[svn r426] Put more DOxygen documentation. trunk
Tue Mar 20 21:50:24 2007 +0000 (2007-03-20)
changeset 421d04e08f9893a
parent 420 c1601c03cc78
child 422 fc0a5721cd04
[svn r426] Put more DOxygen documentation.
     1.1 --- a/gmyth/src/gmyth_backendinfo.c	Tue Mar 20 21:23:58 2007 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/gmyth/src/gmyth_backendinfo.c	Tue Mar 20 21:50:24 2007 +0000
     1.3 @@ -93,7 +93,8 @@
     1.4      G_OBJECT_CLASS (gmyth_backend_info_parent_class)->finalize (object);
     1.5  }
     1.7 -/** Creates a new instance of GMythBackendInfo.
     1.8 +/** 
     1.9 + * Creates a new instance of GMythBackendInfo.
    1.10   * 
    1.11   * @return a new instance of GMythBackendInfo.
    1.12   */
    1.13 @@ -106,6 +107,18 @@
    1.14      return backend_info;
    1.15  }
    1.17 +/** 
    1.18 + * Creates a new instance of GMythBackendInfo, based on a given set of 
    1.19 + * configuration parameters.
    1.20 + * 
    1.21 + * @param hostname The hostname to the MythTV backend server.
    1.22 + * @param username The user name to the MythTV backend MySQL server.
    1.23 + * @param password The password to the user of the MythTV backend MySQL server.
    1.24 + * @param db_name The database name of the MythTV backend, stored on the MySQL server.
    1.25 + * @param port The port number of the MythTV backend server (commonly is 6543).
    1.26 + * 
    1.27 + * @return a new instance of GMythBackendInfo.
    1.28 + */
    1.29  GMythBackendInfo*
    1.30  gmyth_backend_info_new_full (const gchar *hostname, const gchar *username,
    1.31  	const gchar *password, const gchar *db_name, gint port)
    1.32 @@ -122,6 +135,14 @@
    1.33      return backend_info;
    1.34  }
    1.36 +/** 
    1.37 + * Creates a new instance of GMythBackendInfo, based on the 
    1.38 + * MythTV's backend server URI string.
    1.39 + * 
    1.40 + * @param uri_str The URI string pointing to the MythTV backend server.
    1.41 + * 
    1.42 + * @return a new instance of GMythBackendInfo.
    1.43 + */
    1.44  GMythBackendInfo*
    1.45  gmyth_backend_info_new_with_uri ( const gchar *uri_str )
    1.46  {
    1.47 @@ -248,6 +269,14 @@
    1.48      return backend_info->port;
    1.49  }
    1.51 +/** 
    1.52 + * Creates a new instance of GMythURI, based on the GMythBackendInfo instance to the 
    1.53 + * MythTV's backend server.
    1.54 + * 
    1.55 + * @param backend_info The GMythBackendInfo instance.
    1.56 + * 
    1.57 + * @return an instance of GMythURI, created from a GMythBackendInfo.
    1.58 + */
    1.59  GMythURI*
    1.60  gmyth_backend_info_get_uri (GMythBackendInfo *backend_info)
    1.61  {
     2.1 --- a/gmyth/src/gmyth_uri.c	Tue Mar 20 21:23:58 2007 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/gmyth/src/gmyth_uri.c	Tue Mar 20 21:50:24 2007 +0000
     2.3 @@ -380,6 +380,14 @@
     2.5  }
     2.7 +/** 
     2.8 + * Compares 2 URI instances, and checks them for equality.
     2.9 + * 
    2.10 + * @param uri The first GMythURI instance for comparison.
    2.11 + * @param uri The second GMythURI instance for comparison.
    2.12 + * 
    2.13 + * @return <code>true</code>, if these two URI instances are equals.
    2.14 + */
    2.15  gboolean
    2.16  gmyth_uri_is_equals( GMythURI* uri1, GMythURI* uri2 )
    2.17  {
    2.18 @@ -387,6 +395,13 @@
    2.19  				gmyth_uri_get_port( uri1 ) == gmyth_uri_get_port( uri2 ) );
    2.20  }
    2.22 +/** 
    2.23 + * Checks if the URI instance represents a LiveTV recording.
    2.24 + * 
    2.25 + * @param uri The GMythURI instance.
    2.26 + * 
    2.27 + * @return <code>true</code>, if the URI points to LiveTV content.
    2.28 + */
    2.29  gboolean
    2.30  gmyth_uri_is_livetv( GMythURI* uri )
    2.31  {
    2.32 @@ -409,7 +424,8 @@
    2.33   * 
    2.34   * @param uri The GMythURI instance.
    2.35   * 
    2.36 - * @return The channel name, got from the substring "?channel=[channel_name]".
    2.37 + * @return The channel name, got from the substring "?channel=[channel_name]"
    2.38 + * 				 of the URI string.
    2.39   */
    2.40  gchar*
    2.41  gmyth_uri_get_channel_name( GMythURI* uri )
    2.42 @@ -422,8 +438,6 @@
    2.44  	if ( channel_query != NULL )
    2.45  	{
    2.46 -		gmyth_debug( "TV Channel is in the following URI segment: %s", channel_query );
    2.47 -		
    2.48  		gchar **chan_key_value = g_strsplit( gmyth_uri_get_query( uri ), "=", 2 );
    2.50  		/* gmyth_debug( "Channel tuple is [ %s, %s ]", chan_key_value[0], chan_key_value[1] ); */
    2.51 @@ -443,6 +457,14 @@
    2.53  }
    2.55 +/** 
    2.56 + * Gets the channel number from a URI instance.
    2.57 + * 
    2.58 + * @param uri The GMythURI instance.
    2.59 + * 
    2.60 + * @return The channel number, got from the substring "?channel=[channel_number]"
    2.61 + * 				 of the URI string, or <code>-1</code> it if couldn't be converted.
    2.62 + */
    2.63  gint
    2.64  gmyth_uri_get_channel_num( GMythURI* uri )
    2.65  {