = GST_READ_UINT64_BE (sizedata);
26.1635 - } else {
26.1636 - if (size < 8)
26.1637 - break;
26.1638 - }
26.1639 - offset += size;
26.1640 - }
26.1641 - if (tip > 0) {
26.1642 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, tip, QT_CAPS);
26.1643 - }
26.1644 -};
26.1645 -
26.1646 -
26.1647 -/*** image/x-quicktime ***/
26.1648 -
26.1649 -static GstStaticCaps qtif_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("image/x-quicktime");
26.1650 -
26.1651 -#define QTIF_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&qtif_caps)
26.1652 -
26.1653 -/* how many atoms we check before we give up */
26.1654 -#define QTIF_MAXROUNDS 25
26.1655 -
26.1656 -static void
26.1657 -qtif_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1658 -{
26.1659 - const guint8 *data;
26.1660 - gboolean found_idsc = FALSE;
26.1661 - gboolean found_idat = FALSE;
26.1662 - guint64 offset = 0;
26.1663 - guint rounds = 0;
26.1664 -
26.1665 - while ((data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset, 8)) != NULL) {
26.1666 - guint64 size;
26.1667 -
26.1668 - size = GST_READ_UINT32_BE (data);
26.1669 - if (size == 1) {
26.1670 - const guint8 *sizedata;
26.1671 -
26.1672 - sizedata = gst_type_find_peek (tf, offset + 8, 8);
26.1673 - if (sizedata == NULL)
26.1674 - break;
26.1675 -
26.1676 - size = GST_READ_UINT64_BE (sizedata);
26.1677 - }
26.1678 - if (size < 8)
26.1679 - break;
26.1680 -
26.1681 - if (STRNCMP (data + 4, "idsc", 4) == 0)
26.1682 - found_idsc = TRUE;
26.1683 - if (STRNCMP (data + 4, "idat", 4) == 0)
26.1684 - found_idat = TRUE;
26.1685 -
26.1686 - if (found_idsc && found_idat) {
26.1687 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, QTIF_CAPS);
26.1688 - return;
26.1689 - }
26.1690 -
26.1691 - offset += size;
26.1692 - if (++rounds > QTIF_MAXROUNDS)
26.1693 - break;
26.1694 - }
26.1695 -
26.1696 - if (found_idsc || found_idat) {
26.1697 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY, QTIF_CAPS);
26.1698 - return;
26.1699 - }
26.1700 -};
26.1701 -
26.1702 -/*** audio/x-mod ***/
26.1703 -
26.1704 -static GstStaticCaps mod_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-mod");
26.1705 -
26.1706 -#define MOD_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&mod_caps)
26.1707 -/* FIXME: M15 CheckType to do */
26.1708 -static void
26.1709 -mod_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1710 -{
26.1711 - guint8 *data;
26.1712 -
26.1713 - /* MOD */
26.1714 - if ((data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 1080, 4)) != NULL) {
26.1715 - /* Protracker and variants */
26.1716 - if ((memcmp (data, "M.K.", 4) == 0) || (memcmp (data, "M!K!", 4) == 0) ||
26.1717 - /* Star Tracker */
26.1718 - (memcmp (data, "FLT", 3) == 0 && isdigit (data[3])) ||
26.1719 - (memcmp (data, "EXO", 3) == 0 && isdigit (data[3])) ||
26.1720 - /* Oktalyzer (Amiga) */
26.1721 - (memcmp (data, "OKTA", 4) == 0) ||
26.1722 - /* Oktalyser (Atari) */
26.1723 - (memcmp (data, "CD81", 4) == 0) ||
26.1724 - /* Fasttracker */
26.1725 - (memcmp (data + 1, "CHN", 3) == 0 && isdigit (data[0])) ||
26.1726 - /* Fasttracker or Taketracker */
26.1727 - (memcmp (data + 2, "CH", 2) == 0 && isdigit (data[0])
26.1728 - && isdigit (data[1])) || (memcmp (data + 2, "CN", 2) == 0
26.1729 - && isdigit (data[0]) && isdigit (data[1]))) {
26.1730 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, MOD_CAPS);
26.1731 - return;
26.1732 - }
26.1733 - }
26.1734 - /* XM */
26.1735 - if ((data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 38)) != NULL) {
26.1736 - if (memcmp (data, "Extended Module: ", 17) == 0 && data[37] == 0x1A) {
26.1737 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, MOD_CAPS);
26.1738 - return;
26.1739 - }
26.1740 - }
26.1741 - /* OKT */
26.1742 - if (data || (data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 8)) != NULL) {
26.1743 - if (memcmp (data, "OKTASONG", 8) == 0) {
26.1744 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, MOD_CAPS);
26.1745 - return;
26.1746 - }
26.1747 - }
26.1748 - if (data || (data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4)) != NULL) {
26.1749 - /* 669 */
26.1750 - if ((memcmp (data, "if", 2) == 0) || (memcmp (data, "JN", 2) == 0)) {
26.1751 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY, MOD_CAPS);
26.1752 - return;
26.1753 - }
26.1754 - /* AMF */
26.1755 - if ((memcmp (data, "AMF", 3) == 0 && data[3] > 10 && data[3] < 14) ||
26.1756 - /* IT */
26.1757 - (memcmp (data, "IMPM", 4) == 0) ||
26.1758 - /* MED */
26.1759 - (memcmp (data, "MMD0", 4) == 0) || (memcmp (data, "MMD1", 4) == 0) ||
26.1760 - /* MTM */
26.1761 - (memcmp (data, "MTM", 3) == 0)) {
26.1762 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, MOD_CAPS);
26.1763 - return;
26.1764 - }
26.1765 - /* DSM */
26.1766 - if (memcmp (data, "RIFF", 4) == 0) {
26.1767 - guint8 *data2 = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 8, 4);
26.1768 -
26.1769 - if (data2) {
26.1770 - if (memcmp (data2, "DSMF", 4) == 0) {
26.1771 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, MOD_CAPS);
26.1772 - return;
26.1773 - }
26.1774 - }
26.1775 - }
26.1776 - /* FAM */
26.1777 - if (memcmp (data, "FAM\xFE", 4) == 0) {
26.1778 - guint8 *data2 = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 44, 3);
26.1779 -
26.1780 - if (data2) {
26.1781 - if (memcmp (data2, "compare", 3) == 0) {
26.1782 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, MOD_CAPS);
26.1783 - return;
26.1784 - }
26.1785 - } else {
26.1786 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY, MOD_CAPS);
26.1787 - return;
26.1788 - }
26.1789 - }
26.1790 - /* GDM */
26.1791 - if (memcmp (data, "GDM\xFE", 4) == 0) {
26.1792 - guint8 *data2 = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 71, 4);
26.1793 -
26.1794 - if (data2) {
26.1795 - if (memcmp (data2, "GMFS", 4) == 0) {
26.1796 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, MOD_CAPS);
26.1797 - return;
26.1798 - }
26.1799 - } else {
26.1800 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY, MOD_CAPS);
26.1801 - return;
26.1802 - }
26.1803 - }
26.1804 - }
26.1805 - /* IMF */
26.1806 - if ((data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 60, 4)) != NULL) {
26.1807 - if (memcmp (data, "IM10", 4) == 0) {
26.1808 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, MOD_CAPS);
26.1809 - return;
26.1810 - }
26.1811 - }
26.1812 - /* S3M */
26.1813 - if ((data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 44, 4)) != NULL) {
26.1814 - if (memcmp (data, "SCRM", 4) == 0) {
26.1815 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, MOD_CAPS);
26.1816 - return;
26.1817 - }
26.1818 - }
26.1819 -}
26.1820 -
26.1821 -/*** application/x-shockwave-flash ***/
26.1822 -
26.1823 -static GstStaticCaps swf_caps =
26.1824 -GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-shockwave-flash");
26.1825 -#define SWF_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&swf_caps))
26.1826 -static void
26.1827 -swf_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1828 -{
