2007-05-15 morphbr [svn r657] * GMyth-Streamer trunk
2007-05-14 melunko [svn r656] Added gmyth_ls application to list recorded programs and livetv channels trunk
2007-05-14 melunko [svn r655] removed tests/gmyth_test_stringlist.o trunk
2007-05-14 melunko [svn r654] removed some debug message trunk
2007-05-14 rosfran [svn r653] Some new tests: stringlist and LiveTV Monitor Handler. trunk
2007-05-14 morphbr [svn r652] * GMyth-Streamer trunk
2007-05-11 renatofilho [svn r651] fixed test program trunk
2007-05-11 renatofilho [svn r650] created test program trunk
2007-05-10 renatofilho [svn r649] gmythuri is livetv fixed trunk
2007-05-10 renatofilho [svn r648] fixed bug on get file info trunk
2007-05-10 rosfran [svn r647] Added verification on if the indent tool could be found. trunk
2007-05-09 rosfran [svn r646] Added test and verifies for the installed tools. trunk
2007-05-09 rosfran [svn r645] Added checkings to the Gnu coverage and profiling tools. trunk
2007-05-08 morphbr [svn r644] * GMyth-Streamer: trunk
2007-05-08 rosfran [svn r643] Added test to file local transfers, livetv common error setups, and program info utility functions. trunk
2007-05-08 melunko [svn r642] Included possible dependency to libmysqlclient15off package trunk
2007-05-08 melunko [svn r641] Added debian/gmyth-utils.install trunk
2007-05-08 renatofilho [svn r640] removed multi files support trunk
2007-05-08 melunko [svn r639] Added creation of package gmyth-utils containing gmyth-cat application trunk
2007-05-07 rosfran [svn r638] Added indent task to the base gmyth directory. trunk
2007-05-07 rosfran [svn r637] Added automake task to auto-indent all the source files. trunk
2007-05-07 morphbr [svn r636] * GMyth-Streamer trunk
2007-05-04 renatofilho [svn r635] fixed makefile trunk
2007-05-04 morphbr [svn r634] * GMyth-Streamer trunk
2007-05-03 melunko [svn r633] Fixed gmyth_epg_disconnect() function trunk
2007-05-03 rosfran [svn r632] Added new LiveTV test case. trunk
2007-05-03 melunko [svn r631] Added missing gmyth_query_disconnect () call into gmyth_epg_disconnect() trunk
2007-05-03 rosfran [svn r630] Remove some useless files generated by GCOV. trunk
2007-05-03 rosfran [svn r629] Added new libtool compatibility parameter to the genhtml. trunk
2007-05-03 renatofilho [svn r628] fixed samples makefile trunk
2007-05-02 renatofilho [svn r627] fixed build trunk
2007-05-02 renatofilho [svn r626] trunk
2007-05-02 renatofilho [svn r625] workaround for support play on osso player trunk
2007-05-02 rosfran [svn r624] Allows to use some new arguments in the lcov tool. trunk
2007-05-01 renatofilho [svn r623] fixed bug for accept another mux elements trunk
2007-05-01 renatofilho [svn r622] fixed bug on setup function assignature trunk
2007-05-01 renatofilho [svn r621] added test file trunk
2007-05-01 renatofilho [svn r620] changed the multipart name to concat trunk
2007-05-01 renatofilho [svn r619] moved to gst-gmyth trunk
2007-05-01 renatofilho [svn r618] moved to gst-gmyth trunk
2007-05-01 renatofilho [svn r617] create concatmux package; fixed debian scripts trunk
2007-05-01 renatofilho [svn r616] added m4 macros trunk
2007-05-01 renatofilho [svn r615] added concat element trunk
2007-05-01 renatofilho [svn r614] created dir for gstreamer plugins trunk
2007-04-30 renatofilho [svn r613] updated debian scripts for append info on osso media player desktop file trunk
2007-04-30 rosfran [svn r612] Optimizations - doesn't need to call all the time the URI functions to see if is a LiveTV, and if it is a local file URI. trunk
2007-04-30 morphbr [svn r611] * GMyth-Streamer trunk
2007-04-30 rosfran [svn r610] Changed some INCLUDES in the test scripts, added another test case. trunk
2007-04-27 rosfran [svn r609] Fixed some bugs with the coverage report HTML generation on [gmyth]/tests/coverage/ directory. trunk
2007-04-26 renatofilho [svn r608] fixed bugs on gmencoder trunk
2007-04-26 rosfran [svn r607] Added some features to the regression tests. trunk
2007-04-26 renatofilho [svn r606] added suport for multiple files trunk
2007-04-26 melunko [svn r605] added livetv support to gmyth-cat trunk
2007-04-26 rosfran [svn r604] Generate coverage reports using lcov. trunk
2007-04-26 rosfran [svn r603] Uses Valgrind and Mudflap, to create cover tests, and make performance reports. trunk
2007-04-25 rosfran [svn r602] Test scripts variable clean-up. trunk
2007-04-25 morphbr [svn r601] * GMyth-Streamer trunk
2007-04-25 rosfran [svn r600] Added clean-up code to the GMyth test cases. trunk
2007-04-25 rosfran [svn r599] Automated test scripts in Python (it will runs over gcov, and generate reports on GMyth library running). trunk
2007-04-24 melunko [svn r598] changed ScheduleInfo attribute from record_id to schedule_id trunk