26.1829 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4);
26.1830 -
26.1831 - if (data && (data[0] == 'F' || data[0] == 'C') &&
26.1832 - data[1] == 'W' && data[2] == 'S') {
26.1833 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, SWF_CAPS);
26.1834 - }
26.1835 -}
26.1836 -
26.1837 -/*** image/jpeg ***/
26.1838 -
26.1839 -static GstStaticCaps jpeg_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("image/jpeg");
26.1840 -
26.1841 -#define JPEG_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&jpeg_caps))
26.1842 -static void
26.1843 -jpeg_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1844 -{
26.1845 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 10);
26.1846 - guint8 header[2] = { 0xFF, 0xD8 };
26.1847 -
26.1848 - if (data && memcmp (data, header, 2) == 0) {
26.1849 - if (memcmp (data + 6, "JFIF", 4) == 0) {
26.1850 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, JPEG_CAPS);
26.1851 - } else if (memcmp (data + 6, "Exif", 4) == 0) {
26.1852 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, JPEG_CAPS);
26.1853 - } else {
26.1854 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_POSSIBLE, JPEG_CAPS);
26.1855 - }
26.1856 - }
26.1857 -}
26.1858 -
26.1859 -/*** image/bmp ***/
26.1860 -
26.1861 -static GstStaticCaps bmp_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("image/bmp");
26.1862 -
26.1863 -#define BMP_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&bmp_caps))
26.1864 -static void
26.1865 -bmp_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.1866 -{
26.1867 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 18);
26.1868 -
26.1869 - if (data && memcmp (data, "BM", 2) == 0) {
26.1870 - if ((data[14] == 0x0C ||
26.1871 - data[14] == 0x28 ||
26.1872 - data[14] == 0xF0) &&
26.1873 - data[15] == 0 && data[16] == 0 && data[17] == 0) {
26.1874 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, BMP_CAPS);
26.1875 - }
26.1876 - }
26.1877 -}
26.1878 -
26.1879 -/*** image/tiff ***/
26.1880 -static GstStaticCaps tiff_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("image/tiff, "
26.1881 - "endianness = (int) { BIG_ENDIAN, LITTLE_ENDIAN }");
26.1882 -#define TIFF_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&tiff_caps))
26.1883 -static GstStaticCaps tiff_be_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("image/tiff, "
26.1884 - "endianness = (int) BIG_ENDIAN");
26.1885 -#define TIFF_BE_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&tiff_be_caps))
26.1886 -static GstStaticCaps tiff_le_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("image/tiff, "
26.1887 - "endianness = (int) LITTLE_ENDIAN");
26.1888 -#define TIFF_LE_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&tiff_le_caps))
26.1889 -static void
26.1890 -tiff_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer ununsed)
26.1891 -{
26.1892 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 8);
26.1893 - guint8 le_header[4] = { 0x49, 0x49, 0x2A, 0x00 };
26.1894 - guint8 be_header[4] = { 0x4D, 0x4D, 0x00, 0x2A };
26.1895 -
26.1896 - if (data) {
26.1897 - if (memcmp (data, le_header, 4) == 0) {
26.1898 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, TIFF_LE_CAPS);
26.1899 - } else if (memcmp (data, be_header, 4) == 0) {
26.1900 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, TIFF_BE_CAPS);
26.1901 - }
26.1902 - }
26.1903 -}
26.1904 -
26.1905 -static GstStaticCaps sds_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-sds");
26.1906 -
26.1907 -#define SDS_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&sds_caps))
26.1908 -static void
26.1909 -sds_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer ununsed)
26.1910 -{
26.1911 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4);
26.1912 - guint8 mask[4] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFF };
26.1913 - guint8 match[4] = { 0xF0, 0x7E, 0, 0x01 };
26.1914 - gint x;
26.1915 -
26.1916 - if (data) {
26.1917 - for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
26.1918 - if ((data[x] & mask[x]) != match[x]) {
26.1919 - return;
26.1920 - }
26.1921 - }
26.1922 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, SDS_CAPS);
26.1923 - }
26.1924 -}
26.1925 -
26.1926 -static GstStaticCaps ircam_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-ircam");
26.1927 -
26.1928 -#define IRCAM_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&ircam_caps))
26.1929 -static void
26.1930 -ircam_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer ununsed)
26.1931 -{
26.1932 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4);
26.1933 - guint8 mask[4] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xFF };
26.1934 - guint8 match[4] = { 0x64, 0xA3, 0x00, 0x00 };
26.1935 - gint x;
26.1936 - gboolean matched = TRUE;
26.1937 -
26.1938 - if (!data) {
26.1939 - return;
26.1940 - }
26.1941 - for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
26.1942 - if ((data[x] & mask[x]) != match[x]) {
26.1943 - matched = FALSE;
26.1944 - }
26.1945 - }
26.1946 - if (matched) {
26.1947 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, IRCAM_CAPS);
26.1948 - return;
26.1949 - }
26.1950 - /* now try the reverse version */
26.1951 - matched = TRUE;
26.1952 - for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
26.1953 - if ((data[x] & mask[3 - x]) != match[3 - x]) {
26.1954 - matched = FALSE;
26.1955 - }
26.1956 - }
26.1957 -}
26.1958 -
26.1959 -
26.1960 -/*** video/x-matroska ***/
26.1961 -static GstStaticCaps matroska_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/x-matroska");
26.1962 -
26.1963 -#define MATROSKA_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&matroska_caps))
26.1964 -static void
26.1965 -matroska_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer ununsed)
26.1966 -{
26.1967 - /* 4 bytes for EBML ID, 1 byte for header length identifier */
26.1968 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4 + 1);
26.1969 - gint len_mask = 0x80, size = 1, n = 1, total;
26.1970 - guint8 probe_data[] = { 'm', 'a', 't', 'r', 'o', 's', 'k', 'a' };
26.1971 -
26.1972 - if (!data)
26.1973 - return;
26.1974 -
26.1975 - /* ebml header? */
26.1976 - if (data[0] != 0x1A || data[1] != 0x45 || data[2] != 0xDF || data[3] != 0xA3)
26.1977 - return;
26.1978 -
26.1979 - /* length of header */
26.1980 - total = data[4];
26.1981 - while (size <= 8 && !(total & len_mask)) {
26.1982 - size++;
26.1983 - len_mask >>= 1;
26.1984 - }
26.1985 - if (size > 8)
26.1986 - return;
26.1987 - total &= (len_mask - 1);
26.1988 - while (n < size)
26.1989 - total = (total << 8) | data[4 + n++];
26.1990 -
26.1991 - /* get new data for full header, 4 bytes for EBML ID,
26.1992 - * EBML length tag and the actual header */
26.1993 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4 + size + total);
26.1994 - if (!data)
26.1995 - return;
26.1996 -
26.1997 - /* the header must contain the document type 'matroska'. For now,
26.1998 - * we don't parse the whole header but simply check for the
26.1999 - * availability of that array of characters inside the header.
26.2000 - * Not fully fool-proof, but good enough. */
26.2001 - for (n = 4 + size; n <= 4 + size + total - sizeof (probe_data); n++)
26.2002 - if (!memcmp (&data[n], probe_data, sizeof (probe_data))) {
26.2003 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, MATROSKA_CAPS);
26.2004 - break;
26.2005 - }
26.2006 -}
26.2007 -
26.2008 -/*** video/x-dv ***/
26.2009 -
26.2010 -static GstStaticCaps dv_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/x-dv, "
26.2011 - "systemstream = (boolean) true");
26.2012 -#define DV_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&dv_caps))
26.2013 -static void
26.2014 -dv_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2015 -{
26.2016 - guint8 *data;
26.2017 -
26.2018 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 5);
26.2019 -
26.2020 - /* check for DIF and DV flag */
26.2021 - if (data && (data[0] == 0x1f) && (data[1] == 0x07) && (data[2] == 0x00) &&
26.2022 - ((data[4] & 0x01) == 0)) {
26.2023 - gchar *format;
26.2024 - GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_copy (DV_CAPS);
26.2025 -
26.2026 - if (data[3] & 0x80) {
26.2027 - format = "PAL";
26.2028 - } else {
26.2029 - format = "NTSC";
26.2030 - }
26.2031 - gst_structure_set (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0), "format",
26.2032 - G_TYPE_STRING, format, NULL);
26.2033 -
26.2034 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, caps);
26.2035 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.2036 - }
26.2037 -}
26.2038 -
26.2039 -
26.2040 -/*** application/ogg and application/x-annodex ***/
26.2041 -static GstStaticCaps ogg_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/ogg");
26.2042 -static GstStaticCaps annodex_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-annodex");
26.2043 -
26.2044 -#define OGGANX_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&annodex_caps))
26.2045 -
26.2046 -static void
26.2047 -ogganx_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2048 -{
26.2049 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4);
26.2050 -
26.2051 - if ((data != NULL) && (memcmp (data, "OggS", 4) == 0)) {
26.2052 -
26.2053 - /* Check for an annodex fishbone header */
26.2054 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 28, 8);
26.2055 - if (data && memcmp (data, "fishead\0", 8) == 0)
26.2056 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, OGGANX_CAPS);
26.2057 -
26.2058 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM,
26.2059 - gst_static_caps_get (&ogg_caps));
26.2060 - }
26.2061 -}
26.2062 -
26.2063 -/*** audio/x-vorbis ***/
26.2064 -static GstStaticCaps vorbis_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-vorbis");
26.2065 -
26.2066 -#define VORBIS_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&vorbis_caps))
26.2067 -static void
26.2068 -vorbis_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2069 -{
26.2070 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 30);
26.2071 -
26.2072 - if (data) {
26.2073 - guint blocksize_0;
26.2074 - guint blocksize_1;
26.2075 -
26.2076 - /* 1 byte packet type (identification=0x01)
26.2077 - 6 byte string "vorbis"
26.2078 - 4 byte vorbis version */
26.2079 - if (memcmp (data, "\001vorbis\000\000\000\000", 11) != 0)
26.2080 - return;
26.2081 - data += 11;
26.2082 - /* 1 byte channels must be != 0 */
26.2083 - if (data[0] == 0)
26.2084 - return;
26.2085 - data++;
26.2086 - /* 4 byte samplerate must be != 0 */
26.2087 - if (*((guint32 *) data) == 0)
26.2088 - return;
26.2089 - data += 16;
26.2090 - /* blocksize checks */
26.2091 - blocksize_0 = data[0] & 0x0F;
26.2092 - blocksize_1 = (data[0] & 0xF0) >> 4;
26.2093 - if (blocksize_0 > blocksize_1)
26.2094 - return;
26.2095 - if (blocksize_0 < 6 || blocksize_0 > 13)
26.2096 - return;
26.2097 - if (blocksize_1 < 6 || blocksize_1 > 13)
26.2098 - return;
26.2099 - data++;
26.2100 - /* framing bit */
26.2101 - if ((data[0] & 0x01) != 1)
26.2102 - return;
26.2103 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, VORBIS_CAPS);
26.2104 - }
26.2105 -}
26.2106 -
26.2107 -/*** video/x-theora ***/
26.2108 -
26.2109 -static GstStaticCaps theora_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/x-theora");
26.2110 -
26.2111 -#define THEORA_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&theora_caps))
26.2112 -static void
26.2113 -theora_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2114 -{
26.2115 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 7); //42);
26.2116 -
26.2117 - if (data) {
26.2118 - if (data[0] != 0x80)
26.2119 - return;
26.2120 - if (memcmp (&data[1], "theora", 6) != 0)
26.2121 - return;
26.2122 - /* FIXME: make this more reliable when specs are out */
26.2123 -
26.2124 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, THEORA_CAPS);
26.2125 - }
26.2126 -}
26.2127 -
26.2128 -/*** application/x-ogm-video or audio***/
26.2129 -
26.2130 -static GstStaticCaps ogmvideo_caps =
26.2131 -GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-ogm-video");
26.2132 -#define OGMVIDEO_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&ogmvideo_caps))
26.2133 -static void
26.2134 -ogmvideo_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2135 -{
26.2136 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 9);
26.2137 -
26.2138 - if (data) {
26.2139 - if (memcmp (data, "\001video\000\000\000", 9) != 0)
26.2140 - return;
26.2141 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, OGMVIDEO_CAPS);
26.2142 - }
26.2143 -}
26.2144 -
26.2145 -static GstStaticCaps ogmaudio_caps =
26.2146 -GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-ogm-audio");
26.2147 -#define OGMAUDIO_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&ogmaudio_caps))
26.2148 -static void
26.2149 -ogmaudio_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2150 -{
26.2151 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 9);
26.2152 -
26.2153 - if (data) {
26.2154 - if (memcmp (data, "\001audio\000\000\000", 9) != 0)
26.2155 - return;
26.2156 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, OGMAUDIO_CAPS);
26.2157 - }
26.2158 -}
26.2159 -
26.2160 -static GstStaticCaps ogmtext_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-ogm-text");
26.2161 -
26.2162 -#define OGMTEXT_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&ogmtext_caps))
26.2163 -static void
26.2164 -ogmtext_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2165 -{
26.2166 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 9);
26.2167 -
26.2168 - if (data) {
26.2169 - if (memcmp (data, "\001text\000\000\000\000", 9) != 0)
26.2170 - return;
26.2171 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, OGMTEXT_CAPS);
26.2172 - }
26.2173 -}
26.2174 -
26.2175 -/*** audio/x-speex ***/
26.2176 -
26.2177 -static GstStaticCaps speex_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-speex");
26.2178 -
26.2179 -#define SPEEX_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&speex_caps))
26.2180 -static void
26.2181 -speex_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2182 -{
26.2183 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 80);
26.2184 -
26.2185 - if (data) {
26.2186 - /* 8 byte string "Speex "
26.2187 - 24 byte speex version string + int */
26.2188 - if (memcmp (data, "Speex ", 8) != 0)
26.2189 - return;
26.2190 - data += 32;
26.2191 -
26.2192 - /* 4 byte header size >= 80 */
26.2193 - if (GST_READ_UINT32_LE (data) < 80)
26.2194 - return;
26.2195 - data += 4;
26.2196 -
26.2197 - /* 4 byte sample rate <= 48000 */
26.2198 - if (GST_READ_UINT32_LE (data) > 48000)
26.2199 - return;
26.2200 - data += 4;
26.2201 -
26.2202 - /* currently there are only 3 speex modes. */
26.2203 - if (GST_READ_UINT32_LE (data) > 3)
26.2204 - return;
26.2205 - data += 12;
26.2206 -
26.2207 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, SPEEX_CAPS);
26.2208 - }
26.2209 -}
26.2210 -
26.2211 -/*** application/x-ogg-skeleton ***/
26.2212 -static GstStaticCaps ogg_skeleton_caps =
26.2213 -GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-ogg-skeleton, parsed=(boolean)FALSE");
26.2214 -#define OGG_SKELETON_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&ogg_skeleton_caps))
26.2215 -static void
26.2216 -oggskel_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2217 -{
26.2218 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 12);
26.2219 -
26.2220 - if (data) {
26.2221 - /* 8 byte string "fishead\0" for the ogg skeleton stream */
26.2222 - if (memcmp (data, "fishead\0", 8) != 0)
26.2223 - return;
26.2224 - data += 8;
26.2225 -
26.2226 - /* Require that the header contains version 3.0 */
26.2227 - if (GST_READ_UINT16_LE (data) != 3)
26.2228 - return;
26.2229 - data += 2;
26.2230 - if (GST_READ_UINT16_LE (data) != 0)
26.2231 - return;
26.2232 -
26.2233 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, OGG_SKELETON_CAPS);
26.2234 - }
26.2235 -}
26.2236 -
26.2237 -static GstStaticCaps cmml_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("text/x-cmml");
26.2238 -
26.2239 -#define CMML_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&cmml_caps))
26.2240 -static void
26.2241 -cmml_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2242 -{
26.2243 - /* Header is 12 bytes minimum (though we don't check the minor version */
26.2244 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 12);
26.2245 -
26.2246 - if (data) {
26.2247 -
26.2248 - /* 8 byte string "CMML\0\0\0\0" for the magic number */
26.2249 - if (memcmp (data, "CMML\0\0\0\0", 8) != 0)
26.2250 - return;
26.2251 - data += 8;
26.2252 -
26.2253 - /* Require that the header contains at least version 2.0 */
26.2254 - if (GST_READ_UINT16_LE (data) < 2)
26.2255 - return;
26.2256 -
26.2257 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, CMML_CAPS);
26.2258 - }
26.2259 -}
26.2260 -
26.2261 -/*** application/x-tar ***/
26.2262 -
26.2263 -static GstStaticCaps tar_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-tar");
26.2264 -
26.2265 -#define TAR_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&tar_caps))
26.2266 -#define OLDGNU_MAGIC "ustar " /* 7 chars and a NUL */
26.2267 -#define NEWGNU_MAGIC "ustar" /* 5 chars and a NUL */
26.2268 -static void
26.2269 -tar_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.2270 -{
26.2271 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 257, 8);
26.2272 -
26.2273 - /* of course we are not certain, but we don't want other typefind funcs
26.2274 - * to detect formats of files within the tar archive, e.g. mp3s */
26.2275 - if (data) {
26.2276 - if (memcmp (data, OLDGNU_MAGIC, 8) == 0) { /* sic */
26.2277 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_NEARLY_CERTAIN, TAR_CAPS);
26.2278 - } else if (memcmp (data, NEWGNU_MAGIC, 6) == 0 && /* sic */
26.2279 - g_ascii_isdigit (data[6]) && g_ascii_isdigit (data[7])) {
26.2280 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_NEARLY_CERTAIN, TAR_CAPS);
26.2281 - }
26.2282 - }
26.2283 -}
26.2284 -
26.2285 -/*** application/x-ar ***/
26.2286 -
26.2287 -static GstStaticCaps ar_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-ar");
26.2288 -
26.2289 -#define AR_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&ar_caps))
26.2290 -static void
26.2291 -ar_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.2292 -{
26.2293 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 24);
26.2294 -
26.2295 - if (data && memcmp (data, "!<arch>", 7) == 0) {
26.2296 - gint i;
26.2297 -
26.2298 - for (i = 7; i < 24; ++i) {
26.2299 - if (!g_ascii_isprint (data[i]) && data[i] != '\n') {
26.2300 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_POSSIBLE, AR_CAPS);
26.2301 - }
26.2302 - }
26.2303 -
26.2304 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_NEARLY_CERTAIN, AR_CAPS);
26.2305 - }
26.2306 -}
26.2307 -
26.2308 -/*** audio/x-au ***/
26.2309 -
26.2310 -/* NOTE: we cannot replace this function with TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH,
26.2311 - * as it is only possible to register one typefind factory per 'name'
26.2312 - * (which is in this case the caps), and the first one would be replaced by
26.2313 - * the second one. */
26.2314 -static GstStaticCaps au_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-au");
26.2315 -
26.2316 -#define AU_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&au_caps))
26.2317 -static void
26.2318 -au_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.2319 -{
26.2320 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4);
26.2321 -
26.2322 - if (data) {
26.2323 - if (memcmp (data, ".snd", 4) == 0 || memcmp (data, "dns.", 4) == 0) {
26.2324 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, AU_CAPS);
26.2325 - }
26.2326 - }
26.2327 -}
26.2328 -
26.2329 -
26.2330 -/*** video/x-nuv ***/
26.2331 -
26.2332 -/* NOTE: we cannot replace this function with TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH,
26.2333 - * as it is only possible to register one typefind factory per 'name'
26.2334 - * (which is in this case the caps), and the first one would be replaced by
26.2335 - * the second one. */
26.2336 -static GstStaticCaps nuv_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/x-nuv");
26.2337 -
26.2338 -#define NUV_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&nuv_caps))
26.2339 -static void
26.2340 -nuv_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.2341 -{
26.2342 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 11);
26.2343 -
26.2344 - if (data) {
26.2345 - if (memcmp (data, "MythTVVideo", 11) == 0
26.2346 - || memcmp (data, "NuppelVideo", 11) == 0) {
26.2347 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, NUV_CAPS);
26.2348 - }
26.2349 - }
26.2350 -}
26.2351 -
26.2352 -/*** audio/x-paris ***/
26.2353 -/* NOTE: do not replace this function with two TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH */
26.2354 -static GstStaticCaps paris_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-paris");
26.2355 -
26.2356 -#define PARIS_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&paris_caps))
26.2357 -static void
26.2358 -paris_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.2359 -{
26.2360 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 4);
26.2361 -
26.2362 - if (data) {
26.2363 - if (memcmp (data, " paf", 4) == 0 || memcmp (data, "fap ", 4) == 0) {
26.2364 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM, PARIS_CAPS);
26.2365 - }
26.2366 - }
26.2367 -}
26.2368 -
26.2369 -/*** audio/iLBC-sh ***/
26.2370 -/* NOTE: do not replace this function with two TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH */
26.2371 -static GstStaticCaps ilbc_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/iLBC-sh");
26.2372 -
26.2373 -#define ILBC_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&ilbc_caps))
26.2374 -static void
26.2375 -ilbc_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.2376 -{
26.2377 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 8);
26.2378 -
26.2379 - if (data) {
26.2380 - if (memcmp (data, "#!iLBC30", 8) == 0 || memcmp (data, "#!iLBC20", 8) == 0) {
26.2381 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY, ILBC_CAPS);
26.2382 - }
26.2383 - }
26.2384 -}
26.2385 -
26.2386 -/*** application/x-ms-dos-executable ***/
26.2387 -
26.2388 -static GstStaticCaps msdos_caps =
26.2389 -GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-ms-dos-executable");
26.2390 -#define MSDOS_CAPS (gst_static_caps_get(&msdos_caps))
26.2391 -/* see http://www.madchat.org/vxdevl/papers/winsys/pefile/pefile.htm */
26.2392 -static void
26.2393 -msdos_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.2394 -{
26.2395 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 64);
26.2396 -
26.2397 - if (data && data[0] == 'M' && data[1] == 'Z' &&
26.2398 - GST_READ_UINT16_LE (data + 8) == 4) {
26.2399 - guint32 pe_offset = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (data + 60);
26.2400 -
26.2401 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, pe_offset, 2);
26.2402 - if (data && data[0] == 'P' && data[1] == 'E') {
26.2403 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_NEARLY_CERTAIN, MSDOS_CAPS);
26.2404 - }
26.2405 - }
26.2406 -}
26.2407 -
26.2408 -/*** application/x-mmsh ***/
26.2409 -
26.2410 -static GstStaticCaps mmsh_caps = GST_STATIC_CAPS ("application/x-mmsh");
26.2411 -
26.2412 -#define MMSH_CAPS gst_static_caps_get(&mmsh_caps)
26.2413 -
26.2414 -/* This is to recognise mssh-over-http */
26.2415 -static void
26.2416 -mmsh_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer unused)
26.2417 -{
26.2418 - static const guint8 asf_marker[16] = { 0x30, 0x26, 0xb2, 0x75, 0x8e, 0x66,
26.2419 - 0xcf, 0x11, 0xa6, 0xd9, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x62, 0xce, 0x6c
26.2420 - };
26.2421 -
26.2422 - guint8 *data;
26.2423 -
26.2424 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 16);
26.2425 - if (data && data[0] == 0x24 && data[1] == 0x48 &&
26.2426 - GST_READ_UINT16_LE (data + 2) > 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 16 &&
26.2427 - memcmp (data + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2, asf_marker, 16) == 0) {
26.2428 - GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_copy (MMSH_CAPS);
26.2429 -
26.2430 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY, caps);
26.2431 - gst_caps_unref (caps);
26.2432 - return;
26.2433 - }
26.2434 -}
26.2435 -
26.2436 -/*** generic typefind for streams that have some data at a specific position***/
26.2437 -typedef struct
26.2438 -{
26.2439 - const guint8 *data;
26.2440 - guint size;
26.2441 - guint probability;
26.2442 - GstCaps *caps;
26.2443 -}
26.2444 -GstTypeFindData;
26.2445 -
26.2446 -static void
26.2447 -start_with_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2448 -{
26.2449 - GstTypeFindData *start_with = (GstTypeFindData *) private;
26.2450 - guint8 *data;
26.2451 -
26.2452 - GST_LOG ("trying to find mime type %s with the first %u bytes of data",
26.2453 - gst_structure_get_name (gst_caps_get_structure (start_with->caps, 0)),
26.2454 - start_with->size);
26.2455 - data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, start_with->size);
26.2456 - if (data && memcmp (data, start_with->data, start_with->size) == 0) {
26.2457 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, start_with->probability, start_with->caps);
26.2458 - }
26.2459 -}
26.2460 -
26.2461 -static void
26.2462 -sw_data_destroy (GstTypeFindData * sw_data)
26.2463 -{
26.2464 - if (G_LIKELY (sw_data->caps != NULL))
26.2465 - gst_caps_unref (sw_data->caps);
26.2466 - g_free (sw_data);
26.2467 -}
26.2468 -
26.2469 -#define TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH(plugin,name,rank,ext,_data,_size,_probability)\
26.2470 -G_BEGIN_DECLS{ \
26.2471 - GstTypeFindData *sw_data = g_new (GstTypeFindData, 1); \
26.2472 - sw_data->data = (const guint8 *)_data; \
26.2473 - sw_data->size = _size; \
26.2474 - sw_data->probability = _probability; \
26.2475 - sw_data->caps = gst_caps_new_simple (name, NULL); \
26.2476 - if (!gst_type_find_register (plugin, name, rank, start_with_type_find,\
26.2477 - ext, sw_data->caps, sw_data, \
26.2478 - (GDestroyNotify) (sw_data_destroy))) { \
26.2479 - gst_caps_unref (sw_data->caps); \
26.2480 - g_free (sw_data); \
26.2481 - } \
26.2482 -}G_END_DECLS
26.2483 -
26.2484 -/*** same for riff types ***/
26.2485 -
26.2486 -static void
26.2487 -riff_type_find (GstTypeFind * tf, gpointer private)
26.2488 -{
26.2489 - GstTypeFindData *riff_data = (GstTypeFindData *) private;
26.2490 - guint8 *data = gst_type_find_peek (tf, 0, 12);
26.2491 -
26.2492 - if (data && memcmp (data, "RIFF", 4) == 0) {
26.2493 - data += 8;
26.2494 - if (memcmp (data, riff_data->data, 4) == 0)
26.2495 - gst_type_find_suggest (tf, riff_data->probability, riff_data->caps);
26.2496 - }
26.2497 -}
26.2498 -
26.2499 -#define TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_RIFF(plugin,name,rank,ext,_data) \
26.2500 -G_BEGIN_DECLS{ \
26.2501 - GstTypeFindData *sw_data = g_new (GstTypeFindData, 1); \
26.2502 - sw_data->data = (gpointer)_data; \
26.2503 - sw_data->size = 4; \
26.2504 - sw_data->probability = GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM; \
26.2505 - sw_data->caps = gst_caps_new_simple (name, NULL); \
26.2506 - if (!gst_type_find_register (plugin, name, rank, riff_type_find, \
26.2507 - ext, sw_data->caps, sw_data, \
26.2508 - (GDestroyNotify) (sw_data_destroy))) { \
26.2509 - gst_caps_unref (sw_data->caps); \
26.2510 - g_free (sw_data); \
26.2511 - } \
26.2512 -}G_END_DECLS
26.2513 -
26.2514 -
26.2515 -
26.2516 -/*** plugin initialization ***/
26.2517 -
26.2518 -#define TYPE_FIND_REGISTER(plugin,name,rank,func,ext,caps,priv,notify) \
26.2519 -G_BEGIN_DECLS{\
26.2520 - if (!gst_type_find_register (plugin, name, rank, func, ext, caps, priv, notify))\
26.2521 - return FALSE; \
26.2522 -}G_END_DECLS
26.2523 -static gboolean
26.2524 -plugin_init (GstPlugin * plugin)
26.2525 -{
26.2526 - /* can't initialize this via a struct as caps can't be statically initialized */
26.2527 -
26.2528 - /* note: asx/wax/wmx are XML files, asf doesn't handle them */
26.2529 - /* FIXME-0.11: these should be const,
26.2530 - this requires gstreamer/gst/gsttypefind::gst_type_find_register()
26.2531 - to have define the parameter as const
26.2532 - */
26.2533 - static gchar *asf_exts[] = { "asf", "wm", "wma", "wmv", NULL };
26.2534 - static gchar *au_exts[] = { "au", "snd", NULL };
26.2535 - static gchar *avi_exts[] = { "avi", NULL };
26.2536 - static gchar *cdxa_exts[] = { "dat", NULL };
26.2537 - static gchar *flac_exts[] = { "flac", NULL };
26.2538 - static gchar *flx_exts[] = { "flc", "fli", NULL };
26.2539 - static gchar *id3_exts[] =
26.2540 - { "mp3", "mp2", "mp1", "mpga", "ogg", "flac", "tta", NULL };
26.2541 - static gchar *apetag_exts[] = { "ape", "mpc", "wv", NULL }; /* and mp3 and wav? */
26.2542 - static gchar *tta_exts[] = { "tta", NULL };
26.2543 - static gchar *mod_exts[] = { "669", "amf", "dsm", "gdm", "far", "imf",
26.2544 - "it", "med", "mod", "mtm", "okt", "sam",
26.2545 - "s3m", "stm", "stx", "ult", "xm", NULL
26.2546 - };
26.2547 - static gchar *mp3_exts[] = { "mp3", "mp2", "mp1", "mpga", NULL };
26.2548 - static gchar *ac3_exts[] = { "ac3", NULL };
26.2549 - static gchar *musepack_exts[] = { "mpc", NULL };
26.2550 - static gchar *mpeg_sys_exts[] = { "mpe", "mpeg", "mpg", NULL };
26.2551 - static gchar *mpeg_video_exts[] = { "mpv", "mpeg", "mpg", NULL };
26.2552 - static gchar *mpeg_ts_exts[] = { "ts", NULL };
26.2553 - static gchar *ogg_exts[] = { "anx", "ogg", "ogm", NULL };
26.2554 - static gchar *qt_exts[] = { "mov", NULL };
26.2555 - static gchar *qtif_exts[] = { "qif", "qtif", "qti", NULL };
26.2556 - static gchar *rm_exts[] = { "ra", "ram", "rm", "rmvb", NULL };
26.2557 - static gchar *swf_exts[] = { "swf", "swfl", NULL };
26.2558 - static gchar *utf8_exts[] = { "txt", NULL };
26.2559 - static gchar *wav_exts[] = { "wav", NULL };
26.2560 - static gchar *aiff_exts[] = { "aiff", "aif", "aifc", NULL };
26.2561 - static gchar *svx_exts[] = { "iff", "svx", NULL };
26.2562 - static gchar *paris_exts[] = { "paf", NULL };
26.2563 - static gchar *nist_exts[] = { "nist", NULL };
26.2564 - static gchar *voc_exts[] = { "voc", NULL };
26.2565 - static gchar *sds_exts[] = { "sds", NULL };
26.2566 - static gchar *ircam_exts[] = { "sf", NULL };
26.2567 - static gchar *w64_exts[] = { "w64", NULL };
26.2568 - static gchar *shn_exts[] = { "shn", NULL };
26.2569 - static gchar *ape_exts[] = { "ape", NULL };
26.2570 - static gchar *uri_exts[] = { "ram", NULL };
26.2571 - static gchar *smil_exts[] = { "smil", NULL };
26.2572 - static gchar *html_exts[] = { "htm", "html", NULL };
26.2573 - static gchar *xml_exts[] = { "xml", NULL };
26.2574 - static gchar *jpeg_exts[] = { "jpg", "jpe", "jpeg", NULL };
26.2575 - static gchar *gif_exts[] = { "gif", NULL };
26.2576 - static gchar *png_exts[] = { "png", NULL };
26.2577 - static gchar *bmp_exts[] = { "bmp", NULL };
26.2578 - static gchar *tiff_exts[] = { "tif", "tiff", NULL };
26.2579 - static gchar *matroska_exts[] = { "mkv", "mka", NULL };
26.2580 - static gchar *mve_exts[] = { "mve", NULL };
26.2581 - static gchar *dv_exts[] = { "dv", "dif", NULL };
26.2582 - static gchar *amr_exts[] = { "amr", NULL };
26.2583 - static gchar *ilbc_exts[] = { "ilbc", NULL };
26.2584 - static gchar *sid_exts[] = { "sid", NULL };
26.2585 - static gchar *xcf_exts[] = { "xcf", NULL };
26.2586 - static gchar *mng_exts[] = { "mng", NULL };
26.2587 - static gchar *jng_exts[] = { "jng", NULL };
26.2588 - static gchar *xpm_exts[] = { "xpm", NULL };
26.2589 - static gchar *ras_exts[] = { "ras", NULL };
26.2590 - static gchar *bz2_exts[] = { "bz2", NULL };
26.2591 - static gchar *gz_exts[] = { "gz", NULL };
26.2592 - static gchar *zip_exts[] = { "zip", NULL };
26.2593 - static gchar *compress_exts[] = { "Z", NULL };
26.2594 - static gchar *m4a_exts[] = { "m4a", NULL };
26.2595 - static gchar *q3gp_exts[] = { "3gp", NULL };
26.2596 - static gchar *aac_exts[] = { "aac", NULL };
26.2597 - static gchar *spc_exts[] = { "spc", NULL };
26.2598 - static gchar *wavpack_exts[] = { "wv", "wvp", NULL };
26.2599 - static gchar *wavpack_correction_exts[] = { "wvc", NULL };
26.2600 - static gchar *rar_exts[] = { "rar", NULL };
26.2601 - static gchar *tar_exts[] = { "tar", NULL };
26.2602 - static gchar *ar_exts[] = { "a", NULL };
26.2603 - static gchar *msdos_exts[] = { "dll", "exe", "ocx", "sys", "scr",
26.2604 - "msstyles", "cpl", NULL
26.2605 - };
26.2606 - static gchar *flv_exts[] = { "flv", NULL };
26.2607 - static gchar *m4v_exts[] = { "m4v", NULL };
26.2608 - static gchar *nuv_exts[] = { "nuv", NULL };
26.2609 -
26.2610 - GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (type_find_debug, "typefindfunctions",
26.2611 - GST_DEBUG_FG_GREEN | GST_DEBUG_BG_RED, "generic type find functions");
26.2612 -
26.2613 - /* must use strings, macros don't accept initializers */
26.2614 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "video/x-ms-asf", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2615 - asf_exts,
26.2616 - "\060\046\262\165\216\146\317\021\246\331\000\252\000\142\316\154", 16,
26.2618 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-musepack", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2619 - musepack_type_find, musepack_exts, MUSEPACK_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2620 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-au", GST_RANK_MARGINAL,
26.2621 - au_type_find, au_exts, AU_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2622 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_RIFF (plugin, "video/x-msvideo", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2623 - avi_exts, "AVI ");
26.2624 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_RIFF (plugin, "video/x-cdxa", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2625 - cdxa_exts, "CDXA");
26.2626 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "video/x-vcd", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2627 - cdxa_exts, "\000\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\000", 12,
26.2629 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "audio/x-flac", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2630 - flac_exts, "fLaC", 4, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2631 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/x-fli", GST_RANK_MARGINAL, flx_type_find,
26.2632 - flx_exts, FLX_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2633 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-id3v2", GST_RANK_PRIMARY + 3,
26.2634 - id3v2_type_find, id3_exts, ID3_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2635 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-id3v1", GST_RANK_PRIMARY + 1,
26.2636 - id3v1_type_find, id3_exts, ID3_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2637 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-apetag", GST_RANK_PRIMARY + 2,
26.2638 - apetag_type_find, apetag_exts, APETAG_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2639 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-ttafile", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2640 - tta_type_find, tta_exts, TTA_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2641 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-mod", GST_RANK_SECONDARY, mod_type_find,
26.2642 - mod_exts, MOD_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2643 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/mpeg", GST_RANK_PRIMARY, mp3_type_find,
26.2644 - mp3_exts, MP3_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2645 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-ac3", GST_RANK_PRIMARY, ac3_type_find,
26.2646 - ac3_exts, AC3_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2647 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/mpeg1", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2648 - mpeg1_sys_type_find, mpeg_sys_exts, MPEG_SYS_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2649 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/mpeg2", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2650 - mpeg2_sys_type_find, mpeg_sys_exts, MPEG_SYS_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2651 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/mpegts", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2652 - mpeg_ts_type_find, mpeg_ts_exts, MPEGTS_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2653 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/ogg", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2654 - ogganx_type_find, ogg_exts, OGGANX_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2655 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/mpeg", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2656 - mpeg_video_type_find, mpeg_video_exts, MPEG_VIDEO_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2657 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/mpeg-stream", GST_RANK_MARGINAL,
26.2658 - mpeg_video_stream_type_find, mpeg_video_exts, MPEG_VIDEO_CAPS, NULL,
26.2659 - NULL);
26.2660 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/mpeg4", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2661 - mpeg4_video_type_find, m4v_exts, MPEG_VIDEO_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2662 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/x-nuv", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2663 - nuv_type_find, nuv_exts, NUV_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2664 -
26.2665 - /* ISO formats */
26.2666 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-m4a", GST_RANK_PRIMARY, m4a_type_find,
26.2667 - m4a_exts, M4A_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2668 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-3gp", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2669 - q3gp_type_find, q3gp_exts, Q3GP_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2670 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/quicktime", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2671 - qt_type_find, qt_exts, QT_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2672 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "image/x-quicktime", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2673 - qtif_type_find, qtif_exts, QTIF_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2674 -
26.2675 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "text/html", GST_RANK_SECONDARY, html_type_find,
26.2676 - html_exts, HTML_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2677 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "application/vnd.rn-realmedia",
26.2679 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "application/x-pn-realaudio",
26.2680 - GST_RANK_SECONDARY, rm_exts, ".ra\375", 4, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2681 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-shockwave-flash",
26.2682 - GST_RANK_SECONDARY, swf_type_find, swf_exts, SWF_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2683 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "video/x-flv", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2684 - flv_exts, "FLV", 3, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2685 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "text/plain", GST_RANK_MARGINAL, utf8_type_find,
26.2686 - utf8_exts, UTF8_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2687 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "text/uri-list", GST_RANK_MARGINAL, uri_type_find,
26.2688 - uri_exts, URI_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2689 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/smil", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2690 - smil_type_find, smil_exts, SMIL_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2691 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/xml", GST_RANK_MARGINAL,
26.2692 - xml_type_find, xml_exts, GENERIC_XML_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2693 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_RIFF (plugin, "audio/x-wav", GST_RANK_PRIMARY, wav_exts,
26.2694 - "WAVE");
26.2695 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-aiff", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2696 - aiff_type_find, aiff_exts, AIFF_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2697 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-svx", GST_RANK_SECONDARY, svx_type_find,
26.2698 - svx_exts, SVX_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2699 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-paris", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2700 - paris_type_find, paris_exts, PARIS_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2701 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "audio/x-nist", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2702 - nist_exts, "NIST", 4, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2703 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "audio/x-voc", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2704 - voc_exts, "Creative", 8, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2705 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-sds", GST_RANK_SECONDARY, sds_type_find,
26.2706 - sds_exts, SDS_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2707 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-ircam", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2708 - ircam_type_find, ircam_exts, IRCAM_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2709 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "audio/x-w64", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2710 - w64_exts, "riff", 4, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2711 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-shorten", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2712 - shn_type_find, shn_exts, SHN_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2713 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-ape", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2714 - ape_type_find, ape_exts, APE_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2715 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "image/jpeg", GST_RANK_PRIMARY, jpeg_type_find,
26.2716 - jpeg_exts, JPEG_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2717 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "image/gif", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2718 - gif_exts, "GIF8", 4, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2719 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "image/png", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2720 - png_exts, "\211PNG\015\012\032\012", 8, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2721 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "image/bmp", GST_RANK_PRIMARY, bmp_type_find,
26.2722 - bmp_exts, BMP_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2723 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "image/tiff", GST_RANK_PRIMARY, tiff_type_find,
26.2724 - tiff_exts, TIFF_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2725 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/x-matroska", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2726 - matroska_type_find, matroska_exts, MATROSKA_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2727 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "video/x-mve", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2728 - mve_exts, "Interplay MVE File\032\000\032\000\000\001\063\021", 26,
26.2730 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/x-dv", GST_RANK_SECONDARY, dv_type_find,
26.2731 - dv_exts, DV_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2732 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "audio/x-amr-nb-sh", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2733 - amr_exts, "#!AMR", 5, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY);
26.2734 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "audio/x-amr-wb-sh", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2735 - amr_exts, "#!AMR-WB", 7, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2736 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/iLBC-sh", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2737 - ilbc_type_find, ilbc_exts, ILBC_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2738 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "audio/x-sid", GST_RANK_MARGINAL,
26.2739 - sid_exts, "PSID", 4, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2740 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "image/x-xcf", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2741 - xcf_exts, "gimp xcf", 8, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2742 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "video/x-mng", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2743 - mng_exts, "\212MNG\015\012\032\012", 8, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2744 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "image/x-jng", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2745 - jng_exts, "\213JNG\015\012\032\012", 8, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2746 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "image/x-xpixmap", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2747 - xpm_exts, "/* XPM */", 9, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2748 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "image/x-sun-raster",
26.2749 - GST_RANK_SECONDARY, ras_exts, "\131\246\152\225", 4,
26.2751 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "application/x-bzip",
26.2752 - GST_RANK_SECONDARY, bz2_exts, "BZh", 3, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY);
26.2753 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "application/x-gzip",
26.2754 - GST_RANK_SECONDARY, gz_exts, "\037\213", 2, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY);
26.2755 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "application/zip", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2756 - zip_exts, "PK\003\004", 4, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY);
26.2757 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "application/x-compress",
26.2758 - GST_RANK_SECONDARY, compress_exts, "\037\235", 2, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY);
26.2759 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-vorbis", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2760 - vorbis_type_find, NULL, VORBIS_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2761 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "video/x-theora", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2762 - theora_type_find, NULL, THEORA_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2763 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-ogm-video", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2764 - ogmvideo_type_find, NULL, OGMVIDEO_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2765 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-ogm-audio", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2766 - ogmaudio_type_find, NULL, OGMAUDIO_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2767 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-ogm-text", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2768 - ogmtext_type_find, NULL, OGMTEXT_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2769 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-speex", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2770 - speex_type_find, NULL, SPEEX_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2771 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-ogg-skeleton", GST_RANK_PRIMARY,
26.2772 - oggskel_type_find, NULL, OGG_SKELETON_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2773 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "text/x-cmml", GST_RANK_PRIMARY, cmml_type_find,
26.2775 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "application/x-executable",
26.2777 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "adts_mpeg_stream", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2778 - aac_type_find, aac_exts, AAC_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2779 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "audio/x-spc", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2780 - spc_exts, "SNES-SPC700 Sound File Data", 27, GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM);
26.2781 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-wavpack", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2782 - wavpack_type_find, wavpack_exts, WAVPACK_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2783 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "audio/x-wavpack-correction", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2784 - wavpack_type_find, wavpack_correction_exts, WAVPACK_CORRECTION_CAPS, NULL,
26.2785 - NULL);
26.2786 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "application/x-rar",
26.2787 - GST_RANK_SECONDARY, rar_exts, "Rar!", 4, GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY);
26.2788 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-tar", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2789 - tar_type_find, tar_exts, TAR_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2790 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-ar", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2791 - ar_type_find, ar_exts, AR_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2792 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-ms-dos-executable",
26.2793 - GST_RANK_SECONDARY, msdos_type_find, msdos_exts, MSDOS_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2794 -#if 0
26.2795 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "video/x-dirac",
26.2797 -#endif
26.2798 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER_START_WITH (plugin, "video/x-dirac",
26.2800 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "multipart/x-mixed-replace", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2801 - multipart_type_find, NULL, MULTIPART_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2802 - TYPE_FIND_REGISTER (plugin, "application/x-mmsh", GST_RANK_SECONDARY,
26.2803 - mmsh_type_find, NULL, MMSH_CAPS, NULL, NULL);
26.2804 - return TRUE;
26.2805 -}
26.2806 -
26.2809 - "typefindfunctions",
26.2810 - "default typefind functions",
26.2811 - plugin_init, VERSION, "LGPL", "GStreamer Base Plug-ins CVS/prerelease", "Gstreamer CVS")